Post your biggest vidya disappointment for 2017.
Pic related.
Post your biggest vidya disappointment for 2017.
Pic related.
this thread
t. has only done Ending A
t. sony cuck
I feel like I ought to like it a lot more than I do, but I just can't
I didn't know that buying a switch and a nintendo game made you a sony cuck. Guess you learn something new every day.
t. didn't use self destruct to remove 2B's skirt
Breath of the Wild, though I can see why some people would love it. It snubbed the real GOTY from Odyssey t b h
Your favorite game
Shut the fuck up.
i know this is probably bait because sonyfanboys have been in full throttle shitposting mode on Nintendo since VGAs but in the off chance its not what didnt you like about it? is this another Sup Forums said it was good but i dont like platformers so its actually shit and Sup Forums lied to me situation? or do you actually have legit issues with it?
Exactly, because the gameplay is so boring that I have no motivation to seek out the other endings.
You can fuck off if you put consolewars infront of your post and then ask me to talk to you.
Persona 5. Pretty baffling how they can improve gameplay so much from P3 while making the characters and story much worse.
do we really need this same thread again?
Mass Effect Andromeda. I didn't expect it to be great but it was just abysmal.
Every post is a repost
soo you are just a sonyfanboy shitposting? i said this is probably bait because this game is pretty much universally loved and literally since the VGAs its just been nonstop anti Nintendo shitposting by them. not my fault i see what Sup Forumss current state is. if you are not a fanboy then cool. what dont you like about it because i thought it was a pretty fun game and Sup Forums seems to praise it (which also is why i put the Sup Forums lied to me thing because thats also pretty fucking common) simply what didnt you like about it. if you cant discuss that without accusing me of some console war bullshit which i dont give a fuck about just because i point out it exists then you clearly have no actual point and just want to start shit
Picture related.
I'm still having fun with the mp tho.
Fuck off, faggot.
>if you don't want to participate in my console wars then you are a shitposter
No, you started your post with consolewars shitposting, you have no right to call others shitposters. If you were interested in having a discussion you would've asked normally, instead you put consolewars first. I'm not interested in having a legit discussion with someone who instantly deflects to other fanbases.