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Can somebody explain this fucking game to me? Does the person die and why? Does she kill herself or is she killed by the controller? Does she come back to life? What the fuck is the ending? I never watched or played the game but spoonfeed me since you are all here... do it.

at the end of the game you have to choose between killing your son and nuking the literature club

It's free on Steam and takes about 1.5 hours to get through, just play it if you care

spoilers though:
you have to sacrifice yourself or one of your companions to turn on the water purifier and get killed by radiation

>spoon feed me since you are all here
lmao who do you think you are?

So we can all agree that Natsuki is best girl. But... who is second best?

She dies gruesomly in a bad ending kinda similar to School Days, technically it's kind of a hard ending to get but a lot of people get trapped into following it anyway


Wait do all of them kill themselves? Are they killing themselves out of choice or is mataoki killing them and framing it as suicides?

>mfw author
>mfw this game has gotten loads of people into writing
Normally I dislike weeb stuff, but this can go on in.

I just looked up the endings and it's literally just another fourth wall meme.

It's not even good.


Why did they kill themselves when I told them I love them? W-what's wrong with me?

I just wanted a resolution with natsuki.
It only went as far as "almost kissing" and then stopped

natuski is the best, monika is #2. they other 2 deserved to die

The president was hacking the game code from within the game. Their personalities were being manipulated

I like you. Yuri a pestilent shit, and her fans are the lowest tier of trash.

Did they get OG mudbones to do those voices?

You take that back. Sayori best girl.

thread theme

The girl who doesn't have a route is self-aware that she's a videogame character and kills the other girls by possessing them until she's the only one left

holy shit yes. the game forced me to spend time with her, which was stupid. I just wanted to be with Natsuki. good opinions man

No, yes.

>kills the other girls
Confirmed for not playing the game.

Best girl

>b-but they kill themselves!
By her command.

Yeah, she only kills Sayori.

Kimi to kanojo to kanoko no koi did it better

>Not youtube.com/watch?v=eaU74zPqlmw
>Not youtube.com/watch?v=nL06he43t3E

>edited songs

us men of culture are hard to find amongst all the plebs.

>kills the other girls by possessing them until she's the only one left
>By her command.

No she doesn't for Sayori she kept telling her to off herself and for Yuri she modified her to bring out the worst of her obsessive personality to try to make you not like her. She's directly responsible for their deaths but both still carried it out themselves.

Nobody dies in Doki Doki Literature Club, silly.
Does she actually know that she's in a game, or just that she's in a different reality?

she literally knows she's in a game it even say's so on the steam page

Tell me she'll be okay user. I want to believe.

Sayori is Yui but dumber, whilst Natsuki is a better version of Azusa.

i bet none of you started a new game after reinstalling it when monika deleted everything

No, we can't. Her hair is dumb and she possibly has a penis. Monika is objectively the best girl.

She has a twitter account

The dev already said your gay reddit joke is false.

And thank god for that. I'm really tired of le trap maymay

gg Sayori, I liked Natsuki better anyway.

I know she says it on the websites, but I couldn't recall if she mentions knowing about it being a game (as opposed to just some half assed reality) in the game itself. Monika doesn't make any sense to me, man. Too inconsistent with so many loose ends.

>She has a twitter account
Twitter Monika's confusing too because she only fits with a completely uncorrupted Monika and never seems to address anything besides "cutesy" posts, so I don't know.

Ok fine, calm down user. She doesn't have a penis. Because she had it removed.

Obsessive girl wants to love you, I can't sympathize for it either.

>song about fucking a 14 year old

She says she knows it's a game early in Act 3. Maybe she'd make more sense if you paid more attention, though yeah some things are left vague.

So Monika's character file basically says that there will be another game by team salvato in 2018. What kind of game will it be? It will be a horror game of course, but I can't imagine how it would compare, if any, to DDLC.

She outright states something like "I told you I knew it was a game on the download page, did you even read it and I mean you the player not the character? btw you need to right-click, choose properties, browse local files, look in the character folder"

Why not

Monika number 5.
Also monika monika and monika.
Monika, monika.

Sayori was the best!

I thought she was just clinging to you because you're the only potentially real thing in her existence, it seems odd that she'd legitimately love you for what amounts to basically no proper interaction between the player and her.

But then she's painted as nothing but a good hearted girl in her Void Room and Twitter account, but acts like a manipulative bitch in the parts leading up to that.
President position being left with zero explanantions is annoying.
I couldn't remember the wording of Monika's Monika Murder Tutorial, sorry.

Filthy dumb, weeb game playing scum.

Considering Sayori's second poem, I'd say Sayori is at least smarter than Yui.


Then why are you here?

Reminder that Sayori becoming self aware when she was the president was just Monika screwing up because she can't into computers.

You're an otherworldly intelligence and the only one she knows to be on the same level of awareness as her. You're practically God, and it's no surprise she feels reverence for you as a higher life-form. People loved Saya in that role, or at least I did. Monika's practically a dog basking in its owner's affection. Maybe it's Stockholm syndrome with no other choice, maybe not.

Oh god, I don't want to empathize with a murderer, That's a thing I never considered and now.

Because while she certainly isn't perfect, she's also not necessarily some kind of monster either. Overall she is a pretty nice girl, but one who was broken upon realizing she was in a video game world where the only thing that was 'real' was blatantly denied her and went to some extreme measures out of desperation. I mean she references deleting herself more than once.

She didn't kill anybody ya doofus

>But then she's painted as nothing but a good hearted girl in her Void Room and Twitter account, but acts like a manipulative bitch in the parts leading up to that.
You probably have the wrong impression on her, she's not some kind of manipulative bond villain, she's a desperate girl who loves you and wanted to be with you, most of the shit that happens in the game happens not because of her great mastermind but because shit didn't occur as she expected, she didn't want anyone to die or to make the game a broken mess but she's shit at coding
In the void room she accomplishes her wish, she got her ending and is happy about it, how did you expected her to act?

Sure thing.

Not Monika's fault that Sayori is such a little bitch that couldn't handle the banter.
Plus she's not real, only Monika is real.

I suppose I probably read her wrong then, if you guys put it that way. It was like 3am when I got to the twists and I don't have a healthy sleep schedule. Also, I'm pretty slow.

Is it even legally considered murder to coerce someone into killing themselves? Wouldn't that be something else?

>I think manga is literature

Some weirdass scientific cult start to target the school because plot and they end up kidnapping one of the girls depending on who you romance the least

She could have stopped Sayori's death well ahead of time, considering she knew all about her depression and was making it worse throughout the first act. The fact is she couldn't get you to back off when you saw your friend was in trouble and the only solution was to kill her off. Her apology in the end is an empty lie. She also doesn't know who you are, what you look like, and she still tries to claim it was love that fueled her actions.

A lot of people don't get her and thing she's just some evil cunt, when she's just a desperate lonely girl that wants to be hugged by (You).

Well I don't think Monika directly made Sayori kill herself or anything. That happened more as a result of her depression. Monika was responsible but her original intent probably wasn't for suicide.

Also people get swept up in emotion enough to forget that their lives don't work the same way, since their existence is tied to their character files.

>Is it even legally considered murder to coerce someone into killing themselves? Wouldn't that be something else?
I think it's Manslaughter.

She wasn't lonely, she only thought herself a higher existence than the world around her.

In the perspective of fictional characters on a fictional world, yes, that's a dick move
In Monika's perspective Sayori is nothing more than some 0 and 1s, why would she overthink her case? It would be the same as me download my gf's porntape because she doesn't feel comfortable with me having that in a computer, i just deleted some data for the sake of the one i loved

>wasn't lonely
Before she realized that it was just a game, sure, but after that she knew that all of that was just a lie.

>She wasn't lonely
One of the first thing she says in the world of void was how lonely she was


>tfw part of an elite club of taste known as Yuri

Fuck, i mean delete

I just assumed the president position was the baddie and Monika's just a desperate screw up, but that's generalising and there's no actual information (that I can gather) about what Sayori's Election Day was even about, beyond an excuse for redeeming Monika.
I don't know, man.

Whatever it's considered, no doubt she should be held responsible for her mistakes or actions though, least we can agree on that part.

>In Monika's perspective Sayori is nothing more than some 0 and 1s
She's still emotionally attached to those 1's and 0's though, probably more to them than (you) I'd say. That's why they're just removed from the game and not deleted outright.

>All these newfags talking about the game because they watched their swedish fake friend substitute play through it

Jesus christ you underaged faggots are pathetic

Yuri > Monika > Sayori > Natsuki

easiest ranking I've ever done

>shitposting instead of just ignoring the thread
What a dunce

Downloading Justice League Doom
What am i in for?

I think the president position is set up as a sort of tier list during development where if the president is gone then that position passes on to the next in line, which is Sayori. If anything the 'position' is a designation for who will be 'enlightened'.

And after the end she does pretty much hold herself responsible. She restores everything to normal but without her and even refuses to let you bring her back.

>being so pathetic that you watch free videogames instead of playing them and actively defend fake friend substitutes
The absolute state of newfags on Sup Forums, good lord.

>Still watches over you
She just elevated herself to a higher existence

A bit odd that it doesn't pass to Yuri, now that I think about it, since she's VP.

>assuming all these things
Stop making an ass out of you and me ya nigger

Sayori was VP, Yuri was VP on act 2

She works the same way if all it took was sitting in the president's chair. She was limited by the game before rewriting it. But that's beside the point. Monika plans the days out and drops hints on what will happen to the other girls, and she only did it because she hates the game. And in the ending, she has the gall to say she loved the club and all her friends. She is manipulative, it doesn't matter why.

what's the point in even playing the game when the only way to win is to not play? the game literally just deletes itself when it's over and there's no real ending. this is why it's trash.

is this available on a real platform like the Switch or PS4

You know I never noticed Monica saying you really left Sayori hanging before you go find her. Cheeky little bastard.

>real platform
Good one user.

yuri is cultfags, truly a patrician waifu

Sayori and Natsuki are the only decent girls
Monika is for ironic shitposters
Yuri is for normalfags who are afraid of girls with small boobs, and then for yanderefags (who are even worse than scat fetishists). Garbage waifu.

>Liking a flat chested moe blob who has worse taste than Sup Forums

It's entirely possible for people to do things they regret afterwards though, she was being led by desperation to the point of saying she wanted to kill herself in one of the .txt, her final moments was she getting on terms with herself just like any other character who's about to die

I think the game did well to actually make me emotional for 2-dimensional characters on my computer screen, which is what most Visuals Novels set out to accomplish, right?