3000 word paper due in 17 hours

>3000 word paper due in 17 hours
>Still browsing Sup Forums

user, go do your fucking work. Love Dad

I'm here to enable your bad habits, user. What games have you been playing?

same, but my paper is all bullshit and my professor is senile. Also I just woke up

>200 letter essay due in 2 weeks
>only half way done

>6 page paper due in 23 hours
>final exam on Wednesday morning
>can't stop browsing Sup Forums

I'll humor this dumb twitch.tv meme thread. What's it on?

>tfw 2 page essay due in two days
>tfw it has to be written in japanese

fuck me the meme is real

>30 character essay due in 5 minutes
>too busy shitposting to care

Grid Energy Storage Solutions, specifically finding a better alternative to Pumped Hydroelectric Storage.
I don't even have any sources haha ha

Yeah probs for the better you fail and drop out that sounds trash

>huge exam in the morning
>spend all night fucking a Chinese girl and baneposting
>sleep through the exam and fail the course

I miss college. Enjoy it boys

i already failed when I did the course over the summer
I can't fail again
and I can't drop out in my final year

never listen to your advisors, I asked him who it would be better to take the class with and he told me this professor. The other class is doing "pretend" studies and making posters for their final

Just finished all my work for the day. It feels good to be able to relax.

sounds like you're in a real pickle

>finish work for the day
>can't relax because i know there's more work coming the nest day

If your professor gave you a little rubric on what you need to discuss then just use that and you can pop it out in 8 hours while procrastinating. I had one due at 9:30AM and I started it around 5:00AM, but I procrastinated a shit ton so what I could have finished before that time I had to rush to the printer and then jog to class.

>three word essay due in 6 months
havent even started

>did my last paper over ten years ago

sucks to be you but we all went through it.

>3000 words
>can't type that up in 2 hours

user you are browsing Sup Forums the night before an assignment don't blame others for your lack of motivation.

>Graph Theory test in 12 hours
>still browsing Sup Forums
Nice to see I'm not the only one procrastinating.

Dude I'm two days late with my AI project.

>finished final 10 page paper last week
>doing nothing but masturbating and watching anime while I wait for the hots season to reset
Feels excellent, man

>tfw you are no longer in college

I have so much free time now. I go to work for 8 hours, come home and do whatever I want.

Feels good man.

Listen to Rush Limbaugh on YouTube, or listen to DSP Cod montages. It kinda helps in my opinion.


you're done it seems

Fucking this. My hands are weak, my finger spaghetti,i but I must type.

let's all get started working, right now
1, 2, 3, GO

>finish paper
>end up 2 pages short

Just one more level mom

It's the opposite for me
When I'm in college I have all the free time in the world
4 classes a day at the very worst
days where you have nothing or 1 class

When I'm working during the summer or other breaks you have no time at all, every day 8 hours is taken from you and it's not like college where you can stay up late either, you can't afford to fall asleep at work like you can in a class

>paper not due for another week
>still live with my parents though
>mom wants to see my 12 page paper in the morning
>i haven't even typed one page yet

Sweet baby Jesus. I'm fucking 19 but I still fear the spoon.

Maybe in an hour. Ok maybe two. Actually I just do it in the morning.

>240 character tweet due in 4 hours
>still 2 Big Macs left to eat before my 2 hour sleep cycle

>5 character scrawl due in 6 months
>still browsing Sup Forums

>mom proofread all my papers throughout college
I swear, she was better than any professor I ever had.

life is work. better get used to it sonny boy

>58 topics left on aleks for general chemistry
I need answers

Allow me and my friends on Sup Forums to write the paper for you

lets begin

what is the subject of your paper

I have an o-chem exam tomorrow, I still need to understand how to find a chemical compound from literally a paragraph.
RIP me.

feels bad man. Hopefully you will find something better soon.

Supposedly napping in the day helps you retain information you learned that same day

>cumulative exam tomorrow for math
>dont even remember what the fuck half of whats on the practice exam is

niggas be

see Probably was a bad idea, doing further research i see that there are no good alternatives and that hydroelectric power doesn't really need to be replaced and no one cares about it

oh why didn't I just do fucking nuclear power, there's more than enough to write about that easily

Also I'm in the engineering computer lab, probably will spend all night here again, I did the other day to finish all the homework I missed for the semester for a class ( which was all of it) kinda a comfy time, it's quiet and still.

>work is 3 weeks overdue
>course has been automatically aborted
>still haven't called my professor about it or and browse Sup Forums instead

>no essay due in any hours
>work tomorrow
>still browsing Sup Forums
>make 90k/yr with my lib arts degree
>will probably keep browsing Sup Forums
enjoy unemployment STEMmemefags

I'm getting hungry
You're not allowed to eat in here but it's not like anyone will ever know
What should I get to eat from the Chinese food place?
Not a general tso or sesame chicken I ate those like twice in the past week and /ck/ said it is bad for you when I asked


>>work tomorrow
Sounds like you're the loser here buddy
>enjoy unemployment STEMmemefags
I am enjoying it, the NEET life is cooooooooomfy

>finished finals about 2 weeks ago
>still haven't checked my final grades

I can't

thats easy as shit nigger

>copy and paste wikipedia
>change the wording to sound like your own
>run it through some plagiarism programs to make sure you aint stupid

>explain what GESS is
>its history and how it works
>explain what PHS is
>compare and contrast the 2
>include quotes form engineers, investors, developers
>explain why you personally think its better
>why GESS is better
>the benefits of changing
>actions all ready happening to make that change i.e. the politics of it

>job application makes me answer a bunch of math questions and I'm timed the whole time
>was the hardest application I ever filled
>only reason I bothered was because someone I know that works there says literal crackheads and drunks work there and the bar is extremely low
What the fuck, and it's just a position at a water bottling facility. I shouldn't have said I was white, I bet the other races skip through the whole process and it's just yes or no questions about felonies and you're finished.

>was planning on taking one final this week
>didn't study shit
>will have to give it next year
sucks to be desu

>2 final papers due back to back
>teachers know each other and assign the same project in their classes
>I'm taking both
>Hand in the same paper
>Get A in both classes
>First teacher realizes the ruse after grade submission and accuses me of plagarizing myself
>Says it's too late to change the grade
>Continue binging TF2

>got all As
>no sense of achievement
It's so empty. I can't wait to go back to my "homeschooled" highschool days, where I do literally nothing.

Don't fret my dude, I got through this same process every quarter.
You're gonna have to check them eventually for succeeding courses though that require passing.

You deserve to fail user. Hell, you want to fail.

>essay on how transnational connections shaped the history of the world post-1945 due in 20 hours, based on specific examples
>barely remember the shit we discussed in class
Why am I in uni? I don't even know what career I want, or what I want to do with my life.

Should I drop out of college lads?
I haven't had a good night's sleep since August.
I just want to play video gaymes

>Programming course final
>took an hour or two with copypasted materials off google and rearranged it to look like I did it all myself
>got an A in the course
>chemistry final
>spent an hour or two studying the five subjects the teacher told us to focus on
>got all the questions right, another A
>math final
>told to bring only one page of notes, snuck in multiple that covered examples for every subject topic
>got an A in that course
>now enjoying christmas vacation until next quarter

Play some vidya and get some sleep by sacrificing some assignments. Make sure you don't sacrifice too much so that you could at least get a passable grade.

What do you do, this has to be troll.

bruh, which year u in?

>no work
>get neet bucks
>put it into crypto
>make millions
>put it all in index funds
>collect 200K a year before taxes in gains
>work-cucks slaving away while I retire at 24
you're the meme, fag lol

He's definitely in sophomore year at best
likely freshman

Not gender studies theatre or english lit. But keep grinding that whatever the fuck degree. Math/Science degrees are dead end unless you do the practical arts stuff with it or take on the banal existence of cubecuck engineer/accountant

Being a millionaire for 0.000000000023seconds before you go broke doesn't count soyboi