Fortnite fanboys and poorfags are angry because it's wildly popular and far superior

>Fortnite fanboys and poorfags are angry because it's wildly popular and far superior
>PC players are angry because they lost the only game worth having on PC
>Ps4 players are angry because they can't play it
>keep damage controlling amongst themselves while xboners are off having fun
Bravo xbots, you angered 3/4 of Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Well, time to learn Chinese, guys. No avoiding it now.

>le 14 fps face

>have xbone
>not buying PUBG
Feels good not spending money on a meme game that normies love and every dev devoid of good ideas or talent is bangwagonning off.

>implying the game runs any better on PC face

It does, try the test server

ps4 right now... or else...

>because they can't play it

you're mentally ill. No one cares about your shitty 20 fps pc port.

>spend weeks making these spam threads saying it would run at 60fps on the X
>it runs like hot garbage
>just keep spamming the same thread but slightly edited

It will eventually come to PlayStation 4 though...
Our fight won’t end, Xbro.

>>PC players are angry because they lost the only game worth having on PC

The only thing I'm angry about is that this piece of shit game is relevant at all.

You must be in a different universe to make a post like this OP. What are you assblasted about?

>your platform's biggest game is early access scraps from PC running at 1/3rd of the framerate and nobody can hit each other

yeah we're all literally shaking

>only game worth having on PC

Name a better game on PC, or on any platform.

I have a stable 90 fps and I only have 970 lol.

I'll be enjoying my 60fps 50v50 mode in fortnite with english speakers. Too bad for me, I guess I'll never be a part of the 10 fps chinese filled tacticool bush hiding simulator mustard race.

>lying on the internet

>Playstations biggest upcoming games are an hd remake, a couple of numale "muh cinematix xD" sequels, vr games and a japanese hack's latest wannabe arthouse movie that rips off other movies

>PC's biggest upcoming releases are... um... well... we'll put a pin in that one for now

Gee, why did I ever think Xbox could stand a chance.......

>being this assblasted that your console is shit

At least we have good games lmao

snagged this image from another thread and it's pretty telling and explains why there is so much anger on this board. Most of the people on here just don't play games and rather post about them. I was wondering why you don't see that many xboxers on Sup Forums.

Name one

>post is absolutely right
>deflect with a 3rd graders response

darkest dungeon
dragon's dogma
starcraft: brood war
age of empires II
dark souls 1, 2, or 3
nier: automata

Can we all agree that PUBG is only good for memes?

>name a game
Just saved us 5 minutes.

So.... is pubg fun?

Depends. If you like slower paced games with higher stakes and sometimes want to play with friends, yes. Don't listen to the cynical assholes on this board.

>Xbone exclusive
>""""""game preview"""""" edition

This better be a fake cover



>PC players are angry because they lost the only game worth having on PC

Nah, I'm mad because the game runs like ass and is barely playable. Haven't played in months, and I probably won't touch it again until buildings and shit render before I hit the ground.

If you're the kinda guy who likes seeing nobody for 30 minutes in a battle royale game before getting unceremoniously sniped from somewhere you can't even see or if you manage to kill someone odds are it'll be a Twitch streamer who'll have an autistic sperg, report you for stream sniping and get you banned all while running so poorly despite using a premade engine with premade assets that you'd think it was a Unity game then yeah you'll be in for a blast for the low low price of $30 + microtransactions for loot boxes.

PC gamers don't give a shit about losing exclusives. Thats a console thing because exclusives are one of the important aspect to each console. We couldn't give a shit if a console gets a worse looking and worse running version of a game.

>wildly popular
In the most irrelevant and overpopulated country in the world. A country full of soulless reptiles who eat man’s best friend.

We’re not fucking communists. I don’t give two shits about China and I truly believe we should consider extermination or their entire population. They have no culture of their own other than counterfeit, no history of their own other than what they invented or appropriated. They don’t even qualify as human by our own definition of the term. So why should we give a fuck that this game is super popular over there? So is eating dogs. Should we do that too? Fuck you, resetera. You fucking give-minded commie progressive tranny faggots WILL suffer and die in a glorious holocaust of fire and brimstone and poison gas. We will exterminate the entire lot of you circumcised homosexual omega male bastards. You are not only on the wrong side of history, history won’t even mention you. You’ll be buried in an unmarked mass grave that will become a real estate project whiteout anybody ever knowing. Nothing of value will be lost. Death to all communist pigs

>it's not popular in the west
Stupidest, most in denial fucking comment ever

please upload this



>PC players are angry because they lost the only game worth having on PC

Why would PCfags be upset when Xbone only has PC games except with them running at 14FPS?

>Implying pubg is good

second. I need more brainlets

No you fucking don't you autistic /r9k/fag who can't move on to different characters

*dies to hackers every game*

Go get your fucking shine box

Dude I have this on Xbox its not good nothing feels right and it runs like shit what the fuck are you trying to do here

Yours is even worse, resetera shill. Circumcised communist cocksucking omega numale progressive piece of “human” garbage. Into the gulags you go. PBUH is chink garbage

Stop driving this shit into the ground

Played 10 games last night, had a blast. Had some issues at launch getting on the server but I managed to get on after a short while. No minimum texture fags, hackers, and most players suck so I did extremely well. Going to school and being the only one there in a 100 person game was cool.

Played a couple of duo matches with my brother today (xbone) and a fucking great time. Far superior to Fortnite, which I also enjoyed. It's slow paced, but it really gets your heart going.

Game runs like crap now but it's really tense & enjoyable. Some minor aim assistance would help since current state causes players to rely more on camping. Hopefully with news about exclusivity MS will really help with development. Coalition knows how to optimize games for Xbone.
Xbox is a good platform if you enjoy vidya. Good ecosystem, actual videogames instead of movies/weebshit. I plan to buy Switch next year for that small dose of japaneese games that I need (SMT V, Xeno, Octopath).
I'm looking toward Crackdown 3. Sea of Thieves was ok during alpha but with recent reveal it may get my money.
Yes, Xbox is weaker than high-end PC but I was not planning to buy high-end PC. After slaving out 8-10 hours per day as QA I really don't need more of a PC. Xbone was a good choice it seems, despite strong showing from PS4 at the start of the year.

Dwarf fortress
Civ 4
Civ 5
StarCraft II
Risk of rain
Hollow Knight
Hotline Miami
DCS world
Crusader Kings

This is a positive post in a sea of cancer. Good on you

This is your mind on Infowars.