Is it cool to hate him now?

is it cool to hate him now?

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After MGSV, it is illogical not to hate him.

I love his films.

Overrated as hell, and not as smart as everyone shills

Considering that there's still no good gameplay trailer of Death Stranding, I don't see why not, although it would be better to just ignore him, but that's obviously impossible on Sup Forums, where 50% sucks his cock, and the other 50% hates him.


what are you talking about? I still like him.
Him and his team has brought me entertainment and joy for years, still does actually.

not for most of the gaming community, but Sup Forums likes to do so

says some moron whom has done absolutely nothing with his/her life.

>defending the guy that killed MGSV and is selling smoke right now
The reason why the mgs games were that good is not because of him

>In a surprising moment of honesty and vulnerability, he explained how a rabid fanbase armed with the megaphone of social media can be a double-edged sword. “I’ve been reading a lot on the internet of people saying I’ve spent the last year just traveling around and having fun. A lot of people saying I’m wasting time and money. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.” It was clear that this weighed heavy on his shoulders. “We’re waiting for the right moment to show gameplay, but right now we’re on track with the project.”

It's been confirmed he lurks on Sup Forums to know what we think about his game, but all Sup Forums does is shit on it. That's why he had to reveal more details about his game in this interview.

Not for me man. I love him.

I don't hate him, just not a fan of him or him/his team's work.

>no fail state
Kojima is now literally making movies. Guess that explains why it's a Playstation exclusive.

Hell I agree with you both

I'm gonna assume you're a high functioning member of society who has done great things? If not then I'll assume you're in the same boat as me, in which case shut the fuck up

Who cares if he posts on Sup Forums, they should use the time spent on rendering those pointless cut-scenes on making an actual gameplay demo, or at least fucking render some gameplay in cutscene.
How early did the MGSV Ground Zero gameplay come out after the announcement of the game? I doubt it took over a year and a half.

The gameplay is not ready. The trailer is an ingame cutscene, right after the prologue. Game was announced a year ago, only 2 years into development, release next years. It's incredibly fast development pace for AAA.

Why? I bought MGSV during the last steam sale, and thought it was great.

Why does Sup Forums hate this game again?

people only hate out of jealousy

It's a great game

But it's not the best game ever made

Therefore, it's shit


Because of its pointless open world full of nothingness


No we bully him because we care. We just want him to stay vigilant and not crawl up his own ass.

like most open world games

Bottom right looks like a porn shot introduciton

Only if you're a jealous Xqueer.

Oh wow dude you cracked it open world sucks dick

>Caring about whats 'cool' by Sup Forums standards
Thats some pure autism ya got there

Exactly. That isn't helping your point. MGS didn't start as open world, so it had no reason to go open world if it wasn't going to do it well.

Pretty sure we didn't see any gameplay until it came out.

Who is this? Is this the fabled Moot I keep hearing about?

The trailer that came out one month after the first announcement, had at least a minute of gameplay, if the August 2012 being the first announcement for it on wikipedia is correct.
And like I said, even if you don't make real gameplay, at least make a bullshot that looks similar to what we got, like with Watch Dogs 2.

I still like him, even if it's only because of his game credits.
>Production Hideo Kojima
>Produced by Kojima studios
>game idea by Hideo Kojima
How could I dislike someone that puts his name 20 times in a 5 minute trailer?

IIRC there was the opening cutscene that was first revealed in September 2012 then the next thing was the Red Band trailer in July 2013 which showed about ten seconds of gameplay.

This is a cucked site... of course, it's normal.

Hack, or Genius?

he crawled too far up his own ass

that is the message of the last trailer

His ego is higher than Tokyo Sky Tree. Gee I wonder why people dislike him!

>is it cool to hate x

you know the japanese have tons of forums to discuss games,right?

you dense fuck

Hating is always cool in this website not

name one that have the same scale as Sup Forums or r/eddit



Look, I've been saying this since day 1. Everyone jacks off to MGS and they treat the man like a God because of it, completely ignoring the fact he had a giant ass team do all the work for him. People give Konami shit but look at it from their perspective, if you were an employer and had a worker that you constantly had to keep in check because he exagerates everything, fails to finish his work on time, and constantly complains that he doesn't want to do the work but refuses to let anyone else do it, you'd be pissed too.
Business-wise Konami did the right thing by getting rid of him because keeping him would have ended up costing them more in the long run.
Now that he's out and about, after his shit is delayed 13 times and he releases a jumped up incomplete hot steaming turd people will finally get to see him for the charlatan that he is. But it won't mean a fucking thing because they'll just blame Sony instead of Konami this time around, because this fuck can do no wrong in the eyes of kojimafags.
The most amusing part in all of this is Guillermo's "fuck Konami" tweet. I mean what were the chances that THE two one-trick ponies would manage to suck each other off so efficiently, there's nothing more embarrassing than a basic bitch jumping into shit that's none of their business.

>The fact that he would even be considered one shows how low the standards are in the game industry. Nothing in MGS2 is above a fanfic level.
He wouldn't last a morning in a network TV writers' room, and those aren't exactly turning out the Dark Tower series or The Wire.

Hello razorfist.

>HURDUR Everyone will understand my retarded meme if I just say it without any context.
???? Hello to you too, nigger.

>world goes around Sup Forums
It's 2ch and twitter, those people ripped a new asshole for him but this is just all talk. He really doesn't give a shit, this is him reeing over getting criticism

>name one that have the same scale as Sup Forums or r/eddit

>Doesn't have the same scale as Sup Forums
Underage fag detected.

I guess that's how it is living under a rock. Simply amusing.

It's certainly not cool to act like a bunch of cheerleader faggots every time he posts food on twitter. After what happened with Konami and MGSV, people should at least be cautious with their expectations about him.
Hell, I'd trace the problems back to MGSIV and Peace Walker, those games had some core issues themselves.

Play the previous ones, watch the trailers and now remember what the game actually delivered

When he was working at Konami, he wae more serious back then.
Now Sony has turned him into a clown.

I just can't understand what makes him so special?
He just made a 1 fucking franchise and that's it.
And to be honest with you, Metal Gear is a overhyped shitty franchise with a broken plot that about the 70% of it's fanbase don't even understand.
Hell even Deadly Premonition had a more understandable plot then that whole fufking franchise.

He gets praised for doing absolutely nothing, that's why people hate him