The last thread was archived so it continues here.
>Could this have any majoy impact on out online gaming experiences?
>Will game companies have new obsurd demands that must be met?
>or are we completly safe from harm?
>would online companies capitalise using this to have a normal/premium service for online access
The last thread was archived so it continues here
Other urls found in this thread:
break my ass
Reminder that google who already censors stuff it doesnt like is pro NN
Ajit Pai is my hero
American internet will soon be Balkanized. Maybe your provider will have a package for you, maybe not.
Bye burgers.
Having Net Neutrality is like having public roads that you can drive on anywhere, WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS
is that the world you want to live in?
Reported to the mods enjoy your autosage :-)
My internet is already throttled to the point of being unable to play online games most of the day. t. australian
get fucked reddit
>For anyone who missed the last thread
Reminder that you can use search engines other than google. Nevermind that NN keeps ISPs from censoring you, which Google's search engine is not. You could make the claim that Google Fiber can or does censor on their networks, but you'd have to provide proof.
I can't wait to pay for my internet, then pay the special online games bundle fee and then one extra time for my psplus/xboxlive/nintendo online capabilities!
Companies will be able to do this solely because some like comcast are the SOLE provider to 85% of americans. People's only recourse will be to bitch endlessly while they continue to pay because there's literally not another option.
This is something that they've been trying to pass for a decade, it was going to happen at some point, eventually they're going to pair the bill with something that literally cannot be denied, like military budgeting or some such.
I doubt companies will take full advantage and start doing things like charging you extra money for unthrottled access to sites.
Instead, I think they'll simply bring us back to the stone ages and have us on absolute garbage ping and speeds without massive costs. And that will be the drive for someone to create infrastructure for middle america.
Online functionality affects a big factor of game now days.
Grow up. Im asking how this affects gamers
Go to and die, fuckhead
Announcing reports is against the rules, user.
It wouldn't surprise me if console gamers see a bump in their rates despite gaming not actually using that much bandwidth (unless you're a console or AAA babby playing 100+gb games)
>/vpol/ loves and defends capitalism
>/vpol/ also gets mad when the same capitalism fucks their sorry ass but blames the jew boogeyman instead
It's funny
>American public thinking they can take on the Telcos with words and peaceful protest
LOL take a hostage or something
I want net neutrality gone.
What it actually is, is the mega companies like google using up all the bandwidth and not wanting to pay for doing so.
Fuck "net neutrality"
user, think of the sick and elderly... With NN gone, hospitals could pay to prioritize latency sensitive care to dying patients. As it is now, doctors and nurses play second fiddle to Netflix, reddit, Sup Forums, Youtube... Think of the sick!
t. Ajit
>COMCAST: In 2005, the nation’s largest ISP, Comcast, began secretly blocking peer-to-peer technologies that its customers were using over its network. Users of services like BitTorrent and Gnutella were unable to connect to these services. 2007 investigations from the Associated Press, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and others confirmed that Comcast was indeed blocking or slowing file-sharing applications without disclosing this fact to its customers.
"we don't do this, except for when we do it but that doesn't count :). But please let us be able to do it!"
>companies don't pay for bandwidth
What kind of retard are you?
Google doesn't just mean the search engine you fuck.
Have you heard of AdSense and Youtube?
>redditors are mad because they will have to pay extra to use reddit
That stuff is used exclusively to pirate. Pirating is illegal.
They did the right thing, heck if i made something whose only use is to shoot heroin and absolutely nothing else it stands reason it would be banned too
>nexusmods gets shut down
>it was just a cesspoll of degeneracy anyways!
>anyways, creation club has everything they had but better so quit bitching
good goy
No its used to share files, you have no case.
>everyone keeps crying about how there are so few options for ISPs
>'maybe if we keep regulating and price fixing, more people will want to join!'
Sure am glad you fuckers are beating the Corporations to the punch by letting the Government ruin the internet first.
Use a fucking FTP server
Why would people be for net neutrality? if the billion dollar companies are forced to pay more to offer their services it means the ISPs can offer better services and speeds
Am I missing something or are people just being fooled by propaganda from Zuckerberg?
I mean if you want shitty internet speeds and bad coverage stick with net neutrality I guess?
Sharing things is not illegal EULAS dont have any value in court.
until pirates start doing it, then FTP gets blocked too :^)
>mfw retards are arguing about how this will make the internet the "wild west" of the mid 2000s again or this will make the internet free forever
The only thing net neutrality does is make sure your ISPs don't slow down your internet speed or outright blocking you when accessing youtube, netflix or whatever, that's all it does.
It won't stop them from jewing you out of your money in other ways, or stop twitter from banning you for mansplaining to feminists.
Or you know, just force the ISP's share cables like the rest of the world does.
>removing regulation and allowing monopolies increases competition
What kind of shithole do you live in where you education is this bad?
The only ones negatively affected are the sites that have the most traffic. So of course it's easy for said sites to manipulate their userbase to threw up a big stink.
60-70% of the world's internet traffic travels through the United States.
Bye everyone else as well.
I've already given up. Once they released that press statement that said that they literally don't care what people think and will do whatever they wanted I just gave up. Whatever will happen will happen.
>A 2012 report from the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications found that violations of Net Neutrality affected at least one in five users in Europe. The report found that blocked or slowed connections to services like VOIP, peer-to-peer technologies, gaming applications and email were commonplace.
LMAO good luck world, we're taking you all down with us
Its very easy to change that and it will change when the europeans ISPs that change it get all the customers
It was the same shit with US healthcare, every time interventionism causes something to barely function the powerful pretend that we've been living in an ancap wild west and the only solution is (more) interventionism.
I have friends I consider smart that are even fooled by this and think net neutrality is some great thing, it's pretty sad how easily people are being manipulated.
Sauce on animu and context? I'm curious
Mo all we have to do is repeal that retarded decision to look at ASP based monopolies at the national level. That's what lets them do all this shit. They just have to point out other ISP's exist and the government fucks off. We need to look at them on the local level and break them up when they are the only ISP in that area.
great, we get another thread of the slimy jew rats from Sup Forums trying list the reasons why we would should take corporate cock.which may or may not include
>muh free hand
>muh google doesn't like my shitty briebart article
>trigger da libs guiz
>le reddit guiz XDDD
>listen to my partisan hackery
>t. Underage faggot who doesn't understand how the industry got to this point in the first place.
The current method of enforcing NN in the US is what's allowing ISPs to monopolize in the first place.
why is it that everyone believes Sup Forums "research"
>Think about Alphabet, Facebook, Netflix and Amazon
Cry me a river
>What is adblock
>What is other video sites
Nobody cares with your stupid politics, mutt.
>other video sites
like what, vimeo?
So what you're saying is that when big ISPs can throttle and strangle traffic of their smaller competitors, this will allow the small ISPs to take a share of the market.
>look at all these plebs sucking Comcast's cock when they could be sucking Google and Netflix cock like me
How are people not for net neutrality? Are you saying there's a way to get around having to pay to access websites when it inevitably gets instated?
What does this mean for ping in games, even? Is every American playing a game online going to be fucked my lag unless they have the money to allocate for games, because last time I checked, Steam is very popular website/client and it will be affected by this since it's mainly targeting high traffic sites.
Holy shit what? It's Haruhi dude
This post assumes two things that definitely will not happen in this scenario:
1) That the billion dollar companies would not simply pass those additional costs onto the consumers
2) That the ISPs would actually offer better services and speeds rather than just charging more and keeping the additional profits for investors
This shit is overly hyped up. Nothing is going to happen.
Bye bye, dumb 56%ers
So what impact will this have on non-US ISPs? Other than setting a precedent we'll all jump on when companies see how hard Americans can be pumped.
>How are people not for net neutrality?
because Sup Forums is contrarian
i can't wait for it to fail and Sup Forums to celebrate, only for the site to be shut down a few months later because no isp adds it to their packages
The thing is, they cannot realistically employ this BECAUSE it effects these other sites.
Can you imagine running, for instance, a netflix help queue, and having to deal with "YOUR SERVICE IS SHIT WHY IS NETFLIX SO SLOW, ____ WORKS JUST FINE ON MY MACHINE" 24/7 from this shit? Literally no company anywhere would deal with this, even the isp themselves, they'd be getting calls CONSTANTLY about throttling.
Really don't care at this point, if they fuck with the prices I just won't have internet anymore. I have enough vidya to last a while and can replay if need be
Which Harui? I'm getting multiple results.
Also, what about the context of the phrase?
No, I'm saying that in the current form as a utility ISPs can not be held liable to the FTC's antitrust laws, so with how net neutrality CURRENTLY functions ISPs cannot be punished for forming monopolies
If you use Google or Netflix, you are already sucking their cocks. Now you'll be forced to suck Comcast's cock as well.
The delusion is high here.
Then your argument is just the inverse? If we accept the premise that having the same position as a big corporation automatically equals bad regardless of context, how are you any less retarded?
NN wasnt around 10 years ago and nothing bad happened
There are a ton of ultra specialized sites like the great courses plus. There are sites like twitch for that crowd. There are direct alternatives like DailyMotion. In terms of users, DailyMotion, Vimeo, flickr, Veoh, Metacafe, Blip, Vube.
But that's not even a little bit true. Tons of companies censored programs, throttled traffic, and zero-rated services over the last ten years.
video games
Do you even fucking understand what net neutrality is?
its the fucking principle of which the internet was based on, and its been the unwritten word of law for every fucking router between your uneducated stupid ass and me for as long as we both have lived
Keeping net neutrality means that the routers (ISPs) that make up the internet must remain neutral in their handling of packets between any user for any reason.
Its the foundation of a free internet (free meaning free from censorship or blocking etc)
The fact that you consider this bad is so ludicrous, especially because you are currently USING net neutrality in your usage of the net.
It means nothing, not that will cure the authoritarians of their fantasies when time proves that, they'll just have forgotten about it and started yelling that we need to get some other under-performing, heavily regulated, cartelized industry out of it's crazy radical free market madness.
And if I don't use Netflix? Why should I have to pay the cost of their HD streaming?
One is trying to run a business while the other is using the government as a club to pricefix. The argument 'well you just hate NN because you suck ISP cock' is retarded.
Is this just baiting or are you really that misinformed? Net Neutrality has zero relevance on anti-trust laws. None. If anything, forcing ISPs to treat traffic equally reduces the chance of them fucking over their competititors and becoming a service monopoly.
are you in fucking 2010 or something
Really activates those almonds.
>nothing bad happened
except for these
If the billion dollar companies pass the extra costs on to consumers it will allow smaller companies to compete with them and offer far cheaper alternatives. Which is very nice, cause right now all these lefty tech giants are taking the piss.
Companies always push money into the infrastructure when they get more money, this allows them to offer better services and attract more customers. If they don't get the google bucks it sure as hell ain't gonna happen at all, and ISP costs may increase too.
I would rather google and netflix pay more than my isp bill to rise.
> Net neutrality is bad
> Actually uses et neutrality right now to shitpost on Sup Forums
You can't find anything more stupid on this planet than an american.
and the best part is, you retards can whine and bitch and cry all you want, you can't stop it
>implying the internet is free
Even fucking TOR isn't free, net neutrality just prevent the ISP from shitting in your food like everyone else.
We dont know if that's going to happen ir not. Why tempt fate and sit back and do nothing? Netflix could just get rid of the help queue. Torrent will be dead and streaming sites will be shut down so quick, so the only place you can watch certain shows will be through Netflix, Hulu, etc.
the rich can take over the whole bandwidth and you can fuck yourself with barely a signal.
Trips of truth
If you genuinely are too dumb+new to use the internet to figure out which Haruhi is The Haruhi then you're probably too dumb to watch anime, or do anything except post on off-topic Sup Forums thread's honestly.
I was shitposting on Sup Forums before you were born
Are you RETARDED? In the United States, Net Neutrality is currently being enforced by classifying ISPs as UTILITIES.
People are so misinformed about Net Neutrality it's unbelievable. The FCC has been in legal battles with ISPs, over them fucking people over, for over a decade. Now the head of the FCC is a fucking ex-verizon lawyer that wants to get rid of all the regulations that these corporations have been getting fined over. This poo's already closed investigations into their shitty practices on giving preferential treatment. Hope you retards are ready to get secretly throttled yet again, because now there's gonna be no one who will give two fucks.
But I dont want to stop it
NN is bad
The one from melancholy yadda yadda if i get bored the world dies?
I'm not that much of a anime watcher, barely broadcasted gundam where i live
NN WAS around 10 years ago for the most part (with some violations going on). The difference was back then it was just a de facto rule that everyone followed because the modern telecom companies were not as big and no one thought they were crazy enough to pull this shit on a national level.