I want a comfy horror game for christmas, which should I get lads?

I want a comfy horror game for christmas, which should I get lads?

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If you have played and finished TEW get TWE 2 it wraps it up nicely and is actually a good game.

Resident Evil 7 isn't bad either but you need a decent PC to fully appreciate it.

As far as comfyness goes Res7 has it's moments but TWE2 is enjoyable all the way through.

It'll be on PS4, and I have TEW but haven't finished it. Haven't played much RE before. Does that change anything?

outlast 2

If you're looking for a Resident Evil game, ironically Evil Within 2 is closer in tone then RE7. TEW2 is good but I don't know if I recommend it.

TEW2 is not horror

Whatever you do dont pick this trash.

my experience with fps on consoles isn't great, and TEW2 won't make too much sense or you wont fully appreciate it if you haven't finished TEW1.

If you don't plan on going back and finishing it go with Res7

unreal engine is shit

The writing sure is horrible

Wraps up Sebastian's story, but the ending of 2 is almost certainly designed to allow for a 3rd game.

Evil Within 2 is longer, more action oriented and closer to what you would expect of a AAA horror story game. RE7 doesn't make any sense, has bad action gameplay when you do get it, but it's much scarier. If you're in it just for the spooks, RE7. If you want a spooky adventure Evil Within 2.

Do not get TEW2. It is a terrible game made by someone who doesn’t understand how to design a game. It’s not a horror game. It’s a tediously slow stealth game and you have to play stealth because it’s actually impossible to not get hit unless you bought a perk that lets you dodge moves 20% of the time.

It’s story is told horribly and retcons and has little to do with the first.

RE7 isn’t the best, but it’s a far superior game to TEW2 and I would recommend it. Plus it should be cheaper at this point.

Doki Doki literature club

Its honestly a hard choice since both games are frankly some of the most fun I had this year.

I think it comes down to this.
Do you want either a tightly focused but short experience cram packed with detail and fun and scary monents like RE7?

Or do you want a long content packed game filled with fantastic exploration and full of fun little moments that keep the game fresh and fun all the way to the end like TEW2?

TEW2 is better than RE7

>RE7 doesn't make any sense

Different guy, what about it didn't make sense?

>Do not get TEW2. It is a terrible game made by someone who doesn’t understand how to design a game. It’s not a horror game. It’s a tediously slow stealth game and you have to play stealth because it’s actually impossible to not get hit unless you bought a perk that lets you dodge moves 20% of the time.
>It’s story is told horribly and retcons and has little to do with the first.
None of what you said is even true.

Like I said OP get TEW2 is you plan on finishing TEW1 otherwise get Res7

>TEW2 is a good game

The graphics are on par with modern games. Nothing else is good about it.

>you wont fully appreciate it if you haven't finished TEW1
"it was all a dream main character was heaving while stuck in a brain wizard's evil brain. Also Umbrella is involved"
That's all anyone needs to know about TEW1.

Don’t get EW2 unless it’s on sale, even then only play it on nightmare mode so it’s at least somewhat challenging and resembles a survival horror game.

RE7 is the scariest game I've played since Alien Isolation.
Plus its legit fun and has almost everything that made the classic RE games so great.
I would get it since Gold Edition should be out now and it has all the DLC.

How it seems to be a reboot of the franchise, than a continuation. Time line doesn't make sense, the new Chris doesn't make sense, why are the family infected when the first virus was from leeches in canon. If they wanted to reboot, then there was no need to bring in umbrella, chris and previous lore. Should have just kept it a mystery and used an invented sickness as a substitute for the virus.

For actual horror? I'd say RE7 or Outlast 2. Both should be pretty cheap. TEW2 is not horror and it's significantly more cheesy in overall dialogue. youtube.com/watch?v=zigTx34rpsw Your mileage may vary but Sebastion version 2 is terrible and the plot really shoves the importance of your daughter in your face with every step. Aesthetically, the game has some great highs with photoman and some of the final parts of the game. Higher difficulties require more stealth which was annoying to me but it may be what you like if you like sneaking around and giving surprise lobotomies.

Plots closer to the inception of the matrix by Umbrella Corp tm
Matrix is powered by psychopath brain
You’re sent in to stop psychopath so umbrella can put in a more controllable brain the power it

so the dlc is worth it?

Christ do not get Outlast 2 its fucking shit and hardly even a game.
Say what every you want about RE7 or TEW2 but at least their fucking games.

Ehh, seeing what the protagonist went through in TEW1 does lend some additional credibility to how tired he seems in 2, because he emotes a lot more in this game.

I just said gold edition is out and that has all the DLCs on it.
If you want the full experience I see no real reason not to get Gold Edition.

They're both shit. Play Silent Hill 1-3.

It's not a reboot. What made you think that? This might clarify things: residentevil.wikia.com/wiki/Blue_Umbrella

Evil Within 2 is dull as fuck, makes Evil Within 1 look like your childhood trauma in comparison. Every attempt to scare you is laughable, any "atmospheric" section is equally laughable.

What are you talking about, this isn’t the first infection, did you play the game?

TEW2 is my personal GotY, but I'm a sucker for RE4-likes. You ought to play both of these games eventually though..

take into account RE shills are in full force now that the new DLC has debuted

So when does the events of RE7 take place? The link you posted said Blue Umbrellas were formed in 2007, but the events of RE 5 take place in the mid 2000's. The car the father gets into, the house, furniture, tvs, radios and technology are from the 70's. There's no space in the RE time line for RE 7 to take place. Revelations takes place after RE 4, but before RE 5. RE 6 takes place in the not too far future, so that means RE 7 would be placed in the space between RE 5 and Revelations, but Chris was already part of an organization, which he didn't leave if what they told us is true.

I watched a Let's Play of it. Didn't and still don't trust RE to spend more than $20 on their games since RE 5.

I can't believe Outlast 2 fans exist.
I loved the first game and the DLC but their is nothing good about Outlast 2 its the worst game I've played all year.

>Outlast 2 its the worst game I've played all year.
you know you have played shits a lot bigger than Outlast 2
cut the crap

It takes place after RE6 where are you getting your information from?

Evil Within 2
It's a bigger game, some interesting mechanics, cool story and a some good replayability.
RE7 is good too, but lack some content, the DLC kinda helps, but not so much.

No legit this year has been such a good year for games but Outlast 2 I hated,
Their is no worse game this year I've played and I played a lot of games.
Theirs just nothing good about Outlast 2 even the graphics arn't that amazing.

It takes place in 2017, just like almost every mainline RE game takes place in the year that it releases. There are newspapers and shit with dates all over the place in the game. You really didn't pay much attention, did you?

Pick up Until Dawn as well if you haven't played it already.

I didn't play anything worst.
Outlast 2 is a fucking mess of a game, it's a huge stepdown in most of aspects.

>take into account RE shills are in full force now that the new DLC has debuted
That makes sense.

it is a quite decent game
the graphics are amazing
the whole school vs forest thing is cool as fuck
the lore is there
the chases are spectacular, and you have dank stealth if you play past the normal difficulty
Outlast 2 is fucking great, boye

I am not bumping your shill thread any longer
we have already discussed Outlast 2 in your RE7 thread

Why are you listening to the Outlast fan?
Outlast is some of the worst shit I've played.


Join us, user! What's stopping you from getting paid for talking about video games? As you say, the contract gets renewed every time free DLC releases!

visiting this shit-hole is not my job
thank god

>it is a quite decent game
Its not even decent its pure shit.
>the graphics are amazing
You know your scarping the barrel when that's your first positive.
>the whole school vs forest thing is cool as fuck
Its not, its gets boring so quickly and running around a dark forest getting killed by cheap bullshit is not fun.
>the lore is there
Who gives a fuck about the shit story?
>the chases are spectacular, and you have dank stealth if you play past the normal difficulty
Oh yes I do love running around in near darkness as I get killed because my character got stuck on some rocks below me which I couldn't see I sure do love trial and error bullshit.
Outlast 2 is fucking great, boye
Its not its the worst game I've played this year.

>free DLC
the Zoe DLC costs 10$ and it is not even 1 hour long

Gold Edition of 7 is out now, so that's the obvious choice.

I havn't played Outlast 2 yet so I'll form my own opinion of it.
I don't think he mentioned anything about O2 so what makes you think he's a fan?

I'm listening to him because posters in this thread would criticize TWE2 for stupid things like "you need to stealth to win" "I didn't understand it" "it's not a horror game" while offering nothing to the thread except "just get res7"

>Oh yes I do love running around in near darkness as I get killed because my character got stuck on some rocks below me which I couldn't see I sure do love trial and error bullshit.
have you even played the game? that shit was fixed on the first patch, 2 weeks after launch
are you just parroting Sup Forums crap?

>a youtube speedrun is representation of most people's experience in a game

I didn't realize that came out today as well. I thought it was just the free story that was supposed to come out months ago. I guess I'm not a very good shill.

you should apply, like this guy: the thing is, Outlast 2 provides real horror, to the point of pissing you off, while having amazing graphics, running on toasters, without necessary stupid DLCs, and costing $10 during sales

wait for Gaben's xmas sales, and support a decent indie studio, and not Capcom and its shill posters from india

Outlast shill pls go. Your game is shit.

if you have to choose one of those, then resident evil
if you havent played the resident evil 1 remake then get that

Indie shill pls go

and the Outlast collection on PS4 is dirt cheap, and the better way to play the games. It's rude to mislead people.


worst of all, the new RE7 DLC tries to gimmick the Outlast nocturnal vision with pathetic results

I personally loved RE7, but Outlast 2 is quite good, too

Oh fuck off I played the game at launch because I was excited after Outlast 1 and the DLC hoping it would live up to the original.
I played the entire game getting killed by bullshit I couldn't see or avoid.
Running around in the dark then getting cornered into a wall only to get killed because your character is to fucking dumb to push bad guys out the way is total bullshit and not fun.
I don't give a fuck if they patched it weeks after I finished it fuck off seriously.

Does Outlast have guns? If not, no buy.

>and the Outlast collection on PS4 is dirt cheap, and the better way to play the games. It's rude to mislead people.
sony shills, too

OP said he's asking what games to play on his PS4. You came in and started telling him to buy from Steam. Hm.... what could user have meant buy this?

Buying the game full price was a mistake. Worth 10 bucks and not more. It also becomes shit once you kill Jack, the only interesting character in the game. Don't know what people were thinking with the mine and ship level, just horrible. Evil Within 2 is at least consistenly good but also kills it's most interesting character too soon.

>Outlast 2 fans are a real thing.
What's next Sonic Forces fans are real?

>once you kill Jack
user...you've played Resident Evil before, haven't you?

>wait for Gaben's xmas sales, and support a decent indie studio

lmao could not be more of a shill if you fucking tried

>only to get killed because your character is to fucking dumb to push bad guys out the way
Unrelated and not him but,
Name a game where your player character actually can push away enemies out of the way. Not attacking to push away, just push away while moving about.
On the top of my head, I can think of Frank West in Dead Rising.


Assassin's Creed, GTAV.


Well your character should do fucking something not just standing their getting cut to pieces because you cant get past the bad guys in a tight corder.

How is that even possible?

Who gives a fuck what steam says?
You ask almost anyone and they will tell you Outlast 2 is shit.

How's the shootan/upgradan in TEW2? The first one was the only other game to scratch that RE 4/Dead Space itch.

RE2 is maximum comfy.

fuck off gabe, steam is garbage

>He dosin't think dark and creepy places are comfy.

Well I honestly prefer the opinion of people that have played the game

Your shill opinion means nothing here. Fuck off to the steam forums.

I think its better then TW1 in terms of upgrades.
By the end of TEW2 I was a powerhouse killing everything in sight.

I have and its fucking shit.
Their is nothing it does better then Outlast 1 or the awesome DLC.
Kill yourself.

I RE7 gold edition physical only?

I think you can get in on steam.

But the horror genre is suppose to make you feel tense and UNCOMFORTABLE otherwise what's the point?

lol I don't own a fucking gaming rig that shit's for goddamn nerds

RE7 is probably more unique and interesting but I haven't played it. Played TEW2 simply because it's more my kind of game.

I don't know what to tell you.
Horror is comfy for me. I enjoy being in dark creepy places and I love creepy horrific settings and atmosphere.
You don't need to be scared to love horror.

>comfy horror game
A comfy horror game is a bad horror game.

I played RE7 and liked it, I'm about to play Not A Hero and from what I hear it'll be fun. I played TEW 1 and hated it so I didn't buy the second game, it was sold to me as the game that fixed everything wrong with RE4 but by the end you're fighting SWAT zombies. If you liked TEW 1 you should probably consider 2 but I can vouch for RE7.

They both have their strong suits. I would try to get both desu.

Biohazard is the better horror game, but if you want adventure I suggest the other game.

>boring Outlast clone vs Kino

RE7 plays nothing like Outlast you memer.

RE7 is more memorable, TEW2 is more fun.
Both get much less fun in their second act.
I highly recommend both but they're each not worth $60.

t. low test memer that never played RE7

>it has gunz so ids diberent