When is it okay to play as a girl in videogames?

When is it okay to play as a girl in videogames?

When they're cute and you want to play as a cute girl.

I stopped coming to Sup Forums for months and this faggot thread is still being made.


Whenever I feel like it.

when you ARE a girl, yes

i think im droping out of uni

Only if you identify as the gender, are interested in the differences the game has based on gender, or if you honestly don't care.

Whenever you want, don't let other people get you down.

OP, thats not a girl

When the customization options are better and/or yuri is available.

whenever you want its just a game
>when is ok to play as an orc?
>why do you play as an orc user, you're not an orc
>i just like looking at orc ass

Remember, no matsix

when it's third person

Are literally all these VR chatrooms just creepy dudes pretending to be anime girls?


of course

If you're a girl, with no parentheses involved.

Otherwise it's wrong

>asking Sup Forums for permission to do something
shiggy diggy

yep, someone must be datamining

Only if you are actually a girl. No tranny's don't count

Threads like this get spammed by the same person until they inevitably an hero. It's just a matter of time.


I don't play as girl.
I play the girl.

Don't retard.

That little dance (she) does is really cute.



When she has a nice ass but not so nice that you feel ashamed to play

>that fucking Tifa

>play as girl
>constant pain moans and attack screams sound like I'm watching a porno

you cant have a girl going around almost topless in a mmo are you out of your mind?


It's not any different from an MMO. Nothing matters in real life. When your in VR you can be anything you want.


what can i fap to Sup Forums?

You have to take into consideration the people that are willing to pay for those VR headsets. Of course it's all men, just like the early internet boards were all men too. The only girls there are the ones borrowing their boyfriend's headset.

How the fuck that dude is creepy, you fat nerd? It's more like creepy smelly neet fucks argue about VR while alpha chads actually have fun playing it and socialize in VR.

They literally pretend to have sex with other VR dudes pretending to be anime girls, how is that not creepy or at least gay af?

You can fap to anything you want, just remember not to take things too far. Taking-things-too-far-taking happens way too much nowadays.

You have to go back.

It's role playing, my brother. The experience is vicarious and doesn't have requirements for the person behind the curtain.

Why are they so perfect for each other?

When she looks like this

>don't take things too far
wise words user. One day you fap to straight vanilla porn and bam, you discover narnia with a dragon dildo up your anus.

When there's a gender option. Only faggots want to play as themselves.

>That walk animation
Oh god my dick

you have to play as a girl when given the option tbqh

Wouldn't you fuck me? I'd fuck me. At least that's what the description for my Chinese Astrology symbol says.

i dont find anything arosing anymore
what else can i try?

what game

When you want to do it and don't care about being ostracized by your peers, who are already social outcasts themselves just by wasting their time on whatever stupid videogame it is you're playing instead of doing something productive with their lives.

>person actually tries to drink it
holy shit

make a list of your fap materials


Try thinking in detail about what makes certain things arousing. Like thigh highs and how it presses against the skin on a woman's thighs as it reaches the very top.

When you're completely unsensitive, going back to vanilla seems to be the general consensus.

how about you stop jerking it 5 times a day

When the person playing is a girl.

That's a cute girl (boy).

When their hitboxes are smaller or have better/quicker animations
anything else is faggotry

When they have a body like this.

But if he does that he'll become one of those obnoxious nofap fuckheads who accuse everyone else of being addicted to porn.

You can fap just limit the number to once a week and use your imagination. Porn industry is what is creating all the spoilt for choice, no hunting soyboys today.

It's not fuckheadery if it's true.

>When is it okay to play as a girl in videogames?

When you're no longer a FUCKING PUSSY

Oh I know, I was just exaggerating but so did others truly exaggerate for reals and that's why they exist.
>asshole masturbates 24 hours a day 7 days a week and does nothing else
>hears about nofap
>gets an epiphany "oh my god you mean I can di things other than masturbate!?"
>tries to preach to others that they are addicted because he can't fathom that others have self-control
I just hate the hypocrasy.

If you have to ask questions like this, VR isn't for you.

I only buy games that let me play as a cute girl.

Can't say I disagree with anything you said mate.

When you can create them to look like your wife

>tfw cute anime girls with man voices are my fetish
>too poor for VR

>Start nofap of 90 days
>Reach day 70
>Starting looking up escorts online
>Finish my streak with phonesex with a shemale (lol)

>Start to fap once a week
>Urge to get escorts is back

Nofap as an incel sucks, nofap only helps Chad

any qt here

If their design better than the male counterpart

The destiny hunter for example

Yeah you gotta be having sex if youre not falling. The whole point is to motivate you to go out more and transform yourself into someone with a higher value on the sexual marketplace. Unless youre some kind of actual monk or wizard who can redirect the libidal energies into the brain and shoot lightning bolts youre better off just using no fap as an excuse to fap less and distract yourself with something beneficial such as exercise or socializing whenever the urge to fap starts.

Always you fucking faggot

Wasted potential.



That image is awfully rude, my friend.

Pedo Chad get all the girls


So you can kill all cis scum

when it makes my peepee hard

The only time you can't play as a girl is when your character's look is directly associated with you by other people. So pretty much just MMOs.

In multiplayer action games like Monster Hunter, no one is paying attention to what gender your character is. In games where skills are tied to characters, like Overwatch or Street Fighter, it's obviously fine too.

You can always play a girl in single player games.

Based pedobros

i really want to play this game but its too hard for me
someone please give me tips

git gud

Jerk off beforehand, that should make it less hard.

Came here to post this

Wrong. It's superior to pick a male if you can romance girls. Most games don't allow for lesbianism, sorry, /u/

I'm interested in the virtual worlds and immersion, not libidocuck shit like ERP.

Why would you want to immerse yourself in the anime girl experience if you're not super horny as fuck?

>Make a profile saying you commited petty theft
>Change it after getting a bunch of vague tinder matches

Maybe whoever made this should put as much effort in to themselves as they put in to this lmao.

b-but muh confirmation bias

I do it to make the game feel more oppressive and difficult. For example. in an rpg, I would realistically set her str and hp stats to be lower than her male counterparts in the same class which would in turn ramp up the challenge to be resourceful or thoughtful with my playstyle. I find it quite fun and rewarding. Occasional ass-shot is a bonus.

B-b-b-but there's this!

When they're the only playable character or in a fighting game.

>Change profile, start video, swipe right

ReAlLy MaKeS yOu ThInK

Keep coping, Mr.Cope