What's the new hip normalfag gaming meme?
What's the new hip normalfag gaming meme?
wow EA sucks now XD
Hating lootboxes is now cool among normies.
>great stories
9gag everybody
As it should be, especially shitting on EA.
Idk if it's new but recently I've seen a lot of "I would honestly pay $300 for X game if they added X features" and shit like that. Great, so you're a faggot with no self control
Greatest stories in gaming are made in a multiplayer-only game, though
this and Fortnite
MHW.Lots of normalfags newfags crawled to try out Beta.
>when people on Sup Forums are so contrarian to reddit they actually start to defend EA
It's rare but I've seen this shit a few times recently
Autistic spreadsheet simulator, meet autistic atmospherics simulator.
LoU had great MP
dumb brainlet poster
Top two, I'll give them, but who the actual fuck thinks Fallout 4 has a good story?
Those aren't great stories, those are stories worth telling. Although it becomes stale the 50th time you read a story about someone reading Woody's got wood on the intercom.
normie "gamers" don't care about anything.
And that's why you form your OWN opinions, don't trust the mangled group of weirdos who you can't even tell if are being sincere or not.
>Although it becomes stale the 50th time you read a story about someone reading Woody's got wood on the intercom
The heck?
There have been tons of fresh stories from SS13.
All four games have shit stories tho.
Now we just need those subhuman sport game players to do this and it'll all be better
and that somehow makes F4 deserving of its spot in that picture?
But last of us have multiplayer.
fucking this
literally the same as Sup Forums
Is it bad that I choose blue? EA published a lot of games over the years, a lot of them are actually good.
I don't see how anyone could consider Witcher 3 a good story but either of those bad.
Well what dis you expect? Capcom casualized the fuck out of it
You forgot wolftein 2
Since my life is already a shithole lets make it more shit and give me the most normalfag picture related to gaming you have Sup Forums
They're the key to this. They aren't even a part of the normie gamers and it's where most of the money comes in for EA.
That place makes me contemplate suicide.
Sorry that it's not like one of your japanese games
Does xrd count as a 2d game since it's technically a 3d graphics engine but the game is played on a 2d plane and the graphics are painstakingly made to resemble sprites?
neither, now fuck off.
Does Witcher 3 have numerous plotholes and shit that doesn't make sense if you consider how normal humans would act? Granted, 4 doesn't have shit like 3's "no it's not my place to enter the room that would definitely heal me, it's your destiny even though it'll definitely kill you", but it still has the usual Fallout bullshit.
#1 reason gaming should die are gamers
Can you apply a ghetto filter to every single one of these memes from now on?