Havent played in about 7 months

>havent played in about 7 months
>get on to check out whats new
>try out pvp again and the place is littered with triple shoe rolf gank squads
>sumo jimmy builds are now viable in pvp
>pebble in shoe nerfed to shit
>gravy cakes also cost five quarters now

what the FUCK happened

Yikes what is this autistic shit?

Don't let the excitement spoil your grammar!

>opening a trade request with someone AND THEN announcing what you want to trade

You can reduce gravy cakes to just 3 quarters if you do the associated recipe quest, user.


>Gravy Cakes cost 5 quarters
This had to happen. Ed’s were abusing it for the special stat boost they get when they consume the cakes and nobody else bought them cause the normal buffs were shit.

You guys just reminded me of this absolute gem


>nerf the game
no thank you

Literal artists who have been having near identical threads about a non existent MMO based off of a mediocre cartoon. These threads have been going on for at least 7 years and have not produced an ounce of new discussion or content for 6.9 of them. This is the true power of autism.

Jingle Jingle Jangle Christmas 2017 event starts next week. What kind of uniques do you think the devs will be handing out this time? maybe unique cosmetic armor sets from the show?

>Literal artists
dang you're right, these threads are pure art!

>a non existent MMO
normies still cant play it

hey I'm not that much of an artist but thankyou for the compliment anyway
wanna join my guild? we're stuck on the smileyville raid and we could do with an ed tank.

Some kind of Christmas crate that you have to buy keys to open. I heard from a reliable source the keys will cost 5 gold quarters or around $2 each. The crate will have cosmetics and Christmas themed armor skins.

did they ever hand out the alien invasion armor sets? I heard about it a while back but still havent seen it anywhere

those weren't cosmetics. you had to do the event to get the breadcrumb quest that gave you a key to start the instance, and you could bring up to 4 other party members into. the few thousand people who unlocked the instance are the only people who can "distribute" the armor

they weren't handed out because they had actual stats tied to them, and pretty good ones. completing the instance also unlocked a unique emote

>Britbongs put gates at the front of their stadiums so they can crush their soccer fans to death.

Oh man I gotta go over to /r/videogames and let them know v is having an epic EEE mmo thread right now!!!!-!

>literal artists

you're too kind

>normies still cant play it
Can you imagine WANTING to play it? Yikes.

>liking a cartoon made by a giant SJW
Kill yourselves you giant fucking cucks.

I know these are "muh vee culture xDD" or whatever but I really don't get why you autists can't just talk about ed edd n eddy on

Sup Forums is for discussion of video games. we are discussing a video game.

>we are discussing a video game.
you aren't.

go cry to the mods soyflake

>normies still can’t get into it

Any anons down for the eddys brother raid tonight?
im running a doubleD dps build but can swap to tank if no one else has one