Stay over at my mom because my shitty ass dorm throws us out one weekend a month

>stay over at my mom because my shitty ass dorm throws us out one weekend a month
>download Overwatch on my old pc during the free weekend so I can laugh at it
>mom sees me play it, watches a bit and gets all weird when she sees Mei
>realize Mei is the spitting image of my mom 20y ago
>she wants to play the game for some reason
>spends all weekend playing it
>buy it for her on a whim afterwards because why not
>spend the weekend at her place again today
>check Overwatch playtime: 156h
>she's lvl 7 with a bronze star and exclusively plays Mei


Does your mom like girls?

I want to benis your mom

You're mom is cancer main lololol

Play with her from time to time. I wish my mom would get interested in a game i like

>>realize Mei is the spitting image of my mom 20y ago

dat ass was phat

Picture of your mom so we can compare to Meifu.

But it's a bad game! Why couldn't she get obsessed about SC2 or tf2?

____ you're mum

can i add her on bnet?? im sure she would like a big strong grand master to play with.

1. Your mom must have been a stone cold fox when she was younger

2. Your mom must be a stone cold fox now

3. If your mom has 156 hours to waste on a meme game like Overwatch, she must be lonely. Empty nest syndrome or something.

4. I'll keep her company by doing sex on her

5. Post pics of your mom

Is your mom single?
Would you like a new daddy?

Does she have 12 different accents that change randomly every sentence too?

OP i would bang your mom, no lie, and your mom sounds lolely and desperate.

>your mum is interested in anything you do.


tell her mei is useless

Number 4 but unironically

Guys, she looked like Mei 20y ago. Nowadays she's a bit chubbier and obviously older. Stop wanting to fuck her.

I bet she plays Junkrat when she's feeling kinky.

She had tits like that? God damn, post her tits

no OP, that is hot and you just fucked up, now Sup Forums wants to bang your mom and you will like it.

Stop bullying your mom just kiss her

OP got to suck on them too. Lucky bastard.

>Stop wanting to fuck her.
Please, I wouldn't want to fuck her 20 years ago. Mei is fat.

show bobs and vagene pls

She'll get banned

I'm coming to fuck your mom right now OP get ready


Post a picture of her playtime as proof ya lying bastard

Back of the line nerd. You had the chance to fuck her, now it's our turn.

is she a landwhale tumblrite too?

Get her Skyrim And a fallout game, she might like the character creation. Everything is fine as long as people have fun, Overwatch has that 50/50 win loss ratio b.s. so Im not a fan and that makes it pretty casual and normie friendly, but if you are a casual or normie, I wont tell people not to have fun. And I dont think casual should be considered deragatory, casuals have a fairly limited impact on the industry. its not like they ruined or took away your Witcher 3, and the casuals and normies will likely save us from lootboxes too, (T. Reddit)

Get ready for a new sibling, user.

considering 'm a fat ugleh bastard i would also bang a landwhale tumblrite hamplanet, so please keep going, i need to fap.

>That feeling when anons mom is a 20 year older MILF Mei

Got some picies for my dickies?

>Mei but a bit chubbier and obviously older

Oh my GOD

>Get her Skyrim And a fallout game

>implying todd wouldn't tap dat ass as well while having OP buy 50 copies of skyrim and fallout 4 for each console he owns.

>Bad game
>Tf2 as example of good game
Make up your mind.

>good game

>cake mei
I don't see the problem here.

why post such a lewd photo if that's supposed to look like you mom?

>Chubbier and obviously older

My fucking dick

because he wants a new daddy and probably half of Sup Forums is happily willing to comply.

>Stop wanting to fuck her.


Don't forget the season pass for each copy.

>50/50 win/loss rate
We have a casual over here

Guys, my mom looks just like mercy, trust me I’m not some faggot that gets off to people fantasizing over my mom

>Mei is the spitting image of my mom 20y ago
Post pics then you fuck.

>looked like mei 20y ago
>now she's a bit chubbier

holy shit, the next thing youll tell us that youre proud of your 14 cm penis.

Pics of your mom or bullshit

most people's moms were hot back in the day. Thats how you got here. also makes sense you would unconciously be into girls that remind you of your mom, thats how most guys are wired.

You posted a lewd Mei while telling us your mom looked like her. Fuck off.

Why exist in such an embarrassing manner?

>Nowadays she's a bit chubbier and obviously older.

>Older and Chubbier Mei
>Stop wanting to fuck her

You can't stop me OP.

Hope you're okay with a new dad, user. I'm coming for dat booty

I unironicallly can't stomache women that look like my mother now or used to look.
So there.
I don't even like women with the same hair colour.

the replies , lmao

It's stomach. Why add an E?

Ok I'll stop wanting to fuck her but I could use a pic of your mom to see if she's so pudgy

Tell your mom all that gaming made her ffat

>realize Mei is the spitting image of my mom 20y ago
And now shes the splitting image of Jupiter right

include me in screencap


Can’t wait to see this collage “guys plz. Stop wanting to fuck my mom”. Oh god I’m dying.

>>realize Mei is the spitting image of my mom 20y ago

Too late user, now post pics of your mom.

It's really sad that you let Sup Forums get in the way of spending time with your own mother just because you're "not allowed" to enjoy things.

At least confirm if she looks like this in the morning.

>also makes sense you would unconciously be into girls that remind you of your mom, thats how most guys are wired.
I thought that was for women, not males

I already did. Hello son.


patrician taste

post mommy milkers

>letting Sup Forums dictate whatever the fuck you want to play
I can tell you're new here. This board is beyond redemption, when even the mods take their sweet time to delete CHEESEPIZZA. Stop giving a shit what your mom SHOULD play. Be glad you have a mom and one thats interested in playing video games you fucking toof.
Fuck you.

>Guys, she looked like Mei 20 Years ago
>now she's a bit chubbier and older

My penis has just reached a level of durability to the point where the US Military just knocked on my door and asked me how they can apply it as a new armor type for their tanks.

You did this to yourself OP. You did this to yourself.

>Nowadays she's a bit chubbier and obviously older

>Nowadays she's a bit chubbier

>patrician taste
you're a disappointment

I doubt it could smash a piece of wood. Sounds weak to me user

>Nowadays she's a bit chubbier and obviously older

oedipian syndrome is a thing
either way, i believe its more common for girls to lust their father since they are rigged to like older man, whereas men are rigged to like younger female

Why is she so perfect?

>CP on Sup Forums
I've been wasting my life here for the last few years almost every day and haven't seen shit. You're right about Sup Forums being /trash/ though.

Show us pics of your mom 20 years ago so we can see she actually looks like Mei

you mean oedipus complex
At any rate yeah you're right. My mom was a tough but very gentle woman, figured that my first girlfriend was into Martial Arts.


Honestly i don't know, just how i always wrote it.
Nobody corrected me untill now.

>chubbier and obviously older

>she's a bit chubbier and obviously older
I'll be home soon, son.
Got a sauce on those books?


Whos cat is this?

>Nowadays she's a bit chubbier


>Mei is fat
Official art proves otherwise. It's just puffy clothes

>Nowadays she's a bit chubbier

>Nowadays she's a bit chubbier

Does your mom like hugs?

You are getting a new brother and there isnt much you can do about it :P

Obligatory gib pics pls

>Nowadays she's a bit chubbier and obviously older.
>He thinks that would deter me