Reminder that Twitchers/Streamers/Tubers don't actually help your game in sales
Reminder that Twitchers/Streamers/Tubers don't actually help your game in sales
anyone remember The Culling? lel
Who wasted their time putting this piece of shit together?
Of course nobody needed to buy sophies choice if they saw a let's play.
Different story with Rimworld or 7DaysToDie or something
wow it's almost like movie games can be consumed fully by just watching them
because lets players are the new commercials, but commercials dont guarantee sales.
One day maybe we'll finally get rid of the fucking advertising mafia that tries to control all content.
>Niche genre does poorly despite advertising.
Your argument has so many flaws it is laughable. First of all, what were the internal projected sales? If those numbers were met, it was a success by the developer/publisher's own metric and expectations. Second, it is a niche game. Not everyone likes horror but they like seeing people react to the scary parts. Next, just because it got a lot of views does not mean the game is good. The let's player might even express they dislike the game or that it is flat out bad. By your example, video game trailers on YouTube are the same as streamers in that the exposure in that market is equal across content types. Finally, YouTube counts a video as "viewed" after only a few seconds, about 3, I believe. Most people do not finish videos they click on.
Exposure through let's players is as volatile as traditional advertising. Thousands of people might drive by a billboard but only a few people might be influenced by it to make a purchase. Does that mean they should not invest in billboards? Why make video game trailers if not all 1 million people who clicked on it bought it? You are tapping into potential customers for relatively low costs by giving away copies to streamers. It does work.
This is such a good reply I'll make sure to copy paste it for the next five billion times OP makes this thread.
>shit game doesn't sell despite massive advertisement
>this means that advertisement in general doesn't work
Wow, you're the stupidest motherfucker ever.
>forty copies of the same thread with the exact same image and opening post
That should be worth a permaban DESU.
Yeah it sucks with how it crashed and burned because combat was too hard for babies
>shit game is played on stream
>everyone laughs at how bad it is
>somehow doesn't sell
Colour me surprised
>29,230 vs 23,399
Sounds to me like the let's play resulted in more sales
It is really a stupid criticism that streamers are somehow so potent an advertising platform/medium that they alone can push a game's sales into the millions. Trailers are for people who watch TV and go online. Print ads are for people who read magazines. Billboards and bus signs are for a more general and less specified audience. Streamers fall into that category as well. The level of ignorance and cognitive bias is ridiculous. The OP is so butt blasted by streamers he does not watch that he feels the need to make emotional arguments to validate his opinion. Talking about reasons you dislike streamers or video game personalities is one thing, especially when dealing in personal preference. But to try and present your argument with a false objectivity based on data that lies through omission, this is a problem you see a lot nowadays. If this is a repeated thread it is probably a bot or something. There is not merit in the argument.
That's an interesting example OP, but that doesn't win an argument. Just look at PUBG.
It's almost like the importance of advertising is overblown by people who make money from advertisements.
Want to know the best part? Not only does he do that with this thread, he does it with a billion others.
That game is ass
they do help sell games but your game needs to be good, if someone sees a game that looks like shit they aren't going to buy it
Mods already ban this faggot a lot of times, but he just ban evades
This makes no sense. If advertising didn't turn a profit, no one would do it, as advertising itself is expensive.
Would it have sold anywhere near that if the streamers werent shilling it?
This was debunked the last time you made this thread. Go away.
Pubg pretty much killed it for good.
Reminder that EA had to print more skate 3 copies after pewdipie made a vĂdeo about it.
>eceleb audiences realize that a one trick pony jumpscare horror game isn't worth a cent
Based children
>check out this factual image
>what's wrong with a sample size of 2?