I'd like to remind Nintendo that people don't have three hands...

I'd like to remind Nintendo that people don't have three hands, unless of course I'm supposed to suck one of these or stick it up my ass.

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this is how you hold it

People who spout this "three hands" meme with regards to the N64 controller have prpbably never played the system

You only need to use one side of the controller, thus only needing two hands.

If the dpad was in the middle and the analog stick + z was on the left, there would be literally nothing wrong with this controller


Tell that to everyone i invited over to play

The entire left third of the controller was useless.
I don't think any game actually had the Dpad or L button do anything important.

What am I lookin at
how did 3 human beings all do this stupid horseshit at the same time and believed that what they were doing was OK?
Power of suggestion?

>if the d-pad was in the middle
>put a d-pad in the dead center of controller
>nothing wrong with it
You fucking retard, I should actually fight you

By the end of the day you just had three friends with controllers up their asses.