* humiliates Odissey *

* humiliates Odissey *

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Looking back at it, I really hate that acapella soundtrack.

Who likes that shit?

>That awful camera
Yeah sure buddy

the first wave of nu-males of the early 2000s

the fact that it runs at 30fps means it can't even be compared

I do, it's something different. fuck off

I miss when shines were at the very end of a difficult challenge instead of littered everywhere like blue coins

You get both of that in Odyssey.

Then go back to your shitty Forces ost furfag

god, speedrunning just makes my blood boil

imagine what you could do with yourself if you didn't waste literally tens of thousands of hours playing A FUCKING VIDEOGAME

you could become something

like an artist, something useful or good to humanity, it could be wonderful

but no, these fucking degenerates spend half their lives perfecting the art of moving some fucking videogame character really fast.

Nice argument faggot. Galaxy, and even 3D World's music shits on Sunshine.
Sunshine had some pretty God-tier boss themes though

user, if these people had such skills they wouldn't be speed running.

This. Most of the Moons are easy peasy but there are some that are actually really difficult to get.

>8 bloody levels
>humiliates odissey


>tens of thousands of hours
Noone spends that long speedrunning. You might be confusing it with League of Legends or Dota2.

>mfw I will never listen to the Sand Bird's theme for the first time ever again
In my opinion my favorite Mario-related song of all time.

No it didn't.

>odyssey wallkicks require at least a split second of falling down the wall before you can jump off
>galaxy took this and just made long boring hallways in space

>if you don't like Mario you like Sonic
How's it feel being trapped in the 90s senpai?

>Implying the Manta Ray music isn't great

why does he have the fludd
arent those levels done without it

The camera is humiliating alright

Not a fan either. It's one of the reason why I'll never play Crash Twinsanity.

no, that's wrong

seriously, anyone can become at least somewhat good at any sort of thing if they just spend a little bit of time on it over a long ass time
god fuck this shit i hate it

He revisited the stage, that's why you see the red switch there since you can do red coin challenges upon revisiting

>he genuinely believes you can learn to be good at something and you aren't born with natural talents
You're precious user.

As someone who 100%'d the game this month (fuck blue coins), the camera not swinging to an angled overhead view makes the game a hell lot more frustrating for advanced platforming than it should be.

Odyssey doesn't have Blue Coins and Sunshine isn't primarily made up of areas like these,

>humiliates odyssey and sunshine

>bad level design
>every level is almost the same theme
>only 7 levels (8 if you count bowser's lava boat)
>fludd make platforming too easy
>missing many moves from mario 64
>laughable final boss fight
>pachinkko / lily pad
>chase shadow mario 10 times
>clean up a mess 10 times
>unskippable cutscenes
>introduced the casual wall kick where you slide down the wall and lose all your momentum
>no bowser levels (except the shitty last one where you have to steer a ship thru lava)
>yoshi is pretty useless and dissolves in water
>half the missions arent platforming focused
>slow, unsatisfying mechanics that lack the tactile feel of 64
>shitty character and enemy designs
>no long jump
>no crawling
>no punching or kicking
>blue coins
>game advancement is based on particular shines/levels not total #

>too many gimmicks
>most moons are way too easy
>some worlds are too cluttered, others too empty
>wall jumping mechanic lacks all momentum
>no forward dive
>can triple jump in mid air thanks to cap
>get to peaches castle, all the rooms are gone

IS sunshine worth playing for the first time?

Thorught emulation of course, i loved galaxy games

Are you brain damaged or just a nostalgiafag

I wish they carried over the true spin jump into Odyssey

Pretty rad, bro

Sure. The game has an atrocious camera and not very memorable levels though.

Doesn't help that half the levels are mostly designed around the gimmick for one shine sprite, and then the rest just take place about the map, or in hidden platforming areas.

It has the most versatile moveset of any 3d mario


Oh hi Goose.

but before speedrunning I played MMOs for the same amount of time

With a bad level design to compound it though so it doesn’t matter

Yeah, make sure to get the 60fps hack/patch for it and play using widescreen hack

Every level is pretty unique and the boss fights are actally engaging, so you'll enjoy it casually

No Mario game matters outside of Sup Forumsintendo

It's not 1998 anymore

What's next? Black holes? Planets?

I played Odyssey for the first time at a friend's place today, nevermind the shitposters, it's fantastic.

Power Asteroids
Power Comets

Power Stones
Power Stone 2

I do
one of the greatest OST ever, kys

But OP... Everyone knows you can't do this


>every level is pretty unique
Why did you straight up lie to the user?

Bing bing?

there's literally no level that's copypasted

Retarded memer

>believing this even ironically
If anything this just makes me think the opposite.

[ humiliating intensifies ]

This is how picture you fools looking like.

But they’re not “unique”, they’re all centered around one theme

Why can't we all agree that the three are all great games with their merits?


GOAT tier controls don't save the game from everything else especially level design being trash

*gets sucked up pipe*
M-mama Mia!

Sunshine isn’t great. It does have merits but it’s not great.

Was removing lives an improvement? Sunshine did have an awful Game Over system that kicked you out of the level entirely forcing you to do a 20-minute thing to have another try.


Yes, life's are a dead mechanic

How picture do you looking like, user?

Imagine being so retarded you can only speak in memes. Get out newfag.

every stage is connected to the main island because it's all one place, and although they're connected to said place, they still focus on different "tropes" of a tropical island/resort

*muffled screamed*
*removes pipe from ass*
*walks away

My thoughts exactly.
Moons were such a mistake.

>t. man with no skills

they wouldnt have spent the time on anything productive, thats why they got good at video games. otherwise they would have spent time on something equally as useless

>Get out newfag.
Did you mean "get out, newfag"? If you're too retarded to call someone a newfag, what the fuck can you do?

All you care about is finding the moons and not the work required to get to them?

>bad level design
>every level is almost the same theme
Similar instruments, different themes.
>only 7 levels (8 if you count bowser's lava boat)
One of the big probs with the game.
>fludd make platforming too easy
Fludd hover seemed like a compromise to make it more accessible to folks who are reliant on double-jumps or are shit at platforming.
>missing many moves from mario 64
Only one I can think of is the backflip, which you can sort of do with fludd spray using hard-R+A? Granted you got the spin jump which obsoletes the need for it anyways.
>laughable final boss fight
>pachinkko / lily pad
Lily Pad wasn't too bad. Pachinko on the other-hand intentionally overrode the usual physics of the game you were used to which made it frustrating as hell.
>chase shadow mario 10 times
Was lame, mostly because he has a small scripted platforming path.
>clean up a mess 10 times
These were quick, not too offensive.
>unskippable cutscenes
Is annoying as shit.
>introduced the casual wall kick where you slide down the wall and lose all your momentum
I was indifferent to this.
>no bowser levels (except the shitty last one where you have to steer a ship thru lava)
Was terrible, yes.
>yoshi is pretty useless and dissolves in water
Nevermind that the game did nothing interesting to warrant Yoshi outside of blue coin gimmicks.
>half the missions arent platforming focused
More the fault of the atrocious level design.
>slow, unsatisfying mechanics that lack the tactile feel of 64
>shitty character and enemy designs
No qualms here. Repeating boss fights was also tedious.
>no long jump
A+B does belly flop jump which may as well be the long jump.
>no crawling
Never saw a point to this in M64.
>no punching or kicking
FLUDD replaced them.
>blue coins
Garbage, agree.
>game advancement is based on particular shines/levels not total #
Also agree.

You forgot to point out that there's barely any shines to do out of order also compared to M64.

The problem is that it's not genuine acapella. They just used it as a sample.
That's far better acapella.

>Look at me i cant play Odyssey so i will just say that emulated Sunshine is better

Pretty pathetic

If a missing comma makes it so you can’t understand what I meant through context then I can’t help that level of retarded.

*1 up*


The question is:

What 3D games did you play so far.

If you played Galaxy or Odyssey it will dissapoint you because Galaxy and Mario O are better in every regard.
If you didnt play any 3D game except 64 you are good to go

walking on slopes feels awful, especially rotating platforms. you always feel like mario's going to give up and slide off into the void

>Look at me i cant play Odyssey
Do you feel that being able to play Super Mario Odyssey requires a huge investment?

>we will never purge Sup Forums of sub-80 IQ retards
I know Sup Forums is too far gone at this point but go back to whatever shithole you came from

>Lily Pad wasn't too bad
Its terrible if you consider that in order to get there you need to do a really dumb and long trip with yoshi on the boats. And then at the end they put a pipe to bait you into leaving and having to do it again (yes, I know you can climb back up, but if you can then why put the pipe there?)

>advanced platforming

>sub-80 IQ retards
Wrong and redundant.

Stop being so desperate to one-up someone you fag.


Little late to the party but
1. Artists don't actually do anything to improve human living conditions either, unless you're counting "provide entertainment" which a lot of speedrunners do.
2. You're on a board for video games which are literally ALL about wasting time having fun instead of being productive.

>To 1-up

*1-up noise*

>Artists don't actually do anything to improve human living conditions either
Maybe not modern artists.

Can 9faggers seriously not think in anything but memes?

fuck off


"Artists" should all get a bullet

That was a question not a dare, you retard

An A press is an A press user, you cant say its only half.

There are tracks from Sunshine that I can still remember to this day, but I struggle to recall anything from Galaxy or 3D World.
