6 hours left

>6 hours left
You did back her game, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=arcana heart 4

Who is this?

I'm gonna buy it when it comes out. I wanna play that chick with the gauntlet and Weiss.

Is it a hgame?

>1 google-fu later
Oh, Arcana Hearts still exists?

I'm ready to learn a charge character again!

tfw can't charge for shit on a pad

I always wanted to get gud with Yoriko because her moveset is so awesome but those goddamn pentagram motions were too hard.


They did a Kickstarter to port AH3:LMSS to Steam. The good thing is, this version has never been released outside Japanese arcades, so the playerbase will all be on PC instead of split across pc and console.

Yeah, I backed it. I also bought it on PS3 twice already, but I really wanted to see Dark Heart, so I'm glad we hit her after all. Bloodshit's enough for now, though.

Good taste

I love shortstacks.

>doing her super motion
haha fuck you examu

no but im buying it

What the fuck? It's already coming out? They just had the kickstarter.

>Has the game on Vita
>Wants to say that have done all of the ultimates at least once
>Even in Simple mode, physically incapable of doing Akane's ultimate fully

This is just the straight port of LMSS. The version with the "new" shit (rebalance, new characters) will be patched in later, sometime next year.

Find a flaw.

That fucking voice

She's a crybaby.

sword too big

>Frame perfect moves

Didn't have the funds to do so. I would like to pitch an AH4 though, although my proposal to age the characters is likely to get shot down.

The bad news is there will be no playerbase

Gauntlets make holding hands difficult.

I like Arcana Heart 3 because all the girls look like they could be pushed over really easily. I don't know why, but I like the idea of pushing over girls these days. There isn't even the thought of sexual or further physical violence after the fact. Just the pushing is enough.

Yoriko looks the most pushable, so I guess I'd choose her. I'd love to feel her delicate figure give only the slightest resistance against the force of my arms before disconnecting from me entirely and crashing to the ground with a light thud.

Doesn't have red hair
Doesn't have twintails
Doesn't have chain with great range

>age the characters
You can take my loli chara in hell, bud.

No proper physical release for PC, no buy. I'll just pirate it.

I hope that none of your favorite games get another installment.

Tied for worst voice along with Elsa

>Tied for worst voice along with Yoriko


At least hers is balanced by MIkey.

Why is Lilica such a bitch, both in personality and gameplay?

Why? Because I don't like getting shit on by developers?

You can't hate this smile!

Not that guy, but how exactly does a digital release mean that the devs "shit on you"?

I like swords. Is she good in this?

Examu were so goddamn broke that they asked for help with this release. They can't be shitting on anything.

Mate when was the last motherfucking time a Japanese game got a physical release on PC in the west that wasn't an eroge

I don't know the specific balance changes for the new version, and it's getting a rebalance patch next year anyway, but the Jap tier lists mostly seem to put her from S-A tier, so she's definitely viable.

They are already making AH4

Guys, we don't even have a pirate Angel.

Could change with shark girl, we need more pirates in fighters

You are giving them money and getting nothing in return, they are trying to sell a good as a service thus fucking the customer over.
Pirates own their copy more than the person that actually pays for it via digital distribution, how is that not getting shit on?
Irrelevant, the point still stands that if it doesn't get a proper release it shouldn't be paid for.


lmgtfy.com/?q=arcana heart 4

Fucks like this is why they should have campaigned for more than just PC or just for PS4 instead.

in legal terms theres no difference and legal terms is the only way such semantic bullshit would ever matter

I wonder exactly how much they need to make a new character to begin with

you mean Six Stars's new character or the shark girl they are playing for 4?

Minori was already in the game so I'm referring to Shark Girl and Dark Heart.



I thought shark girl was planned for the mustard version of six stars?

then yeah it's probably just more than her and dark heart, like also new stages, maybe new music, that sorta stuff on top of the new characters maybe even an extra character we don't know about

>nazuna has tits
WTF??? I love Nazuna now!

Good in every version of AH3.

Honestly probably the most more worthy differences between vanilla AH3 to now that most people will notice is plant getting nerfed, Fire Elsa getting nerfed, the addition of Arcana Eclipse, not being able to block during landing recovery of homing, activating extend force instantly recovering arcana gauge, that 2 frame window where you cannot act or move after leaving hit or blocked in being remove (the biggest need to fire else but needed to happen anyway) and now being able to air or wall tech by just holding a button instead of mashing like in vanilla.

I wasn't sure if she was or not, she seems like she'd be held for 4, there's even a proper name for her i don't think, maybe not even a finalized design that stuff usually comes first before that make plans to add her as a campaign goal. Is that what they were planning on doing with her?

>look that up
>Arcana Heart 4 coming up, developers ask overseas fans' help to make the game easier for new players and to better accommodate Western sensibilities
>accommodate Western sensibilities
>I want to ask foreign people. Is not the design of "kira" or "konoha" an obstacle to sales in the US or Europe?#new_arcanaheart
Are you fucking serious?

Of course she's getting put in ah3, why the fuck would she be a stretch goal then? Now whether or not sharkgirl, darkheart, or omega will show up in AH4 is a completely different discussion

Yeah, it's a fucking shame you can't really notice them most of the time, and fanart tends to make her a flatty. Official measurements 76/50/79 though, so she's definitely got a pair.

and everyone said fuck that

If nu-males do anything to best girl Konoha i will riot.

All I want is a better tutorial and updated sprites for AH4.

the sprites not matching the new art is jarring as fuck. i hope they have the budget to fix that

As i said i assumed she wasn't a stretch goal to begin with but that's pretty neat if that's the case, and it's not like arcana heart is in any position to remove or un-included new characters, so i wouldn't be to worried about those turning up in 4 or not.

Yes I did and I look forward to practicing with Petra. I played a lot of Vanilla AH3 with friends casually on PS3 and loved it.

>tfw you'll never receive a doujin about you winning a fighting game competition with your waifu-pick and then proceding to make love to her as the true trophy.

No and I won't be playing this game any time soon because I'm poor. Life kind of sucks.

Reminder to check you email for your keys if you backed it.

>get two steam keys
>Have no friends to give extra key to

>tfw waifu-pick only wants /u/ and you're not cute or a girl

Just ask an user, user

that's like any girl you waifu in this game

But I hate Anons.

Give it to me and I'll play with you. I have very little experience with arcana heart but love fighting games in general.

Knock twice to let me know you're alive.

i'll play with you whenever you want

Knock knock

hours left
>You did back her game, right?
Oh. I did back the game yes. But I am sick, feel like shit. Yet I have work anyway so it'll make me feel even worse.
If I felt better I'd probably launch it the minute it went live. But I don't think I can. Not this time.

shit, spankyhc is my steam id

Hah, caught two!


! is a random number between 1 and 9

ah bummer, back to blazblue I go

oh neat, thanks user
what's your steam

Better luck next time user.
If you truly wish to play and your love for fightan gaems pure then I could buy it for you if you'd like.


tfw not sure if i should buy this fucking again or wait for 4

Don't ever talk shit about my waifu ever again

This version has new stuff coming in the horizon.

Nah don't waste your money on me, I'll get it eventually. Is it alright if I still add you?


At least you have the option nigga. That said as badly as I want this game, I hope the netcode is better than AH3LM because that really killed my ability to try and play and learn the game.

>hold to tech
It kind of blows me away how with all the bullshit other fighting game developers do that Arcana Heart always does the right things. Homing dash is so much more elegant than all the bullshit you have to do for the same result in Guilty Gear.

Plenty of people begged for them to add GGPO, but they said it would be too hard. Don't expect much.

Unfortunate. I feel like the love of fighting games is slipping away from me, along with constant low energy and lack of drive to really do anything anymore. I need a spark.

The netcode isn't even bad on AH3LM. Sure, it's not ggpo but it's still decent
It's the same as guilty gear/blazblue netcode

The doggos are preparing.

Pet the doggo

>4 hours
How do I know which one to main?

It's a waifu fighter, so whichever one you find the cutest.


Look at each one of them. When you see the one, you'll know