Hacking with 2000+ hours played

>hacking with 2000+ hours played
literally why?


>realize you're addicted and it started to ruin your life
>use cheats to get fucked into not playing it anymore

And for offline games you can hack in all the items, max your level, clear everything, and have nothing left to do.

He's a dumbass who doesn't realize you should have multiple accounts.

It was an INTENTIONAL decision.

>Not realizing the pattern of mental health issues you display over video games

If you played 2000+ hours of a single game I highly doubt he would experience something new anyway.

You can buy accounts that look "real".

I make and sell accounts like this, stacking hours on different games, level the profile to something like 15-60 ish. Easy money, as people rly want to cheat for some reason

>entirely removing someone from a game they clearly enjoy playing a great deal because you can't handle getting killed a couple of times
Literally why? Their loss of future happiness will be weighted far more than your immediate mild frustration.

>get butt blasted that someone kills you
>report them
>the shitters watching the game are also upset that they aren't as good as him
>he gets banned permanently
Fucking get good holy shit

>letting people know when justice is served in vidya

this is just unprofessional

there are guys on 5k hours undetected

give up now

>the hacker's enjoyment outweighs the frustration of both teams
Found the hacker

Is bike cuck posting a thing now

what? its awesome

>hackers dindu nuffin

>play game for 4+ years
>still be mediocre
>cant deal with the fact that you're incapable of learning, a literal subhuman
>turn to cheats to FINALLY surpass players that have only played a fraction of the amount you have
>be so bad that you can't even hide your cheating. but your hacks were expensive enough for VAC not to detect them
>get overwatch convicted because ur stupid
Yeah nice bait btw

Did the same with Overwatch. Started playing with a couple friends and legitimately having fun at launch.

Moving forward a couple months later, none of my friends played anymore, nor were interested when I invited them, and kept playing only for the skins.

After I gave my first 50 bucks to the Jews, I realised I had gone insane. Installed a cheat and got me banned a couple days after. Best decision of my life.
Either way, Overwatch has gone to shit lately.

>tfw cant cheat on Sup Forums and get permad
>tfw stuck here forever

>being a snitch
i hope you end up in prison and try to pull the same snitch bitch shit

There are certain things you can post to get permabanned.


back to /r/csgo snitchfag

>*mid way through robbing your house*

There is no such thing as a permaban, only an IP ban.

Oh no, I have to reset my router.

This is the worst curse of user: the knowledge of how to evade.

Since when is niggerposting on Sup Forums a thing?

you wont be resetting your modem from pri-
oh wait you're a bitch

>actually causing monetary damages
>comparable to someone upsetting you in a childrens videogame
please grow up,lose weight,take a shower and have sex with a female who you are not related to. And no a "female" with a penis does not count fag.

nothings stops me from turning the router on and off. And even If I get range banned I still shitpost from my phone alot. And even if my provider gets banned I still travel around the country every couple months.
There is literally no way to escape unless I somehow develop inhuman willpower and break the cycle

>caring what people do in a interactive medium developed for children
You seem like the same person to take comics and anime and cartoons serious

>9000 hours of dota
>played since beta
>7k mmr
what do i do bros ;_;

>get banned for cheating
Are cheaters the niggers of video games?


You're literally complaining that a privately offered service enforces the restrictions placed upon its users. Are you also angry when a fancy restaurant kicks you out for wearing a T-shirt?
Oh right, you order your hotpockets to your basement via delivery.



>saying nigger means you're from Sup Forums

Had like 2k hours on counter-strike source, right before csgo launched I just downloaded the most obvious ridiculous hacks and just kept jumping through servers spinning around and instant headshotting before I got vacbanned. Shits hilarious.

upset hacknigger detected.

If Hackers want to bullshit so desperately why not go to a cheats-enabled server?

>Are you also angry when a fancy restaurant kicks you out for wearing a T-shirt?
This never happens i would know because i own a fancy resturant in las vegas, i actually have a job instead of just getting mad over videogames lol

Sup Forums don't give a single fuck about Sup Forums, i bet you don't even know that Sup Forums uses Sup Forums as their own bogeyman


>le oldfag meme
still trying to fit in buddy?

>because i own a fancy resturant
Gordon, fuck off Sup Forums and find out where those morons of contestants have the lamb sauce

and yet here you are, getting mad over videogames lol

Even fucking Sup Forums uses Sup Forums as their scapegoat
>f-fit in
Admit that you're an asshurt hacking faggot

>Hacks competent enough to evade VAC
Does such thing even exist? I always said to myself that such things were a myth, even acknowledging that VAC is shit.

im not mad though

>mup da doo didda

>go to server where everyone is a hacker
that might actually be pretty interesting. Ive seen Dark souls 3 video where two hackers encountered each other and started fighting. Shit was like something straight from DBZ

sound pretty mad to me

i'm mormon irl and im gonna have to ask you to please calm down on the swearing as it makes you very childish especially in the eyes of god

>that might actually be pretty interesting
Here's a hint: It's boring as fuck because everybody just has god-mode and autoaim on.

maybe nigga got tired at being shit and getting dunked on so he decided to even the odds

thats because you have autism and lack the cognitive ability to understand emotions

yep, he's mad

Except that Sup Forums is right in blaming Sup Forums, all those stupid graphic card wars and consumer threads for le ebin battlestation.

you can get much more creative than just god mode and auto aim.

>le u mad bro
actually go back to /r/eddit your embaracing yourself and you could get more upboats there

>start cheating to mess with other people
>They get asshurt so bad they start pondering on why you're cheating because there must be a reason other than being bored
Every time.

You grow up and stop hacking in multiplayer games lol

why so mad bro?

I cheat to sell boosts to people. I have 20+ cs:go accounts and none of them have been banned. Made almost 6 grand boosting people to various ranks just using cheats.

i dont hack but as a mormon i support every americans right to freedom

>implying I even want to leave anymore
It's like being in prison for decades, I wouldn't know how to live outside at this point

Hackers are not rational creatures. They are animals who need instant gratification, even if it means not deserving it in the slightest.

That doesn't make sense. A hacker could spend a lot of time from a week to a few months testing the code. How's that equate instant gratification?

This guy's mad.

Can you elaborate on the kind of people who want to get boosted? Why do they do it?

"hacker" isn't the person that makes the hacks, but the people that they're distributed to

hacker litteraly means hacking pieces of code together sloppily to get it done, if the "hacker" is even making the code at all

It's the same self destructive behavior people bored at life have. For some. Others are just literal retards.

right, my bad.

Because CS:GO is a fucking joke, and only 1% of the hackers gets banned.

No matter what, Valve failed. Hackers can just buy a new account and continue to fuck up the game. Prime doesn't seem to matter at all either.

A lot of them were just sub-human third-worlders who couldn't climb up the ladder but wanted to brag to their friends or randos. If you call them out for being bad they want to be able to say, "then why am I a higher rank than you". One guy said he just wanted to play ranked with his friends sooner and that being boosted would be quicker than trying to climb solo.

The person that makes the hacks should be castrated and shot as well. Honestly wish we had some sort of death penalty for cheating in online games. Call me edgy all you want, but you know it's the only way to fix competitive games.

I got vac after 3000 hours of source. no regrets

>this fucking guy

Why do you say that, valve totally solved that by making it go no lower than 50% price on sales, no more hackers, haha!

>Look at people through the wall
>They look back at you

Nah, it's not that. The dude liked the game and liked winning so much that he realized he could cheat and still get that feeling of satisfaction that comes with winning despite cheating.

So, you know.
You're into that, don't you?

I haven't played in a while, but there isn't that many hackers. Granted other games that are more expensive do a better job of stopping hackers, but the price of GO is the main factor in that.

left tf2 way before the saxton update please explain what's going on in this pic


I've always started cheating only after I've exhausted myself with the game.

I used to shitpost like a maniac during my exams period so I wouldn't be tempted to come here

how much do you get from an account like this?

Dude has a very expensive backpack full of rare items. Cheats in the game for some stupid ass reason and gets banned, thus making his backpack of items unable to be traded or sold. He then proceeds to pretend that he cheated on purpose and that he's happy that he pretty much set thousands of dollars on fire.


Wait, if you're vac banned, you can't trade? I could swear trade bans and vac bans were different

A VAC ban includes a trade ban for the associated game.
>If a VAC Ban, cooldown or overwatch ban has been registered on your account, you will no longer have access to the CS:GO store, or be able to make trades for CS:GO items, and you will no longer receive item drops.
Same applies to TF2