Why does Sup Forums blindly worship this game?

Why does Sup Forums blindly worship this game?

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I'm pretty sure most of Sup Forums hates this game.

Sup Forums is not one guy. If anything Sup Forums hates this game. And I like the game for rational reasons.

They want to feel part of something special. What they don’t get is that this game won’t mean much once the next real Zelda hits with actual themed dungeons.

Breath of the Wild is a great game but it's not perfect. Yet if you criticise the game at all (even in a post that's mainly compliments) you get Nintendo babies calling you a Sony fanboy or claiming you didn't even buy the game. Is it really that hard to believe that somebody bought the game and had issues with it? The divine beasts are probably the worst dungeons in a 3D Zelda.

>Why does Sup Forums blindly hate this game?

>real Zelda
Fuck off dumbass

Nigga there’s a dedicated Zelda shitposting thread every hour on Sup Forums. 10 months after its release.

Probably falseflaggers. There’s no one who’d get triggered so much at a mostly complimentary post.

>boofuckinghoo I got trolled by consolewar shitposters

>why does Sup Forums blindly hate this game?

But all I see are people saying it’s the greatest game ever

>200+ hours played
>blindly worship

You sure you aren't just seeing what you want to see?

Prove me wrong

But all I see are people saying it’s one one of the worst games ever made also.

Because it makes you upset.

No you gay nigger
Game is shit and so are you

I don't think anyone worships it. But I think most can agree it is a good game.

Why would I want people to say it’s amazing when that isn’t my opinion?

I'm pretty sure most of Sup Forums hates games.

Why does Sup Forums blindly worship this game?


Because you like being angry?

>blindly worship
>implying that the negative comments arent significantly further from neutral than the positive on this board.

Yeah, Ok.

Also if you really wanted to know why people like it, a brief Google search would inform you. Unfortunately that wouldn't confirm your bias so here you are settling on shitposting instead.

You're displeasure makes me wet. Keep it up brainlet ;)

The new Zelda is basically a Grand Theft Auto game without
>numerous npcs
>decent combat
>a good story
>lots of good music
>replay value

So really its just a dude walking around in a big empty map mostly alone.

The game deserved a 4/10, and the perfect 10 scores have done a huge disservice both to the vidya industry as a whole as well as consumer's intelligence, and these sleights against fun and humanity makes Nintendo deserve to be firebombed.

>I don't own a PS4 so this game obviously doesn't deserve all of the praise it's gotten
fuck off

I played the game for 100 hours, I can make my own opinion, I legit don’t understand why you faggots worship and defend it so vigorously

>The game deserved a 4/10, and the perfect 10 scores have done a huge disservice both to the vidya industry as a whole as well as consumer's intelligence, and these sleights against fun and humanity makes Nintendo deserve to be firebombed.
wew lad

Sup Forums is like just about the only place where I regularly see people shit on the game.

because it lets you feel "oppressed".

>I can make my own opinion
and so can everyone else. Why is it so hard to understand that somebody can like something that you personally don't?

because Sup Forums is infested with nintendo mullatos and the only games the nintendo has right now is mario and zelda

Is Zelda actually in the game or just in cutscenes? I'm at the 3rd Divine beast.

Never said you had to like it, kiddo. The fact that you assume everyone should have your opinion or enjoy exactly what you do is a pretty serious symptom of brainletism.

Get comfy, you've learned everything you're going to.

people defend it because usually the "critics" of the game are overly hyperbolic and hostile with their criticism. even a neutral party will feel the need to defend something if they feel it's being excessively criticized. Since BOTW got enormous critical acclaim Sup Forums feels the need to counteract this with enormous criticism and hostility. which means many people come out of the woodwork to defend what they see as being unfairly criticized. you have a filter in your brain that prevents you from seeing posts you think "should be there" like posts criticizing the game and you only see the posts you think "don't belong" like the ones praising it.

>see that mountain?
>You can climb it
>+1 korok seed
>now You can paraglide down


he thot zelda would b in the game LOL

Funny how people who have issues with the game present their criticisms as objective FACT and anyone who disagrees with them is a blind fanboi. Really makes you think.

It’s on PS3. Worst nuPersona.

Jesus, this game really drove Sup Forums to insanity. We can't seem to move on from it.

You don't climb the mountain for the seeds, shitposter-kun. You do it because you can.

So you spend 200 hours only climbing mountains, getting korok seeds, and paragliding.

Its a good thing thats all there is, otherwise someone might accuse you of being a clinically retarded shitposter.


I want to cum on zelda's eyebrows



I'm not saying that it's utter shit or baka. I'm playing it myself. Point is that Nintendofags are seeing shit in this game and they think that is somewhat revolutionary. It's a 8-9(nintendo bonus excluded) game at best

because it has a larger audience you'll ever know


The game was a 4/10
The only reason critics gave it better scores were because Nintendo incentivized them, ergo Nintendo commited sleights against humanity.

>It's a 8-9(nintendo bonus excluded) game at best


what makes it so weird is that you'd expect nu-Sup Forums to rag on a nintendo exclusive, but botw is on pc. i'm playing it on cemu right now. but i suppose that in reality, most of nu-Sup Forums doesn't own a pc, just some five year old laptop that their parents bought them. and a ps4, of course. botw's pretty damn neat, but i don't think it was goty. it's miles better than trash like horizon and fucking destiny or whatever the ps4 bros are playing.

>a 4/10
What the fuck are you even doing on a video game board when you have no clue of video games?

almost fooled me, 7/10

You can emulate it, nignog.

Was revali always that short? he's not even as tall as the regular ritos around that village

HAW pathetic

I'm surprised this thread went more than 50 posts without a wojak.

>Point is that Nintendofags are seeing shit in this game and they think that is somewhat revolutionary.
In every other open world adventure game, getting from one place to the next means pointing your character in the right direction on your minimap and pushing UP on the joypad as you move along a flat tragectory. Thats it.
In BotW, the topography adds verticality, weather and climate into the mix, meaning that the player has to think about how to get where they want to go and offers them a vast array of options to fashion their own solutions to navigation. . Getting from one place to the next involves PLAYING A FUCKING GAME. What a novel idea! Nintendo made open world navigation fun and engaging.

And thats just ONE thing the game does.

You have to understand that much of your criticism is opinion

Its a GTA game minus everything that makea GTA fun. Its an Assassins Creed game minus good graphics, decent sword combat, and effort of animation design for a convincing climbing animation. Its basically any praised game since 2006, minus all the reasons those games were praised for.

Only a fucking kid with no actual knowledge of videogames would say BotW is good, or an adult paid to do so.


>Why does Sup Forums blindly worship this game?

American Nintendo fanboys that's why. UK and the rest of Europe don't really give a shit.

>Its a GTA game minus everything that makea GTA fun. Its an Assassins Creed game minus good graphics, decent sword combat, and effort of animation design for a convincing climbing animation
Yeah no

>walk in Witcher 3
It's boring
>walk in BOTW
OMG so nostalgic,great game,10/10,Dark Souls of video games,too much water

>It's gta minus gta

>minus everything fun
but user this looks fun

it's a open world game on a handheld, this is a technology achievement in itself.

Saying AC had serviceable sword combat is so egregious you could dismiss the entire post.

yeah, i fucking HATE open world games. for the last five years, it's been the number one phrase that would turn me off a game, even if i was interested in it. mirror's edge sequel? holy shit, awesome. "open world." into the fucking trash. gta, bum creed, horizon, they're all fucking trash collecting simulators where you walk around and do busy work and listen to fuck-boring conversations between characters you dont care about. i still wish botw was not open world, but walking around in botw really does give you a sense of discovery and adventure.just a pity that most of the discoveries arent that exciting. but yeah, botw is open world done right, for the most part. should have been more dungeons though.

>Its a GTA game

Witcher 3 has markers for every point of interest on the map, Zelda does not. It's little things like this that makes it a better open world design. Also I would say the traversal mechanics are better in Zelda myself

>turn markers off

bada bing


>b-but it gets better if you play with your own rules!

>Walk through a empty field for 10min
Based Nintendo

>Walk in Witcher 3. Hit a roadblock. Can't continue because don't have the right item or whatever. Have to turnback like a chump.

>walk in botw, hit a roadblock. How can get around this? Use my head and the resources availble to make my solution and progress in my own way rather than a single predetermined path.

Yeah, petty much blows everything else out of the water.

Still doesn't change the fact that the game was designed around it. Also stuff like poor itemization and no survival mechanics and whatever

>many puzzle has multiple solutions
They weren't kidding when being creative

It actually isnt. It gives the good illusion of being that, but it actually has significantly shit loading zones and loading times that many open world games have solved with being on better consoles.
The motorscooter DLC basically breaks the game cause the slow speed of 30mph is often too fast for the game world which had been designed to seamlessly load at the snails pace of walking or horse trotting. At 30mph though, the game will just freeze every 2 minutes for 10 seconds while it tries to load in the next region of the map.

It's actually even worse of an illusion of openworld than Wind Waker was.

>he bought the DLC

I just basically stopped caring about anything said about the game. If you even post anything not positive about it you are always a shitposter no matter what, mad that you don't have a nintendo console.
There is no point, all you can do is just filter every BOTW thread and ignore the ones that pass the filter.

>Roadblock in wicher 3
Refresh my memory please it's been a while

>comparing 2 completely different game genres

What are you doing in this one then?

Because it's a great game

lmao I'm not the one who brought it up. I guess we can safely ignore all the shitposting about how TW3 is better because the combat is better.

>X is stupid in The Game, but it's good in Zelda


You are so wrong that it hurts.Stay buttblasted loser

Damn you sonybros are seething


He is bullshitting

The Legend of Zelda is not a perfect game, but it was very good. Most people think so, thus it won Game of the Year.

Refute this.

OH nononono no no No NO NON ON ON NON ONO

Honestly no clue. It's not a bad game, hell it's a fantastic game. But good god when you look at the DLC threads and people vehemently defending the lazy cash grab you really wonder how some people could end up being this much of a mindless drone.

Easy not on Ps4 so most people didn't even play it!

vocal minority

Agreed. Love the game, but the dlc is dicks..

>not a perfect
But it's a Zelda game it must be perfect. You don't like it? Wtf is wrong with You? Fuck off Zelda hater.

A literally blockade keeping you out of the smaller city with the academy in it. You need to get a pass to get inside, which I forget the specifics of what you have to do to get. I think you can buy a counterfeit one that doesn't work, and the real one is locked behind a quest or something. Been awhile.

Fuck why is naked shirt so fucking hot. Am I a legs man? I think I'm a legs man.