>your favorite vidya game
>one thing you love
>one thing you hate
Your favorite vidya game
Other urls found in this thread:
>new vegas
>A T M O S P H E R E
>janky gunplay
>The Warriors
>Huge Fukn Tiddies
>Ultimate Doom
>just how satisfying it is to shoot the demons of hell
>nightmare difficulty
Majora's Mask
Love the girls in it
Hate the fucking money and how useless it is
vagrant story
>Dark Souls
>Most things up to Anor Londo
>Most things after Anor Londo
New Vegas
Literally everything
Not enough content
>Team Fortress 2
>Fallout 4
I think he meant about the game, anons
>Diablo 2
>The art direction and the music
>Dated controls and menu options
Mega Man X
>Great music, levels, and bosses
>Dash locked behind an upgrade instead of being given at the start
>can't have a no armor run without the awkward looking boots only
Even the remake didn't fix this. What a shame.
>The setting
>The downgrade of estus to the blood vial system
>Super Mario RPG
>Character Design
>No Post-game
Did rpgs even have post-games back then?
Because it doesn't need a fix, your brain does.
but, in MHX (the psp remake) they DID move the boots.
>"Some of the upgrades and bonuses have been moved as well. For example, the Foot Part is impossible to miss in the original, since X cannot proceed through Chill Penguin's stage without acquiring it. In Maverick Hunter X, the dash upgrade is located in Flame Mammoth's stage, in the secret area that houses the X-Buster upgrade."
>Unironically Skyrim
>too little rpg mechanics
Not really. JRPGs would sometimes have an optional dungeon or something before the final boss. SMRPG just has that FF boss fight.
>Diablo 1
>can only walk
Kirby Super Star
My friends
Sup Forums's autistic level of obsession with reddit
Fug, y'all are right. Still the original version is better overall.
>Black & White
>being a god
>too short
Mainly the god tier amtosphere.
Bloodvials. Poor choice when estus was fine.
>it sold alot
>it didn't sell enough
Dark Souls
The entire first half of the game, literally flawless game design
Bed of Chaos
Fallout New Vegas
how unstable it is
>Project Diva Future Tone
>3-button multinotes
>training pokemon
>only getting to choose between three overpowered pokemon to start
>warcraft 3
>many great custom maps
>98% of players would rather play dota or other shitty custom maps
Demon Ruins and Izalith are the only bad parts. Second half meme is extremely overblown. Fast travel is what made it worse not the areas themselves.
>Terraria I guess
>Diablo 2
>take double damage while running
>Fallout: New Vegas
>The choices
>The fucking outdated engine (FalloutNV has stopped working...)
>Boss fight designs
>The platforming
>Valkyrie profile
>gameplay and story integration
>ridiculously long intro
>Infamous 2
>The movement and combat variety.
>Either play totally good or totally bad, no morally gray.
>New Vegas
>Ace Combat Zero
>the gameplay
>the way my busted old CRT TV makes the ground look fucked up if you look down
>Witcher(fuck you, i'll include the whole series)
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Ocarina of Time
World Design (Nostalgia)
Water Temple
>Star Fox 64
>Tight Controls
>Blue Marine
>spyro the dragon
>level design and music
>too short and doesn't have the minigames of spyro 2 and 3
>team fortress 2
>art direction
>pyro after the last update
demon's souls
outdated hardware
>98% of players would rather play dota or other shitty custom maps
thats really a bummer.. i mean the game wasn't perfect but to ditch it completely.. insane!!!!
>Dark Souls
>online mechanics
The PvP and co-op mechanics were interesting and would have been amazing if pulled off perfectly to achieve what Miazaki was trying to do, but realistically I can't think of anyway to prevent people from forming dumb stuff like fight clubs and cheesing the game via summoning friends. The online mechanics weren't that bad in DS1 but they really poisoned the design philosphy of the series going forward, with major nerfs/tweaks in DS2 making play styles unfun in favour of PvP balance, and many features in DS3 being dedicated to nothing but the flawed PvP.
That's your opinion. I hated Duke's Archives, I hated Tomb of the Giants, and the rest of the game just felt like "that part" on replays.
>hotline miami
>literally everything about it
>how the sequel took such a huge hit in level design