ITT: Games that directly reference 4 chan

Hard Mode: No Steins Gate

Other urls found in this thread:

Dude Sex: Piss Filter Edition.

Vall hall a

Idolm@ster hs the Sup Forums mascot from the front page, doesn't it?

The entire country of Ireland.

i hope you are baiting

Animal crossing because it has four leaf clovers in it.

yes, it's a direct reference the Sup Forums, the creators of the game confirmed.

Wendy mentions Sup Forums at point during South Park the fractured but whole

kamiya was also on Sup Forums so it can't be coincidence

That one valhalla lesbian bartender simulator has a simulated Sup Forums.

shut the fuck up retard

Can't think of any games however LWA did and that's going to be a video game releasing soon

Battlefield 3 did too bad it was soc fucking disappointing and the beginning of the end for Dice

They knew what they were doing

never forget

No way this is real

they were forced to take it off because soyboys got triggered

Katawa Shoujo

One of the Ghost Recon games, I think.

How long has she been on the front page? Why?

>Hard Mode: No Steins Gate
the chans it parodies are japanese text boards
the universe doesn't revolve around this shitty western memehole

This. Also there is a screencap of Sup Forums on one of the walls in Karkand.

>Sup Forums - why haven't you got a girlfriend?

>Her name is Clover
>Her bracelet is number 4
>Her japanese name is Yotsuba

Uchikoshi confirmed for bro

>4 lines and not 3
>Implying KEK wouldn't be a Starcraft reference anyways

i need proof

Does nep count?

Oh man I forgot about that one HAHAHA

>Sup Forumstards triggered because they removed it

We were literally shitposting with Trigger dudes when it was airing. Also, the last episode.

On the newspapers it says something similar

>four-leaf clover immediately means Sup Forums reference
fuck off


Feels good doesn't it bros?

Once again Sup Forumssoyboys cant resist urge to screech about their boogieman

since Hiro first created this site, it was his OC.


>obvious edit

Come on nigga

at the beginning of danganronpa 1 the protag is discussing hopes peak on 2chan.


Back when we were Sup Forums - The Vidya. Also you just reminded me about the awful customer service EA had during that time
>You will surely get the Karkand, sir

Battlefield 3(?) directly addresses Sup Forums in a map.

that's Clover Studio's production logo you baka



Sup Forums is older than clover

>Clover Studio's
we did it Sup Forumsros

watch dogs has IWTCIRD

Holy fuck I forgot about that. Wasn't it the same time as the positive reviews by obviously bullshit sockpuppets?

>Chad from Chad

>triggered nazi-lover defending Sup Forums bashing asap

HunniePop ?

And just like Sup Forums it died in 2007

>soyboy boogieman
fuck off


Anyone know when?

fuck you

Fucking minecraft, cause of the one Sup Forums title because notch is an old fag hyper beta.

It's real you idiot. Studio did AMA threads on when it aired.

>>SJW whining repeatedly gets games censored.

threadly reminder that most Sup Forumstards are phoneposting newfag redditors

>muh boogymen
at 1:25

holy shit 8**an is fucking pathetic

>all americans
that's basically confirms their r/the_donald origins

sorry I only play good games instead of softcore moeblob trash



All you people do is circlejerk

Holy Shit it's real

Battlefield 3 or 4 had a newspaper that had something about Sup Forums on it

Most Sup Forumstards are phoneposting newfag redditors too.
They just came here in 2014, not 2016.
What's your point?

>This effects


>LWA on Sup Forums
Then why do you fags keep making those LWA threads here when you're just gonna turn the thread into another Sup Forums fuck fest?

You LWA faggots are cancer killing Sup Forums when you could just discuss your stupid shit in Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is much better than Sup Forums. They kept the newfriends out.

That place has funneled so many boot licking boomer fudds to /k/ that the average age of the board has probably gone up at least a decade.

>that the average age of the board has probably gone up at least a decade.
So the opposite of what happened to Sup Forums?

God I haven't browsed /k/ in years. Are they steaming at all the boomerfags showing off their fuddguns?

amerigoblins and their dumb politics were a mistake, fucking hell

I thought Steins;Gate had 2ch/2chan references, not Sup Forums

This is my girlfriend making a Sup Forums reference.

>Sup Forumsidiot shitting on Sup Forums
O I am laffin

wew lad

>SJW boogieman

you're right, but i guess OP meant any chan reference?

I should visit that place more often.

Nice goal post moving. Just off the top of my head:
>>PUBG censored
>>Watchdogs 2 censored
>>Fire Emblem censored
>>Destiny 2 censored
>>Pillars of Eternity censored

>>It's just moeblob games.

Both boards are garbage nowadays though I will atleast give Sup Forums props for not spoonfeeding newfags as much.
>Sakurafish gets moved to /qa/.
>4am threads get moved to /trash/.
This place is becoming more like the forums most anons left because of all that stupid shit.
Fuck most of you faggots get your OC from fucking kikebook.

No one even mentioned this.
Fuck off virtue singaling piece of trash.


Go back to Sup Forums

SJWfags were the first cunts to start ruining vidya for their own benefit. And because of that they forced others to become politicized and now we are where we are at because of this huge shit-avalanche.
I just wanted to play some fucking video games.

fake and gay

She was a bitch in VLR tho

>>PUBG Cnesored
I don't care about shit normalfag games
>>>Watchdogs 2 censored
I don't care about shit normalfag games
>>>Fire Emblem censored
Treehouse have always been retards
>>>Destiny 2 censored
I don't care about shit normalfag games
>>>Pillars of Eternity censored
They got permission from the guy who wrote it and he put in another one making fun of the people who complained about it.

Pretty much but with the same end result.

>Guy makes thread about thing, it's the 5th in the catalog
>Tell him to ctrl+f before making threads
>"What's ctrl+f?" is the response like 75% of the time
>Thread stays alive for hours because of newfags who don't know what sage is making throwaway comments

>Implying the boomerfags own guns
They're just here to make
>women in the militaREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
threads and use Sup Forums as a Google proxy.

>Sup Forums boogieman


Nobody said it yet so I may as well point out


It's only natural of course, Notch is /our guy/ and a true autistic lazy faggot so it's not a surprise he'd visit Sup Forums

>wasnt alive in the 90s