Why is Sony so obsessed with narrative driven experiences?
Why is Sony so obsessed with narrative driven experiences?
They're safe and non-threatening. Perfect for the soyboy PlayStation fanbase.
Replying to yourself is bad manners.
Why is PC the home of VN’s and previously the exclusive home of Undertale?
How are oreshika, freedom wars, resogun, everybodys golf, the tomorrow children, patapon or wipeout driven by narrative? Oh wait, they aren't. They also sell like shit and sometimes lead to studios being closed. Sony is a business, they make shit that sells well. There is no reason to exclude story from a game if there are more people who buy games for the story than there are people who would buy a game with fun gameplay but without any story whatsoever.
Fuck off Ape Escape fag
Notice how those games come from Japan, the only place that still understands that a game is supposed to be a game. Burger Sony thinks that as long as it has a story it will sell. Game play is second nature to story in most Sony games.
Everyone has something:
>Nintendo = simple bing-bing-wahooer games with zero dept, like Arms, BotW, Oddessy, etc.
>PC = lootbox multiplayer-driven e-sports garbage like PUBG, LoL, DOTA, etc.
>Blizzard = pocket-rape low-skiller garbage like WoW, Nu-Diablo, Hearthstone, Overwatch, etc.
>Platinum = mashy garbage made for retards.
>Capcom = repeated franchise suicide.
>From = same game 5 times in 7 years.
Because narrative driven experiences can be enjoyed by everyone, including non gamers. Also, gameplay is a concept that is too abstract for many people, so it's easier to sell a game with it's story. I don't want to start some consolewar bullshit, but just imagine how easy it is to sell HZD to a casual compared to BotW.
because they cant into gameplay.
All me btw.
Even games like horizon zero dawn or infamous second son focus more on gameplay than story. By "in most sony games" you mean shit like uncharted, david cage moviegames, until dawn and that order 1886 game or whatever it was called.
I think it's safe to say that Sony is a mixed bag. They do a plethora of genres, mostly story driven content, some Japanese titles, Westerns, etc. I like the variety from PlayStation, but understand where people come from when they say they can live without the walking sims and cinematic experiences.
during PS Experience they said it's because is what they do best.
shut the fuck up you pre-teen nintender fan
But that's false. They don't always make engaging stories that keep my interest. I think they're getting worse at it. inFAMOUS Second Son/First Light, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and The Order 1886 were terrible stories that annoyed and or failed to impress me.
Maybe because their audience isn't children?
Why is Nintendo so obsessed with kids themed games that pander to 25+y/o numales that want to go back being a child?
I'm a grown and man, who enjoys Nintendo for the engaging game play. I couldn't care less for shoehorned story in my vidya. In fact I wish story was an afterthought in modern Sony games, instead of being first and foremost.
t. betacuck soyboy manlet
>But that's false. They don't always make engaging stories that keep my interest.
There are other demographic than your faggot ass ya know. Shit i don't like their "narrative" shit either but god damn at least i aint stupid and shallow enough to think im the whole world and whine about it.
Sony doesn't try hard enough nowadays to make good game play, let alone great. They pride themselves on story driven content because it sells. There are some exceptions though such as Japan Studio, but they're a piss in the ocean of the rest of Sony Worldwide Studios.
Gravity rush 2, MLB the show, everybodys golf, bloodborne, gt sport, dreams, and vr games. Microsoft tries to make their own narrative driven experiences too just they arent ever any good.
I own a PlayStation 4 and have owned all of Sony's devices, even the Vita. I enjoy Sony consoles, but I also know that Sony has a problem with these cinematic games that have flooded PlayStation for over a decade now.
Calm down, it's okay to criticize things you love.