ITT: Games everyone seems to like but you justcan't get into

ITT: Games everyone seems to like but you justcan't get into.

Halo for me. I always thought it was just a mediocre shooter.

>Halo for me. I always thought it was just a mediocre shooter.

Because that's what it is. It was big for console players because it had some story and LAN multiplayer.


dark souls. just boring as fuck. after the game i had no interest in the world at all.

Deus Ex

Dota 2.
I wanted to get into it since it seems like a great time waster, but not only is the point and click control scheme not really fun to play, the fact that you need friends is an even bigger turn off, since I'm not very social.
Shame, I'll never get called a cyka now.

But everyone was raving about how it revolutionized the genre and was the best shooter since Doom, and the reason to get an Xbox.

Same here, but i loved Bloodborne

>But everyone was raving about how it revolutionized the genre
console games generally are behind PC by 5-10 years. it looking like that gap is going to grow bigger as VR and home built computer culture takes root.

jrpgs in general

fighting games / assfaggots

neither are very fun or interesting until you get 1000 hours into it

The Persona series.

Witcher 3.

It was alright on the first attempt, but I managed to find it less fun than Skyrim.

Second? An utter bore.

visual novels
waste of time

No one gives a shit about VR anymore, it’s a gimmick that will die out soon just like waggle controls. I’m honestly embarrassed if you invest money including this shit that has no games (i mean, unless you include bethesdashit as games)

Its like a book, but instead of"...said Lycia with a smile"or telling for 2 fucking pages how a park looks you can actually ser it.
Plus, choosing options or routes is fun.

Resident Evil 4

It took three attempts for me to get out of the village section. And then I got bored with the castle shit right away. Then I heard the village was the best part of the game and turned it off because nothing else was worth playing if that was the case.


it's a fucking gigantic deathmatch game where you spend most of the time looting and managing your inventory - WHOOP DEE DOO

puzzle games like opus magnum, spacechem
sandbox games, garrys mod, besieged, space engineers, KSP(only ever launched a station and then did a dock with it)
fighting games
simulator games(truck, farm, train etc)

I think it's the restricting play area that gives it its appeal.

with DLC or not?

Nier Automata

my first taro game, didn't really care for the story or characters, and everything else feels just... cheap, from graphics, gameplay and combat are just below any other platinum game
music is ok though

Dragon's Dogma
everything outside of combat is laughably bad, quests, story, characters, world building etc.. etc..

I agree, that's why the expansion is so much better as it's mostly dungeon crawling.


Nah it's being adopted by porn and work places vr won't ever die

Anything with turn based combat

Witcher 3, really shitty combat and copy pasted quests. Really well built and interesting world though.

Nier automata
What fucking boring gay shit garbage
Hard to believe some of you chimps rate it as your goty

Ratchet and Clank, Unchartered, GTA, COD, any beat 'em up

Not much revolutionized but it did something different, most FPS at time of it release are just doom clones or Half-life mods.

There were other FPS with large open spaces at the time, but they didn't really took off. Halo is also one of the perpetrators of moving the industry into the spotlight.

They said that about motion controls, but more probably than not it would not be in any way be widespread.

>everyone seems to like


It was a mediocre shooter.


>motion controls


Halo's singleplayer can only be properly appreciated on Legendary or Heroic difficulty. Halo is a game explicitly built around checkpoints, and a game, that basically goes like "WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU'LL HAVE TO DO IN ORDER TO GET TO THE NEXT CHECKPOINT ALIVE, IT'S YOUR OWN GODDAMN PROBLEM". You need to experiment, to learn mechanic, to adapt to the configuration of each new arena, while also keeping in mind what you already have (in terms of health - for those games which had health - allies, weapon loadout, vehicles, etc.). Basically, for each new arena you have to reinvent your strategy, because on each new arena the solutions you've found for the previous arena don't really work out of the box, without heavy modifications. Basically, Halo's SP is a thinking man's shooter, it gives you the tools, it gives you the problem (get to the end of this arena alive using what you can) - and it's, just, "Bon voyage". The whole point of those games (well, Bungie's ones, at least) is adequate estimation of your abilities (which are most explicitly expressed via shield, and more implicitly - by what you have at the start of the checkpoint - and which explicitly contrasted with how Chief is treated like semi-immortal superhero by everyone - which, as you'll very quickly learn on higher difficulties, he is very much not) and, well, not trying to jump across a wider chasm, so to speak, than you are capable of. Also, EXTREMELY good mechanics in the sense that they are not really readily cheeseable in a game that's basically built the way that basically invites cheesing.

Also, Far Cry 1 on Realistic difficulty has a very similar concept, and is arguable as good as any Bungie's Halo is in terms of its singleplayer. Although, being built primarily around hitscan guns and conventional FPS armor instead of shieldregen, it's a game about minimizing risk first and foremost, not about estimation of your powers, as Halo-s are.

>wont ever die
come on user keep up

Also, as a checkpoint-based shooter, Pathways into Darkness, made by Bungie's founders, is pretty much direct Halo progenitor (Marathons are more of a sidestep, an attempt to do a "non-Doom").

Halo is just slow unreal/quake with regen health and floaty movement.

And vehicles

1 is pretty mediocre, but 2 and 3 improved upon it a lot.

Horizon Zero Dawn, the game is practically pre-ACO Ubisoft style open world. I tried, I really did but meh.

It's the robo-dinosaurs that set it apart from just another open world game and i hate that you fight humans so often

Xenoblade 2 on Switch. Its basically a single player offline MMO with lots of anime influence. It's about as fun as playing a real MMO solo.

Hl2 is the same, but everyone start raging about it as soon as you mention it

Try brain-dead hots, it's a bliss

Motion controls are just impractical, vr gives you some new perspective and don't mutilate controls

Final fantasy
Dark souls
Monster hunter

>OP's face when he starts realizing taste is actually subjective

I never denied that

Pillars of eternity,story and characters seemed fun,but the combat killed it for me,felt so clunky and tedious

Dark Souls / Bloodborne, tried so many times to force myself through them. They're just not that good, boring and repetitive.

>tfw i bought a PS4 for Bloodborne but didn't like it
At least i can watch Blade Runner on Blueray now.

Then what the fuck do you like

Borderlands, everything. Such a boring fucking game.

mass effect (never played the sequels)
borderlands series
mediocre mainstream time wasters

Yur mums cunt

Agree on the borderlands. Disgusting art style too

FPS and yakuza

Persona 3

I get why people love the game and have alot of nostalgia about it, but the plot so far is very annoying and so its the gameplay.


This. The absolute shit bamham combat just destroys any interest I had in the admittedly interesting world, lore and characters. SAD

Let's not forget the spidy senses that make all quests easy as fuck

Got to be Monster Hunter..dont get why anyone is hype at all about the new one



It's called having good taste and liking videogames.