Hey I just looked up a gameplay of this game and skimmed through it, it's literally just undertale and this is flowey. It's less cringey but it's supposed to just play on your emotions because le self aware 4th wall game, but it is just overused crap. NO offense, but this game doesn't deserve any discussion or praise.
Hey I just looked up a gameplay of this game and skimmed through it, it's literally just undertale and this is flowey...
>Didn't play the game
>says it's shit
Welcome to Sup Forums
>read Wikipedia article for a movie instead of watching it
>lmfao shit movie
>but this game doesn't deserve any discussion
Thanks for starting a discussion though
this isn't a discussion this is a shit flinging contest that i started. learn to recognize the difference,
I hope you don't truly believe that there's a difference between the two in this place
>overused crap
name 10 (ten) games that play with your emotions then twist the knife with self aware commentary that breaks the 4th wall
Just finished it. The game warns you about some fucked up shit down the line, and I figured it would be something like a tragic backstory or maybe a suicide, but I wasnt expecting MGS2 levels of self aware shenannigans. Got me good.
Are there different ways the story can play out or is Saiyori always the one to die, Yuri always stabs herself and so on?
If you go into the game files and delete monika.chr before starting a fresh game you get a fun little alternate story
>I don’t like it, even though I haven’t played it, so nobody should
Why does it bother you so much that people like something?