Kingdom Hearts

IIT: Post what you want to see in Kingdom Hearts 3

actual toy story graphics


it's because japanese devs are a whole generation behind with video game technologies. if the game were being made by a western dev, it would look better than toy story.

An open world HD remake of Traverse Town complete with the environments from Dream Drop Distance as well as new districts.

no western games look as good as toy story

>brainlets actually think direct lighting instead of ambient lighting is a good thing

90s kids are retarded

Disney recently purchased FOX so that means that there is a possibility of Family Guy appearing in a KH game

my predictions for which worlds will appear in kh3


>The Prince of Egypt

And I'm not even going to bother with some of the other ones.

1. They haven't bought them just yet.
2. That deal could still fail for various reasons.
3. You'd have to be a right idiot for even thinking that be a viable idea for KH. Just because Disney owns something does not mean that it's gonna be in KH or even appropriate for the games.

Elena would be god tier, but what the fuck at the rest. And Disney wishes they had a movie as good as Price of Egypt.


Every time I see Oswald I just really wish we would have gotten the stupid, edgy, Kill the Mouse Take His House edition we were all hoping to get out of Epic Mickey.

Too old of a Sup Forums reference?

The Great Mouse Detective and Jungle Book worlds.

Oh now that takes me back. But as much as I wanna see him, what can he do? I mean yen sid IS in the game along with his workshop. Why not just make Wasteland in the office like 100 acre woods

Spider-Man because they fucking can.

>this is the fanbase I'm a part of

Speaking of Epic Mickey, KH3 needs to have a world like picture related.

Is every single poster in this thread autistic


>o-oh yeah that takes me back
pretending to be a Sup Forums vet

(You) story 1 looks like shit. Maybe 3 but not 1.

traverse town is one of the chillest places in vidya