Is this shit dead?

Is this shit dead?

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yeah. sorry you wasted your money buying ingame Big Bucks™ currency to decorate your little soldier boy.

It's never not been dead


I'm glad that cunts still dead

From what I hear, yeah, it's gone and the only modes with population are the least MGS game modes.

It's still pretty lively on PS4.

it never was alive to begin with

Lies. I tried the other night and there was one match

Is there any aspect of V that wasn't a total fuck up?

If it didnt lag like fucking crazy id still be playing it. I really liked it.

In Cloak and Dagger you can matchmake into a 5v5 match in ten seconds.

stealth mechanics weren't that bad

Yep. I've never raged to the point of breaking something but match after match after match of awful net lag caused me to throw my controller across the room and never return to the online portion of the game. Such a bummer because I enjoyed everything about it aside from the lag.

Controls were like butter, we just didn't have anything fun to use them on; is it possible to trademark controls? If not then hopefully they live on in death stranding; I swear there was a part where Reeses took a big boss stance.


Again. Why do you lie?

>Let's make a multiplayer mode for this STEAL BASED GAME
>Makes CQC not exclusive to the steal class
>Makes 2 classes that are not steal
>Makes steal based class shit
>Makes guns overpowered instead of going the same route that mgo2 did
>Fucking metal gears on multi.
Thanks GOD that mgo 2 revival is a thing

I play it every night, cocksuck. I know what I'm talking about.

No you don't

Fucking hell phoneposter

ts quite alive on xbone

Don't tell that man to be quiet! Who do you think you are??

I know :

It was dead day 1.

>still dead
Yeah man I hear that shit is permanent

It was dead on arrival, the revival of MGO2 was just pissing on the ashes.

do you not know how to spell stealth?

I'm probably gonna go back and do a fresh mostly-lethal run while wearing nothing but the /fa/ as fuck camo fatigues + scarf.

bikini is only way to play imo. If only there was an armless biki girl so i could still rocket punch people

But I'd have to keep their masks on them, then they end up looking like bondage fetishists with balaclava + bikini. If only the recruitable women were good looking in this game. AssCreedBro must have been the last time recruitable randos were that attractive overall.

I like the ponytail girl you get. Forgot her name, but then shes got the raspy breathing every time you run. I agree with the mask thing too, plus it takes you way out of immersion, but I really like titties.

It's still alive, even on Xbox One

I enjoy it


The Fox Engine was impressive, too bad it's wasted on PES.

FOBshit autists don't count brp

That one prisoner girl from the mid-late game Africa mission?


She's one of the last rewards for finishing the games

I still find it hilarious she's surrounded by kids.
It's like the best /ss/ set-up and im not sure if this is Hideo's way of screwing with players.

>Great base game, some flaws
>Tacticool as fuck
>Devs trying to balance, get fired
>Left with broken game
>Left with god awful servers and netcode

Feels awful, this game is exactly what I want from a Third Person Shooter.

>Empty out a shotgun.
>The first round is loaded through the chamber to emphasize speed.

Fucking hits the /k/-spot i tell ya

Also, actually decent range on the shotguns. The double barrel you get way early on hits and is lethal in one shot out to much further than you'd expect.


Is there any way to get these outfits in singleplayer?

A "round" is an acceptable word to use for a shotgun shell.

no, the game was a complete failure and nothing about it was redeeming. unless it had 1 short chapter addon that wouldn't have changed any part of the story or added anything to the series as a whole, then it would be kojima's unparalleled masterpiece.

He's likely to stay dead for a while

its still a round of ammunition you wannabe /k/ autist.

ugh i know right what's the bet he calls them clips as well


>still dead.

yeah, kinda hard to shake that off.

That looks really nice. Sad I missed out.

I like the lewd posting during E3.

The threads leading up to release.

>class/gear locked cosmetics
Fuck this gay earth.

>can't use MP character in campaign
Gay shit

>Hoped someone will make MP Ocelot playable in SP once MP gets released on PC
>No one made a mod for it despite suprisingly decent modding scene

I just wanna be my oper8er tbqh


they are people still playing it on the ps3. all of them are underbarrel generade launcher scrubs

swimwear outfits