Have ass creed origins

>have ass creed origins
>have a gtx 1070
>sub 45 fps in memphis and alexandria
woa so this... is the power.. of ubisoft

Other urls found in this thread:


>gtx 1070
>45 fps
no surprise here, it's a very good looking open world game

>PC gamers buyer remorse thread

>PC gamers remorse
stfu, you don't even have any options how to play the game, locked 30FPS at all times, lmao

I thought this was egypt

>buying ubitshit
you deserve what you get you pseudo-consolecuck

But I have a PC myself user
and all consoles, I'm a fucking idort

it is in no way better looking than any other AAA open world game

Nah it's set in Tennessee. You're thinking for Far Cry 5

>pc gaming in a nutshell

I got it free with my ssd.
Very enjoyable so far and it looks beautiful.

What resolution? Which settings? I can get Wildlands running with nearly 24/7 60 fps at 1080p with a GTX1070 with all the relevant settings still highest and the rest one away from highest.
Subsurface scattering and Ultra shadows really shit on your GPU in that game.

I thought this was set in Egypt in the past, and not in the US?

There's also philadelphia

>woa so this... is the power.. of

Nuke these fucking posts already.

1920 x 1080
And settings are at the highest settings.
I can get constant 60 fps but only outside of Alexandria and Memphis.

>when the game runs poorly on PC
>when the game runs poorly on Consoles

There's your problem

You need an 8700k in addition to that 1070 for good performance.
It doesn't look that good, even in 4k. It looks good but not 'sub-60fps on high end hardware' good. GTAV still looks better yet performs way better. Still, it's a step in the right direction after WD2 and Wildlands, at least. Just wish they didn't go full retard with the DRM with its CPU-hungry bullshit.


I can render anything with my anus at 1080p, not really impressive.

Yes it is
It's probably the only thing Ubisoft is genuinely good at

what is this new meme
does it have any value

>GTAV still looks better

>denying the obvious bottlenecks nVidia gives you

>GTAV still looks better

Yeah, with graphics mods.

>having to spend 420 euro's on a cpu just to play ass creed
No thanks.

Oh look another heavily constructive Sup Forums thread.

I am. It has higher resolution textures all around and better quality effects coupled with better performance. ACO wins in the assets department due to Ptolemaic Egypt offering more interesting shit to look at than GTAV's 'just another city, mountains and desert' areas. But on a technical level, GTAV is more impressive.
Also true, but even with mods that enhance shit, it still performs better. It would be interesting to see what modders could do with ACO's visuals but Ubi has never been keen on their games being modded.

They also send you to Philadelphia

Sounds about right for a x70 card. Keep in mind that Pascal is now 18 months old.
Or did you fall for the retarded 'you'll play everything at max and 60 fps for thr next 5 years' meme?

>have 1070
>not a retard
>stable 60fps
feels good not the be retarded like OP

>But on a technical level, GTAV is more impressive.
>10npc in the whole city

>no surprise here

I get those frames on a 1080 at 1440p in towns. Fucking sucks.

>playing Ass Creed in 2017

Do people never learn?

You could crank it up to 4k and still get the same framerate. The game really eats up your CPU in cities and towns.