Can somebody explain to me why western devs are such pushovers who bow to women's every little wish like a dry twig in the wind?
I am really baffled.
Can somebody explain to me why western devs are such pushovers who bow to women's every little wish like a dry twig in...
Why must normies always ruin everything they touch.
Are you people seriously triggered because the female models don't have camel toes anymore?
It seems more to me like they recognize that the female anatomy is kind of gross and anyone who enjoys seeing a vagina in the light is a fetishist.
Look at the typical young male in this generation, men are no longer men. There was a turning point around 2000-2010 where women started to prefer looking like men, and men like women.
I love it when you snowflake nerds get triggered desu
clearly the proper response would have been to give the male characters crotch bulges
Are you seriously triggered that female models had camel toes?
Maybe because that's not how clothing works
It's kind of low priority to change it back while glaring issues exist, yet this shit gets changed because some cunt complains alomst instantly.
Based gook outsourcers
So we're supposed to be ashamed of vaginas now?
Another win for RetardEra.
They already have them.
Probably because they don't want to associate their game with porn, user, and I'm sure you can work out why being associated with adult content would be a bad idea.
What is wrong with the camel toe? These people do know that woman have vaginas, right?
>trusting westerncuck devs even once
Leave it to Japan to save us from the western nu-male epidemic
Not him, but no. I'm not triggered that they don't have them, either. It's a non-issue.
what isnt, camel toe? i assure you camel toe does exist
Most clothing gives cameltoes.
It's also extremely low-effort.
> tfw anything related to video game changes, new releases, updates, dlc, over all entire industry as a whole
t. Soyboy faggot
>Men are sexualized too
>f-false equivalance
The absolute state of neofag pedo apologists
Dumb mobile poster
I need to find that old "video game censorship bingo" image, because that's a bingo right there.
Until they add more dickbulges to games I agree, this makes it fair.
>only points that actually make an argument are against strawmen insults
>The man admits that his game is just full of generic models taken from other games or from petty freelance modeling artists
The real story here is how a man is making millions off of a stolen engine, platform, map, and set of ideas.
Nu-male specimen in question. The sight of the female body makes him very upset. He must close his eyes every time he plays side quests in Yakuza.
yeah because making a small model/texture change is the same thing as fixing the network issues
Kill me, Pete
The real crime is that this wasn't solved by modeling bulge for the men
Do you think there's a causality between men being too afraid to act like men and them allowing women to hijack a country's institutions to import millions of thirsty brown men?
I feel that numales have this problem with self-control, so any sight of the opposite gender in a sexual way reminds them of their porn addiction and masturbation on impulse.
These things have got to be connected.
Feminism is good and cool and I'm glad the devs triggered the brigades of tubby estrogenized nerds via removing this.
Kill me, pete
Yes, NASA scientists have concluded that removing cameltoe from a children's game is bad and will somehow cause brown people to kill all white people.
Why are western devs so afraid to act like men?
As if you aren't also a weak little nerd with poor social skills.
>NASA scientists doing that kind of research
Even as a joke your post is shit, neofag refugee.
Right? The whole fucking game is a bunch of bought assets bolted onto shitty UE4 blueprint code. It's no different from those low effort Unity Steam trading card scams, except people decided to buy this one because all their friends did.
another victory for the left
i love it
Take your hurt roastie vagina and go!
Why do we have to censor shit? Why are people so offended by the female body? Can't we just compromise by adding huge bulges to the male models?
Who the fuck outsources character models? Especially in a game where you change equipment all the time.
Yep. I come from NeoGAF. I studied at the Karl Marx University for Cultural Bolshevism and I'm here to ruin video games forever and elect Barack Obama to be the Eternal God Caliph of the world.
Because most men don't give a fuck and will play anyway but women are sensitive and account for a sizable market nowadays which need to be catered to.
Is the general video game playerbase really this sensitive or is it just a few triggerinas making fake outrage ?
Can't we just let men like what they like without having to bow over not to upset some hambeast with a blog? Act your sex.
No, otherwise I would have made a thread on Sup Forums back when the models had camel toes like all the other kids do when they are triggered by something.
/vpol/ always needs something to throw a tantrum about
They didn't just outsource the character models, they outsourced the equipment, the guns, the building models, the terrain textures, the trees. The entire game is outsourced except for the "gameplay", even that probably uses bought modules.
But user, they're from South Korea
yeah and women generally wear underwear
The latter, but devs give them power by listening to them for some reason I don't quite understand.
They have no buying power, all they have are their triggered tumblr posts nobody would read if devs wouldn't bow over like little bitchboys on a tight leash.
Arent they chinese or some shit
Anyway, as long as people keep bitching about and changing inconsequential shit like camel toes, I don't really care.
if it wasnt there in the first place i wouldnt care, i do care about censorship though
I don't mind them removing the cameltoe. I DO mind them not fixing the 10 FPS issues that are constantly happening on the Xbox version. Better yet, they tout it as a feature, the hacks.
Lay off the estrogen bud
>i-its y-you who is t-the snow f-flake hah heh hah i laugh at you b-based devs removed vagina my feefees are safe
What's the ESRB rating on this game?
>just vote with your wallet/play other games
>not that simple
How is it fucking not?
>are you guys seriously upset that women bitching about unimportant things results in immediate changes?
As a matter of fact yes i do, because when men complain about something its often objectively about a broken gameplay mechanic or a straight out bug/exploit. now when women complain it is always about something that involves their feelings being hurt because women are stupid creatures to the core, the worst of it all are devs listening to these cunts only encourages the bitching to intensify thus creating this cloud of crybabbies ready to turn every new popular game into overwatch (a gamde made by crying for cryers)
Women inclusion in videogames was a huge mistake, western devs shoudn't listen to them, shit they shouldn't even listen to critics or journalists yet they do.
go play an actual porn game for gods' sake
you can rape loli in them
Loli are for loving, not for raping.
>SJWs always cry about wanting more realism
>Cameltoes are realistic
>SJWs still complain
I won't listen to such a savage.
The Koreans added it but the American will remove it
They just wanna be in charge, don't you get it? its the "i call the shots" atittude that is the problem , they should do a 180 and not only bring back camel toes but put a bulge on males too.
Fuck em.
>vaginas are offensive
That's not about seld control that's about not wanting to fap everytime you see your desktop.
>who bow to women's every little wish like a dry twig in the wind?
I think it's pretty naive to assume that people do things like that for the benefit of women. It seems to me like it's usually either to avoid being ostracized by peers or as a moral obligation. Whether any of that is conscious or not who knows.
I don't think anyone should have to compromise their artistic vision to avoid offending someone. On the other hand I can't imagine that having camel toes is critical to the creators vision of PUBG. It sounds like it wasn't even put in intentionally. So, if a creator's vision is one that is intentionally inclusive then I don't really see an issue with that. If it hurts the final product then of course it should be criticized, but in this case it seems beyond trivial.
Then again I've never played PUBG nor do I plan on playing it, so I don't really have a horse in this race.
It's literally a
>trannies can't have it so it's problematic
Like periods and other shit where it makes them remember they're not and will never be woman
Heh, he should have totally told them all to fuck off lol, it's his game. fucking cuck lmao. Who cares if he would lose millions of dollars, atleast he would be ALPHA as fuck. Amirite fellow teenagers?!?
This is why China will turn western people into cow food.
But cameltoes are real. They can't even argue that it's misrepresentation, because it's actually more realistic than the alternative. They're also fucking grim, you weirdos.
>sizable market
Aka not wanting males to be happy ever... cmon stop pretending to mature here and go straight to the endgame, its about noticing something that makes others happy and spoiling it so they are not happier than you.
People are angered because they know it to be true. Genitalia in general is disgusting.
if they blast their vaginas in the middle of the street, while chanting some stupid shit about patriarchy, vaginas are ok
but vaginas can't appear in a game!! nor nipples!! because that is sexist or something
Read the thread :^)
It isn't tho. Outsourced file. It isn't their views, it's the view of someone else with whom they don't agree with.
More sizable than the amount of males that will 'boycott' a game for being socially aware.
Only the nerds on Sup Forums give half a fuck on you people are poor and pirate everything anyway.
>every little wish
removing the camel toes does no harm to anyone. I'd rather they give all the guys visible crotches to compensate, but whatever.
whichever array of words helps you jack off at night
It doesn't really matter to them because it's just cosmetic, it doesn't affect gameplay at all. SJWs are very shallow, they never have gameplay complaints.
Kill me, Pete
>v/pol/ is butt blasted atm
Its a fucking game babies.
That's probably incorrect.
Why does it have to be "fair"?