From the same guy that leaked BF1 precisely:
>Cold War gone hot scenario
>Focus on tighter maps similar to Oasis, Grand Bazar, and Karkand
>No planes, vehicles have a higher skill floor
>Customization rivals that of BF4
>Soldier cosmetic customization
>NO P2W MICROTRANSACTIONS (battlepacks are returning though)

Other urls found in this thread:


BFBC2's ending showed Russians invading Alaska.


This is set in an alt history cold war, with vietnam-era equipment

Fine, as long as it isn't fucking Vietnam again.

>Fine, as long as it isn't fucking Vietnam again.

EA Insider here. Here's the plot

>Hitler (Now living in an 11 year olds body in Argentina after the brain transplant) has been raising an army of clones thanks to the help of Nazi Science in South America
>After the USA and Soviets slug it out over an increasingly hot cold war, Hitler awakens his clone army during the midst of Vietnam
>Soviets and USA have to team up, USA embraces socialism and Soviets figure out how to use American capitalist science to repel hitler
>Game spans multiple contents with mechas, hover tanks, nazi/commie/american supersoldiers, mages (Nazi's discovered dark ritualistic magic) who serve as the air force
>No crouching

Should be good.

fuck you, vietnam is awesome

Shut the fuck up you memeing nigger. Vietnam is an overrated and stale theme.

Korean war it is, then.

>poor man's vietnam
even worse

Would play.

No vietnam is a pretty cool setting for a shooter.

Okay dokey.

Gulf War? Panama? Kosovo? Lebanon? basically anything after Vietnam is basically psuedo 'modern'.

Overrated. Every single fucking cold war game is just vietnam, as if it was the only major battle from that era. There's over a hundred games based on it, fuck off with this shit already.

Korea was a conventional war between multiple nations. Vietnam was a guerrilla war.

>No crouching
I hope you meant no prone

No, there's standing and prone
No crouch, so to stop toxic teabaggers

>cold war gone hot
>70s-80s weapons/pop culture
I might have been interested in this if so many games hadn’t already done the us vs russia conflict to death. bfbc1, bfbc2, and bf3 already did this for christ sakes not to mention modern warfare 1-3. I’d rather dice take a stab at ww2 or hell even 2143 before rehashing this again.

that sounds fucking aweful

>I'd rather DICE rehash BF1942 or 2142 instead of doing something new in the series
glad to know who's destroying video games.

Even worse than vietnam. There's over 300 games about that shit.

Liberal russia hate propaganda

So it won't connect with the story of BC1 and 2?
what a shame I liked those guys

Cold War gone hot is based though, just look at World in Conflict


Smaller maps

Why do that only reason I loved bf was cos of the large maps

Fuck this shid

Its fucking stupid. What’s the deus ex machina for getting rid of the complete nuclear devestation?

He did cite Harvest Day as one of the map comparisons, which was pretty large

>Niggerfaggots wanting vietnam shit AGAIN instead of based Gulf
Get some fucking taste.

Korean war was worse and more bloody then Vietnam war

What? No it wasn't. There were less military and civilian deaths involved.

>From the same guy that leaked BF1 precisely
where's that video?

I assume the context of the maps chosen is to show that they are largeish but split into opener areas for tank combat and then more cityish places for CQ combat.

Oasis started in a bigger, more open area, then moved into the city, for instance. City could still have tanks in it, but they had to keep back or go on the roads, mostly.

>No planes


Nothing to see here, folks.

At least 3 million koreans died in the war. Just the Koreans.
Ever wondered why there's so few people in North Korea? It wasn't because of any Kim Jong.

Bad Company never had planes. In fact the games typically launched with Rush as the primary mode with relatively smallish linear maps that planes wouldn't work on. Bad Company 2 didn't even have Conquest at launch. The sub series focuses on infantry combat and ground vehicles.

Even if it has the Bad company name, its just gonna be a sequel to 1 anyway, so fuck it.

>wanting planes

If its really a bad company I want better destruction. I don‘t care if theres a million copy and pasted buildings and trees. As long as I can flatten them. Fuck this „Levelution“ bullshit.

Pleeeeeeeease be fucking true.

Knowing EA they would probably fuck it all up anyways, it's been forever since Bad Company 2.

I can't believe some people prefer 3 and 4 over Bad Company 1 and 2. BC is so much more fucking fun, it's not attempting to be tryhard or edgy and just wants to give you a crazy fun chaotic teambased MP experience.

Battlefield with Geo-Mod when?

Battlefield 1 had the best destruction in the series though

Niggerfield One has decent building destruction, and thankfully the only microtransactions are cosmetic, which should be the case in BC3 too.

BF1s destruction is both awful and decent at the same time. yet there are still tons of shit that just cannot be blown up. Especially when it comes to buildings. Some walls just never can be blown up, which is stupid as shit.
The poster obviously wants building collapses, not just random walls exploding.

Fuck off. Planes ruined battlefield

BC3 set in the 80's sounds great. I still have more consistent fun with BFBC2 then BF4 and BF1. BF4 was a clusterfuck with terrible vehicle balance and terrible maps and stupid shit like the Commander, BF1 improved netcode and ballistics, better class balance and much better vehicle balance aside from some behemoths, looks amazing, and has a few good maps but feels average overall. All the oldschool BF players that loved BF1942, BF2, and BF2142 all moved on to games like ARMA, the only relevant BF fanbase today are those who loved bad company. Give us BC3 you fucks, and make it feel good and focus on Rush.

>Bad Company
Get a load of this faggot.

Whats sad is how complete shit BF1s cosmetics are. I suppose this is also a good thing since it means I don't care about them at all. But I dislike the lack of customization.

Hell the black whining is dumb as fuck to begin with. Know what would have solved that? Have them as a "skin' for US troops. You could be X battalion, or Y battalion. The games customization was shit because there just wasn't any.

It doesn't matter what the new battlefield game is, the fact you will still need to use EA Origins platform, have a shitty matchmaking system, and you will need to spend $100+ to get all the maps and DLC means it will never be a great multiplayer experience.

By the time the game gets a decent discount, the player base will have already moved on to the next Battlefield game.

Unless it as the destructability as the 2nd game, it will be dead to me. I want maps to be completely leveled by the end of the match. I require the ability to open up a new door in any wall, or to just take down a house to kill 1 person.

I agree, for the most part. They still havent learned that splitting the community with DLC is never a good thing.

They have no signs that they regret the server policy for BF1 either. So chances are servers won't have RCON and communities will be dead again. Why the fuck would I want to pay for a server if the only benefit for that is putting my name on it? Since thats all BF1s rental is, basically.

>Wanting them to make a sequel when they have admitted they don't even know why bad company 2 was so well liked.

>No p2w microtransactions
>battle packs
Can't you get attachments from those

If its more of 2 instead of being good like 1 then i have no interest. Dice has also been completely killed this generation now that liberal sjw politics are at their all time high and EA is more jewish than ever before

>you will still need to use EA Origins platform

Not if you buy on PS4. I'm indifferent when it comes to Origin, but I fucking hate how quickly the playerbase of Origin games die out on PC, I only came to this realization a few months ago which is why I deleted BF1 on my PC and only play it on PS4 now, with over twice the player count as on PC I don't care that it doesn't look as good, at least I'm joining consistently full games.

heck i want to know what happened to marlowe and pals

they were rapidly losing territory at the end of BC2

As long as they get all the BFBC2 devs to work on it I'm sure it'll turn out good.

I don't get this meme, in BFBC2 "destruction" meant blowing up a certain number of outer walls of a house before a scripted animation plays, in BF1, entire multistory buildings can disappear, and there's more destructible buildings in BF1 than any other BF game

cosmetics being garbage just makes it easier to ignore the mtx in the game entirely, which is nice

and the issue with a couple classes being black is really overblown, the lack of customization is the real problem, like you said. its just lazy.

>shows him destroying walls
>leaving large chunks that never go away
BF1s destruction is no less scripted than BC2s was.

Like I'm not looking for a skyrim face generator or something. But being able to pick camos and shit for BF3/4 was pretty nice.

I think when people say BFBC2 has better destruction they're talking about how literally every single building and little shack can be demolished, BF1 has great destruction but there are still a decent amount of buildings that don't even react to explosions and cannot be demolished at all.

I hope they go back to the over the top sound design like BC2. Fucking turning on war tapes and having your ears raped with gunfire and "IM GETTING FUCKED IN THE ASS OVER HERE"

>watch this video
>get the urge to play Battlefield 4 on PC
>costs fucking $40 for the game and it's expansions
>fuck why is it so expensive
>Origin says I can actually play for free for up to 168 hours in game time
>168 hours
Shit, I doubt I'll even play for that long so it's basically free then. Neat.

Camo in BF4 was almost indistinguishable from normal outfits, it barely made any difference at all because no one could see it.

>I'm sure it'll turn out good
Oh you poor, naive, son of a bitch.

>caring what other people think.
Customization is almost 100% what you like, not what other people see or care about. People spend 50+ USd for CS:GO knives that basically no one sees 99% of the time.

Is this bait? There were a shit ton of buildings in BC2 that couldn't be touched
>Every buidling on Panama Canal
>Lighthouse in Valparaiso
>All construction buildings
>Lumber Mill in Laguna Alta
>Factory in White Pass
literally only the houses, shacks, and the 1 story command buildings could be brought down, everything else was cosmetic, you couldn't even destroy the fucking floors or ceilings, unlike in BF1

I have mixed feelings about that. On one hand I fucking love 2142, but deep down I think we all know that EA would just turn it into utter shit

>play for free for 168 hours on PC

>165 of those will be spent on finding a populated server through its crappy matchmaking system

>The free part probably doesn't include the DLC, so you won't be able to play with users who have the DLC which is probably 90% of the remaining pc playerbase who haven't moved on to BF1

We'll see how it goes, I may buy it if I end up having fun. Probably won't though.

>not bf 2143


then go play battlefront

>use matchmaking
Well, you deserve to get shit games.

>no planes or heli's
Fuck off, this is the reason why i can't stand BF1, outdated trash

its odd how I haven't seen any threads about BF2 and the fact that heroes will be free as long as yo log on during the season they were released

None of the other players could tell what/if you had camo on and you yourself couldn't even see it, at best a couple inches of sleeve.

I don't mind having customization but when it's that insignificant it's rather pointless.

BF1 has planes and even stuff that wasn't in older battlefields like special heavily armored elite units which i found to be super fun to play

it just doesn't have helicopters because there weren't any damn helicopters in world war 1, same with 2

there will be helis, planes are cancer though

how about kys yourself

Helis will exist, if its like BC1/2.

The interaction between planes and non planes is really hard to make actually good. The Heli, Armor, Infantry triad worked quite w ell in BC1/2.
Adding planes doesn't make the game magically better. I either can almost 100% ignore planes entirely, or just dedicate my life to hunting them.

Get ready to waste your money on another generic trash shooter by dice. Jesus when will you people learn

>no planes

I hope a battlefield with jungle aesthetics. I want to play some guerrillas again just like bad company 2

Haven't seen that myself. Not that I overly care. Googling it didn't come up with much. Got a source/

>Customization rivals that of bf4

Not allowed, BF4 barely had any trees and BF1 has even less.

>Cold War
This is my fav setting.

Hopefully the cold war setting lets them make maps in any environment they want (like bc2).


Well thats, at least, a good attempt at positive PR. Doesn't make the game any good, though.

Bring back sticky C4's so i can spam them on tanks again

Im guessing he is either retarded, or thinking all maps should be 100% trees. I'd agree that many BF1 maps are pretty sparse...but that sort of happens in war.

So its again community breaker season pass. Well fuck it. Im done with this franchise

Can I drive a C4 loaded ATV into the point RUSH points again?

Will we get the return of epic loading screen music? Valdez had the best.

this sounds fucking retarded just like you