Woah, i literally cannot beat Orphan of Kos, what the fuck man

>woah, i literally cannot beat Orphan of Kos, what the fuck man
>”so just level up”
>”okay so just fet him down with vicreal attacks. It’s easy”

Fuck the lot of you, this game isn’t hard. You son’t even HAVE to git gud. I can make any game “le ebin hard” by playing like a retard too.

>using crutches
>using weapons
>wearing armor

Some guy beat bloodborne without taking a single hit, including the dlc

Just dodge into him instead of away, his first stage it's easy af to backstab him. Second is just attrition

Cool, but that some guy is not you or me user. I watched a guy do that with Resident Evil 1-3. Gongrats, they are autists.

>The Souls fanbase is retarded.
Stop the presses!

I just vicrealed him until he died. I was shocked that people actually drop bloodborne without killing all the bossess. It was literally my first ever souls-like too.

videogames are as hard as you make them

I beat ff5 where I did all sidequests and had mimic ability, final boss killed me only 6 or so times. Then I loaded by older brothes save file, the one I watched him beat the game with, and I could only barely get past the first phase let alone the fucking second one holy shit.

Despite being the same level, because he played through the main story normally, he had one of the greatest challenges of his life and he did it. I could never achieve the same type of satisfaction from the same videogame.

dumb weeb


I dunno user, whenever i JUST beat a game because i was being lazy and then go back and play properly and discover how hard i had made it on myself, i don’t feel “oh boy that sure was an acomplishment last time!” I feel “oh boy i was just being fucking retarded and my butthurt fustrations first time round were deserved and justified.”

Dumb Webm poster.
No but really, a lot of you are pretty horrible. Not all of you though, just a lot.

I dunno user, I feel like he thoroughly enjoyed the final boss more because he was required to think critically about his decisions in a fast manner, which is something I didn't have to do as much. For me, the final boss was solving a simple puzzle, "just mimic jump when he uses his fucking god awful holy flash attack and mimic bahamut every other time," but for him it was a fucking exciting, fast-paced final battle where one mistake will fuck you up. I think its because games like FF5 were designed to be beaten by children but allowed you to challenge yourself when youre an adult.

>Playing games with the mechanics it has
>Playing games at all
Lol fucking faggot.

>tfw you beat ancient wyvern without doing a plunging attack
That boss was shit.

I just wanted to be like all you other girls

I heard about the uncanny burial blade dungeon and want to start a new playthrough with it

Any step by step info on how to get to the chalice asap?

Sup Forums is full of retards. Always crying about casuals ruining gaming while being the biggest causals themselves

Even if was hard at times and I suck, bloodborn was just too damn good and fun for me, especially the orphan fight was amazing.

Only time I ever just stopped playing was the Dark Souls 2 dlc, the one where you fight in a snowy field. I just didn't enjoy it, I don't care if I'm a casual or have to "git gud".

What was his lore anyway? Who the fuck is he?

ds2 is real bad and people who defend it are probably pedophiles

It's been two years, do we still need four BB threads at once? You can check the catalog you know.

>Mother Kos washes up on the beach of a fishing hamlet, died in childbirth.
>Byrgenwerth comes in and slaughters the entire hamlet, carves out their skulls to look for eyes. Finds Kos, defiles the corpse by carving it up and taking every useful piece, most importantly the umbilical cord of the dead orphan
>Eldritch concept of death isn't the same as ours, the stillbirthed child exists in a nightmare, an everalsting portrait of it's non-birth, non-death and it's defilement by byrgenwerth.
>he is also a child and terrified

Orphan was not having a great time my dude

Yes and yes. BB is the best PS4 exclusive and will always be. But I like DS3 better personally

>not reading the revised paleblood hunt

Play Chalice to level-up. Once you are 50% higher level than now (equally divided in strength and health) come back to it and kick his ass.

>You can walk on water, so distance him first
>When his jumping at you, roll in front of you and then roll back to hit him

And just parry him fucking faggot git gud laurence is harder

It's my favorite game this generation but still.
His mother died, Byrgenwerth took him (unsure if dead or alive) away to do experiments on both his corpse and on the fishing hamlet, and for that they were cursed, and their children (the church) and their children's children (the hunters) forevermore, so now blood drunk hunters end up in the nightmare that guards the secret of what they did. At least that's what I got from what that fish guy says at the start of the fishing hamlet and from what Maria says at the start of the DLC as well.

Did you actually read OP’s post? He is mocking faggots who cannot beat him


OP is making fun user, not asking for advice.

the guy I saw was like a muay thai instructor

The Orphan is just the still-birthed baby great one, the child of Kos; the giant whale-like thing on the beach at the hamlet. At some point Kos washed up on shore and was picked apart by the scholars of Byrgenwerth who then basically defiled and murdered the entire hamlet. This was the secret of byrgenwerth and where much of their knowledge came from.

Then there's pthumeria, some kind of ancient ruin beneath Yharnam where once an angry lady lived. Also fat people.

Guy i saw was like a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu blackbelt. What now homosex?

Laurence is just cheap due to arena limitations. Fuck that boss. Ludwig is still the best BB boss - well balanced difficulty and great design. Which is rare.

That fight was the last one for me and I almost quit before beating those two shits too. I have no idea what kind of dev thinks this is fine. I used a guide for the path and then blew them up with my trusty Smelter Sword.

If you're playing in NG+ or lower, there is no excuse, git gud.

I started a NG+ run after thoroughly enjoying Nioh. Now I can't enjoy Bloodborne anymore because Team Ninja actually put effort into their game and I got used to it.

The controls in BB are so fucking shit, I'm amazed I was even able to beat it the first time around.
And the hitboxes are a complete mess. Better than DaS1 and 2 but that doesn't really mean anything.

>actually reading the biggest monument to autism there is

Nah you can literally just play the game and be a high enough level to rek the entire game. I went in blind on my first ever souls-like with bloodborne and finished the game at lv 130

>i bet you notate your own K/D ratio in bloodborne because thats about as deep as you go into the game

uwu what's that smell???
*Notices ur blood*
OwO the sweet blood, how it sings to me
*glomps you and drinks ur blud*

Remember hunter, no mercy for scoundrels.

>only doing the surface elements of your story and then letting the player make up the rest themselves is the height of storytelling

Honestly most of it comes down to learning patterns and not just blindly running around.
The first time I played Dark Souls I did it hollow 100% of the time, no summoning, not really putting anything into HP and with a pretty basic halberd because I only later understood the upgrading system. Also probably too much armour.
Only bosses that gave me problems really was the Gargoyle because at first I didn't know how to deal with two of them, then I cut off the tail by accident and it was good to go from there, other one was Ornstein and Smough, again mostly because I had trouble keeping an eye on both those assholes.

I still remember my biggest "Ooooh!" moment in the game, which was when I realised that instead of holding block the whole time, it is best to get block up quickly before getting hit and then drop it right away so your stamina regenerates faster. To me that's when the game REALLY started.
later I went full fuck parry / dodge > shields and just used large enemy swings to 2hand hit them in the back. good stuff.

Does anybody have a link to a proper lore explanation for all these events other anons are mentioning?
I played through the dlc of bloodborne at a friends place and unfortunately won't get to play the game properly for quite some time

>Refuse to use gun
>refuse to level up
I can understand a challenge run not doing that, but for just a normal run through the game? you gotta be some sort of special to feel the need to limit yourself and ignore basic gameplay features

That was my point user.

>make up

its over, go home
the citations are overwhelming

...but i seriously had to draw things out on a whiteboard the verify that everything did in fact tie back into itself.

I beat him using Auger of Ebrietas.


I hear people say this but the augur doesn't do shit during his second stage; he rarely ever turns his back to you

He actually turns his back to you way more frequently during the second stage. Every time he jumps at you like a retard and throws placenta everywhere you can just dodge into him, pivot, and auger, quickstep into his back for the visceral.

Overleveling is a stupid idea. Soulsborne games are balanced so that levels don't really matter as much as in other RPGs. You'll grind a few levels, get a very minimal increase in damage/stats, and not really have improved at the fight. You would have to grind for absolutely mind-numbing amounts of time in order to make a fight "easy" if you're getting rekt by it at the recommended level.

Re3 is quite possible to do without taking hit.

Granted the nemesis fight in the courtyard is ass because he spams rockets outside of the screen and there are few annoying spiders too that do the same but if you know where they are just spam dodge on audio cues.

Level 200 won't save you from Orphan if you can't even hit him. Some hoonters need to take it easy.

And so is bloodborne clearly. Doesn’t mean most will.

I got to lv 130 on my first playthrough and fucked Kos up big style. I went in blind and The game didn’t discourage me from doing so.

Orphan of Kos is just boring if you parry spam him though, why ruin a great boss

If he wasn't having a good time then why was he singing ACDC the entire time?

>Orphan of kos is boring if you fight him with THE MOST basic tools at your disposal

See OP is right, soulsfags are retards. Its all just self imposed handicapping to make the game fun by thier own arbitrary standards and defenitions. Face it, thats what you are supposed to do to him.

How would orphan look as an adult

that's because without a handicap I rape him effortlessly and its not fun at all
parries should be far harder and more punishable

>you can grind until you're overleveled in RPGs therefore they're all shit
Nice logic.

I fought Orphan on NG+ the first time, and I didn't know about good gems or runes, so it took me like 50 tries


Well yeah actually, that is correct. Unless you happen to play bloodbonre in the nude, at lv1 with a torch then you are overleveled too seeing as that is possible. If you have to go online and decide with a community about WHERE TO STOP LEVELING FOR THE GAME TO BE GOOD then there are problems.

no but it would be a fantastic boss if casual scum like you couldn't parry him and pretend you won
fight me faggot

This is the most fun method. Pretty sure I was under-levelled the whole way through and the Horse Guy was not fun though.

That anime is on the tip of my tounge..



no, you aren't good because you can spam l2 and
>b-b-but it's in the game...
isn't an excuse. Get gud and beat him without parrying and you will invariably come to share my opinion

God knows, user.

Chalices are basically designed so you have to do them one at a time anyway unless it's one of the weird ones that you buy.

If your loot is in a non-Root dungeon you basically just look up where to find the chalice that starts the chain you need to get it.

If it's in a Root dungeon save a bunch of time and ask around for a glyph that's still saved on the server that has it. You only need to have placed the same Root Chalice down at any time (NG+ does not influences chalices) with the required added difficulty offerings (or more) to search for the glyph you want.

I love how vicious he is. Like in his first stage when he just keeps rushing at you with that string of attacks that ends with the running uppercut; people get hit early on and instinctively try to back up but you just can't get away fast enough

Oh I saw that playthrough. The torch only one.

I didn’t say im good, im saying you literally dont have to be. Your “gud” is just your faggot interpritation of where to stop leveling. You aren’t good either mate unless you are lv 1 and beat him with a torch. There is literally no reason ti have to be good at this game and your wasted frustrations were pointless

I wasn't particularly frustrated because I beat him first try. If nothing else, I have a bigger dick than you. I am quite good, you know. It's okay to admit it, manlet

>fight him like 50 times and can't beat him
>take a break from the game a couple of days
>come back and beat him 2nd try
>get no feeling of accomplishment whatsoever

-have PS+
-beat Blood Starved Beast to make the first chalice
-beat Pthumeru chalice Layer 2 boss, Merciless Watchers
-use this glyph: nzzn259g
-burial blade is in the bonus area on layer 1

Phase 1:
Look out for his jumping attack or big spinning attack and backstab him

Phase 2:
Dodge to his left (your right) and pick your moments to swing

Bam. Dead Orphan.


Phase 2's cheese tactic is to go underneath him when he jumps straight up to throw down the three exploding pink line-bombs, and charge an R2. A lot of the time you can get a backstab right as he lands, you just have to get behind him in midair then go back so you would be in front of him, and you will find him to have turned around and his back will face you

He wasn’t asking for advice user, read OP again.

Same here.
Can't beat firefaggot tho.
Ng+ that nigga hits like a truck in Nice.

You forgot run towards the doorway/fog wall when he starts the Electric Scream.

other way around friendo

how did you not figure that shit out sooner mongrel

Yeah, same, this webm is the #1 move that Laurence would kill me with (borrowed from Cleric Beast). Once I trained myself to never panic dodge and to just remember his timings (they are pretty simple, just very delayed) I was able to beat him. His phase 2 is just about poking him with heavy hits, backing off, dodging swipes and making him thrash in clockwise circles around you

Oh, I wasn't saying I figured that out after those bosses. I was saying seperately that this is when the game "clicked" for me. I think the shield drop one for me was.. remember on burg the little tower with the black knight? I was fighting the mobs underneath it when it "clicked"

not really a cheese when its easier to just watch Kos' body for where the bolt-waves come out. They're extremely easy to dodge from the water

frankly as much as I love the souls stuff the whole slew of self imposed challenges people get autistic about really makes me sick . I've actually gotten hate mail from people who've summoned me when I beat the boss too easily because of pyromancy or lightning spears or some autism about the base damage of the weapon I was using. People have some stupid mindset about these games, like rather than using the appropriate tool for the job they'd rather force the same tool to work in every scenario because of the challenge.

I do think that overleveling is an issue in Souls games, it's too easy to trivialize otherwise challenging encounters. But I'm not sure what the solution would be without ruining the system. Level caps are out of the question. Level scaling would have its own problems.

It kind of is a cheese tactic considering it can't hit you there at all, but I see your point.
That little trick helped me greatly though, and it's a lot more consistent for those having a tough time with that attack.

>every boss you beat adds 10 levels to your potential cap
there's nothing wrong with this

>I've actually gotten hate mail from people who've summoned me when I beat the boss too easily because of pyromancy or lightning spears or some autism about the base damage of the weapon I was using.

How the FUCK are people who summon telling ANYONE about how to play the games? Holy shit.

I know I should screen cap this thing I got a few days ago. He goes off on me for using power within as a phantom. Then goes onto to say "I don't need you to beat s&o it was just for the company." then goes onto brag about some ng+4 sl1 run or something. Then get another slew of messages from the same guy continuing his autistic fit about boss etiquette and letting the host having the last hit. (this is guy who basically stood back 50 feet from smough making gestures for 2 minutes in the second half of the fight). I just don't get what it is about autistics needing an audience you'd think they'd get a twitch or something

I never really get why people bother dodging backwards in these games. It's almost ALWAYS better to dodge around them.

Just block autists like that.

>It's almost ALWAYS better to dodge around them.
that's a common misconception. In my experience, dodging sideways is usually the best since the enemy usually lunges past you anyway. The best angle to dodge really depends entirely on the attack in question.
Dodging forwards is no different from rolling, and doesn't allow you to lunge forwards with your attack like when you dodge in the other directions

Nothing wrong with using viscerals since you can't parry him during the hard phase
But if you grind, in any RPG, you're a casual faggot