why do people say Switch is more powerful than ps3?
muh gigaflops mean nothing
why do people say Switch is more powerful than ps3?
muh gigaflops mean nothing
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>being a graphics fag on any peasant box
Absolutely pathetic.
what about fps
Doom runs at 22fps
didn't the ps3 version start running like shit as the save file became larger
I don't know I never played Skyrim
nah that was your moms g
Runs at 60 FPS on 4k on my PC, no idea what you’re on about. My Switch runs it at lower, but then again I’ll be playing Doom on vacation. 22FPS is still better than 0 FPS.
>>Runs at 60 FPS on 4k on my PC, no idea what you’re on about.
I'm about the Switch running it at 22, clearly.
>comparing the remastered version to the version that crashes when you touch water
Nice comparison, idiot
yeah but that had to do with the retarded cpu of the ps3, graphically base skyrim, which runs way worse than SE which is what is on switch, looked better
I don’t care about peasant boxes. Muh fps muh graphics on peasant boxes is for retards. Want graphics and performance? Get a pc. Want to play anywhere, at lower performance and graphics? Get a switch. Want a dedicated bloodborne machine? Get a ps4. I haven’t found use for xbox one yet, but neither of these consoles are for performance and graphics.
>Want to play anywhere, at lower performance and graphics?
I have a dignity and am not a virgin
Does the Switch version crash when you touch water?
Then don’t get a switch. Are you functionally illiterate?
I've found the real gamer.
Why are there so many retards who lack reading comprehension on this board?
This guy gets it
That's every Bethesda game on every console.
If you close doors behind yourself everywhere you go it can help since you set that flag back to a 0 which reduces your game size. Not even joking.
It's a problem on PC too, you're just less likely to notice the effects since you have far more memory to work with.
>he doesn't know
>muh gigaflops mean nothing
It only means nothing if you're a tech-illiterate mongoloid, like most console users are.
>In computing, floating point operations per second (FLOPS) is a measure of computer performance, useful in fields of scientific computations that require floating-point calculations. For such cases it is a more accurate measure than measuring instructions per second.
>The similar term FLOP is often used for floating-point operation, for example as a unit of counting floating-point operations carried out by an algorithm or computer hardware.
* sighs *
it means nothing if the OS and game (engine) can't take advantage of it.
do you realize the switch can't even datastream fast enough for botw bike?
a wii u game?
>* sighs *
Stopped reading there, keep those little outbursts to yourself in the future.
what is a gigaflop anyway?
>what is a gigaflop anyway?
no man's sky
Congrats you have common sense. Something any of these console-war-shitters don't have.
Switch is fantastic for its portability and nice controls.
Being an idort and reading these threads is suffering.
No it had everything todo with the split ram configuration.
Get out, Carlos
who the fuck says this?
It has the look of the remastered version and doesn't run at 20fps like the ps3 version
0fps on ps3
Yes, it also looked like shit and run terribly from the get go
>Arguing about video games on a Chinese origami forum
Switch and other current gen versions run well
Good guy
all me btw
i made this post
I care about gameplay. Nintendo has consistently put out polished games. The cartoony style is fine. I'm sick of this cinematic culture shit. You can even have decently realistic styled games now with standard graphics. I don't need hyperrealism.
Because it is?
>Nintendo has consistently put out polished games.
it must be nice to be born a normalfag scum without autism.
I like this WebM, because it's from the Wii U version. Switch version literally had one data stream issue for me during my whole playthrough - for less than half a second.
switch runs the special edition.
it has lots of new shitty effects.
this right here.
what the fuck are you saying? regardless of art style, skyrim on the switch looks like shit because of fog and render distance
>why do people say Switch is more powerful than ps3?
They do, since when? All I ever read is people making the "it's a handheld" excuse to deflect how weak it is.
what am I looking at
why does Link have a dirtbike?
What is this garbage and why do you faggots eat it up?
it's the Switch.
>Runs at 60 FPS on 4k on my PC
Sure thing bro, love how every Nintendo fanboy is suddenly has a powerful computer in order to deflect criticism for the shitty performance of his overpriced Switch console.
Got a speccy at least?
The PS3 was the weakest system in its gen, even weaker than the Wii
but the switch looks better in your picture op
What the fuck is this?
Dear god nintendo
>Nintendo has consistently put out polished games.
Just like polished rice, all the nutrients have been removed and you are left with talc and sugar.
>What the fuck is this?
>Dear god nintendo
>>what am I looking at
>why does Link have a dirtbike?
oh you poor souls
>even weaker than the Wii
citation needed
*grabs you by the throat*
back the fuck off??!
The Ps3 is running the vanilla Skyrim, while the Switch is running a dumbed down Special Edition, that is already heavier just because of it.
>I don’t care about peasant boxes.
The Switch is the ultimate peasant box because the peasants these days are all glued to their mobile devices. Nintendo just happens to be about a decade behind the trend at any given point. It's a peasant box for the most sheltered of peasants.
Source: mommy got me an xbox instead of a gamecube.
SA didnt have loading screens while you where outdoors at least on PC/xbox/ps3/android
>Switch and other current gen versions run well
The Switch, not fucking remotely. It can't even handle 1080p, 60fps on a game from a previous generation, more than half a decade old.
The system was a straight up glutton even in it's slim version. Nintendo has tried to power efficient and pays for it in underutilized potential even with better specs.
>switch runs the special edition
It's special alright but it's not the fucking remastered, special edition. It's the gimped Switch™ edition.
The ps4/Xbone, much more capable hardware, run the game at 1080p 30fps. Switch is 900p and 30fps.
>Switch and other current gen versions run well
>PS4 Fallout 4
>720p vs 480
>apples and oranges
Uh. It's better to have 0 fps and not have a terrible headache.