Are their games even good? They're basically VNs no?
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>not fell off a cliff and stayed there since the beginning
Visual novels have choices and alternate routes. Telltale """""games""""" are the definition of movie games.
>paying for visual novels
Not videogames.
>run like shit
>look like shit
>writing is shit
>choices do not matter
>make one game that was genuinely good
>spend the next 5 years rehashing the formula with shovelware and tumblrina writers
>not never even got above the sea level
I liked Tales from the Borderlands.
Telltale was never good.
They're all basically the same game just with different IP skins, all thanks to The Walking Dead Season 1 being pretty good.
TWD1 and TWAU were the only good ones. Every other was shit and added literally no mechanics or changed any.
Tales from the Borderlands and Walking Dead season 1 are good. Wolf among us too I suppose. The rest are unbearably bad
I just care about TWAU 2 and how they're going to fuck it up.
>Telltale was never good.
Did everyone forget Sam&Max already ?
I miss when they were actually fucking point and clicks. I want Sam and Max back but it's never gonna happen
I love the episode where you travel through time with film reels.
TWAU is truly a soyboy tier meme game
It saddens me to know these fucks have the Sam & Max IP and are doing nothing with it yet if they DID do something with it, it would just be another one of their copy pasted reskinned "adventure" games.
Sam & Max was never good.
They really need a new engine at this point. Choppiness when transitioning from scene to scene should not be happening with visuals like those.
Couldn't you fit more buzzwords in there?
They're moving to Unity, which they should have done years ago honestly.
They were when they actually made it point and click adventure GAMES.
Three seasons of Sam & Max were good. But TTG shouldn't revert back to beating the dead cow.
I liked Back to the Future game, mostly because I didn't have any hype or expectations.
TWAU was decent until the end. The 'ending' was fucking horrible.
I enjoyed Sam and max till my friend said that max reminds him of this autistic annoying kid that was in my High school. Now I can't ever play the game without thinking if that retard.
its all PR and nothing about this is a genuine question.
They were the only ones putting out point and click adventure games but their point and click adventure games feel kinda dated at this point and most of their post-walking dead VNs feel like the same damn "YOUR CHOICES MATTER GUILT GUILT GUILT lol just kidding" thing ad infinitum
Sam & Max Season 3, TWAU, certain parts of The Walking Dead S1 & S2, and poker night are the best telltale games
The reason The Walking Dead S1 was so well liked wasn't that it was "innovative", it's that it was a surprisingly well-written story with an emotional climax despite it being predictable. Every proceeding TWD game tried to use the same narrative tricks with increasingly dull supporting characters. They will never catch lightning in a bottle the way they did with S1. The only other game that came close to being as interesting was Tales from the Borderlands and that's mostly just because given the source material everyone was expecting it to be shit.
I liked BttF because the folks working on it clearly loved the source material, albeit that second last episode came to a crashing halt pacing-wise.
Have any of their games NOT been virtue signalling trash?
all they had to do was make a poker night 3 with a large pool of characters that all have loads of interactions
>Poker Night
For real, I enjoyed that way more than I should have. Sequel, too. I guess neither did so well or they would've put out some DLC characters or such .
i feel like poker night should be episodic, like it has been
>Every proceeding TWD game tried to use the same narrative tricks with increasingly dull supporting characters
You forgot to mention the fact that the lead writer for TWD S1 left shortly after the game was finished. So that explains a bit about why the sequels were so fucking bad.
>Have any of their games NOT been buzzwordy buzzword?
I dunno, you tell me.
It needed rotating characters, and some form of progression other than unlocks for fucking TF2.
100% agree. And even though Gearbox have terrible writers, I think Telltale did a really good job with it. The first half of the final episode is so amazing
Bring it back.
>new ip
well atleast they wont ruin sam and max anymore
These: are right.
They never dipped in quality, because they were always shitty. While voice acting and stories are good the "your choices matter" slogan is a blatant fucking lie. If they fix this one thing alone they will be redeemed in my eyes.
>added literally no mechanics or changed any
This is false. They managed to actually casualise the quicktime events even further in subsequent games and add even less interactivity.
I just want GoT season 2. You spend the whole game getting fucked and it ends of a cliffhanger of you getting fucked. I want to play a season that redeems these characters and have them do the fucking for once.
Congrats on having an objectively wrong opinion user.
This. TTG games represent everything that's wrong with video games today.
The success of The Walking Dead could've been a great financial opportunity to give intelligent adventure games to a bigger audience. Instead they completely dropped their adventure audience for the low-brained cash-cow, while losing them as well with lack of quality control, next to no interactivity whatsoever and more and more boring stories.
Thanks for nothing and enjoy your upcoming financial ruin you greedy cunts.
all their games have been the same for almost 8 years now. the big problem is that they are all just 100% sjw trash at this point where the so called male "protagonist" always is a beta cuck that get´s pushed around by strong wyman and easily defeat him in combat. even batman or the joker can´t his own anymore against the power of feminism
>the so called male "protagonist" always is a beta cuck that get´s pushed around by strong wyman and easily defeat him in combat.
You are forgetting about someone.
The ones you conveniently ignore
or Puzzle Agent
How can Strong Bad's Cool Game be virtue signaling? Marzipan is a parody of those types
Poker Night and Poker Night 2 are the worst because they came perilously close to being good. Look at Poker Night 2. The first time you load it up, it's brilliant for about 20 minutes. Then you realize that the characters keep repeating the same jokes and conversations over and over as they dip from a shockingly small voice file pool. And then it hits you how irritating the characters are, like how Claptrap is the equivalent of playing poker with a five year old call of duty player, and Glados won't shut up every time you take any action at all. Oh, and you can't skip any of the dialogue past the buy-in at the very start of a new game. It could have been good. They had one job.
Alright guys. I know it's a normalfag series but please hear me out. Wouldn't a Dexter or Breaking Bad Telltale series be fucking fantastic? I know Sony bought the Breaking Bad IP so that any video game for it that was developed would be PS4 exclusive, the thought of a Dexter game makes me wanna cum.
has any of these glorified VN games included microtransactions yet?
I think they overdid the getting fucked in this one.
>tfw no Puzzle Agent 3
Yeah, if Battlefront's projected profits also 'dipped'
It was alright got pretty bad towards the end
A dexter game mite b cool
The first and last telltale game I will ever buy
Could be okay, but could also turn out like Game of Thrones where everybody just got shit on. The inherent problem of only the last choice mattering is still present
Yes, and it's a damn shame.
I like Telltale, but feel that some of their games vary wildly in quality.
It alternates between seasons like the first Walking Dead and Tales from the Borderlands, which were far more enjoyable than I expected them to be, and later Walking Dead seasons and Game of Thrones that range from wasted potential to genuinely frustrating and unsatisfying.
Season 4 when? Season 3 wasn't that good.
season 3's the best season though
Unless you want a different GOT storyline, it's not happening. Season one had a shitload of endings that it'd be impossible for Telltale to continue without a copout bullshit timeskip.
I think one of Game of Throne's bigger weaknesses was that it wasn't embracing its own ideas, so much as trying to get as many popular locations and characters from the HBO version involved as possible.
I find the games with mostly original casts are the most enjoyable because Telltale's just using an established setting as a springboard to tell a new story. But in Game of Thrones, a lot of the characters just felt like they were tailored to a fan favorite Stark, and they deal with canon antagonists like Ramsey and the Queen knowing that we'll never be able to directly fight or defeat them.
oh shi-
Nice if them to admit after the latest absolutely abysmal walking dead episodes. Somehow they thought people played it for the action and had like one dialog with one character inbetween every obnoxious qte scene. It was just never ending.
The first few episodes of that were honestly what I wanted from Borderlands as a setting all this time. It worked really well despite it following many of the modern telltale issues. Then it went to absolute shit in episode 3. I had my suspicions of what might have gone wrong because I felt like I recognised it and I was entirely correct about the fact they brought Anthony Burch in to write for it. Athena a shit, everything to do with her a shit and the direction they took the thiefgirl a terrible. Didn't even have the drive to finish it at that point.
My only experience with a tell tale games was falling asleep within the first thirty minutes of playing The Walking Dead.
They suck balls
>Are their games even good?
Not really.
I've never finished a single series of their and have a few from various bundles over time.
Sam and Max Season 1 was their peak.
I didn't think the unexplained story connection to the Pre-Sequel was really necessary, but I didn't hate Athena. I just think it's annoying that the elements of her departure are never really explained in-game, making her character arc in Tales feel incomplete when played on its own.
I never understood the appeal of their "games" and I hate how they always release them in episodic format.
It's a shame, because Game of Thrones probably has the most branching ending and blatant set of cliffhangers of any of their recent games.
But I don't have much hope of them aiming for a heavily branching sequel if they do one at all.
She was a very preformative STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER and LGBT REPRESENTATION that only really existed for the ego of the writers involved. Worst they they railroaded it down the route where her bullshit was rubbing off on another, actually well written and enjoyable female character. She was unabashedly hypercompetent (which is bad enough in itself) in a story that was great because it focused on people that weren't even competent. Not to mention the ideas of turning one of said character into an outright vault hunter.
I think what Borderlands had that a lot of their recent games lacked was a good sense of humor mixed in with the drama.
A lot of their more serious games try to recapture the edge of the first season of Walking Dead by shaming you over every other choice no matter what you do to make you feel guilty. But when there's no real interesting moral decisions or branching scenarios to build off of it feels forced.
Borderlands has more fun with the idea, and uses branching scenarios to have different comedic situations and shifting character relationships. So it's not just deciding what other characters will yell at you over.
She gets taken down after one episode and you aren't really forced to deal with her again.
Their CSI games were alright.
>season 4 using a more comic-like visual style instead of the clay models
Serious? It isn't a situation where she comes up constantly and the other one starts acting like her? You're telling me that for all that build up and how much everything was setting up to focus around her and what she's doing it just goes nowhere? I mean, it's good for me I guess but what's even the point of having the awful bint at that point?
>not fell off a cliff and stayed there since the beginning
honestly it's this
telltale games stopped being "games" and changed into interactive fiction immediately after their sam and max reboot (in fact season 3 of sam and max was greatly simplified and served as a template of sorts for their future games)
if they want to get back to being good again they have to make a PnC that's like their first sam and max game, except put more effort into animation/graphics because the whole "wew it's low poly with gritty textures/shaders" thing is getting fucking old
I'd rather they just close shop desu. it takes a special minded dev to make PnC adventures that are genuinely worse than anything daedelic shits out
Only if they bring in Ruth.
Fiona's training pays off and she's more competent with her gun in later episodes, and you have the choice to bring Athena back again in the final confrontation, but her involvement's optional.
if they made a sam and max like the tv show it would be amazing. just turn up the corny pun-driven humor 200%
I'm surprised how close to the comics they got away with for the TV show. The only real sacrifice they had to make was add the brain so dumb kids could relate.
VNs are better tbqh. Literally the only good TTG game is Walking Dead S1, and even then it was only good because the story is better than the shitty TV show, not because it has any actual good game-like qualities to it.
No microtransactions exactly, but the latest walking dead has a lot of DLC story you have to buy.
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People was the last decent 'game' they made
Last decent 'movie' was Wolf Among Us
That's because that user is a faggot that doesn't know Homestar Runner
Unironically looking forward to TWAU 2
fight me faggots
They can't copy that surreal 90's cartoon feel. I know they can't.
I used to really enjoy Telltale games because I only played them once and didn't check other routes but when I played Game of Thrones I hated the ending so I tried to change it. It made me realize how little influence my actions have in and retroactively ruined the other games for me.
They`re just silly fanservice with some new stories attached, I don`t take them seriously and get them for a couple pounds, so I don`t mind.
Man the Whitehills in that game were such fucking niggers
>Destroy all your rare and expensive Ironwood to make a quick buck
>Realise you have nothing else to pay the bills
>say your bffs fucked you over
>They tell you to fuck off
>eventually got ironwood again
>proceed to strip the forests of all wood again to make a quick profit
Tales of the Borderlands has no business being as good as it was, especially after all the shit they pumped out and how genuinely terrible the writing in the original games were.
>Sam & Max
>always bad
Just remake more Lucas Arts and Sierra games
Whats Deponia