What would your shadow say, Sup Forums?
What would your shadow say, Sup Forums?
Would Sup Forums's shadow be someone who actually enjoys playing vidya?
I dunno. I thought that shadows are supposed to say things that you wouldn't admit to yourself during everyday life. Things I can readily think of and admit to strangers, like the disaster of my life being nobody's fault but my own, are off the table.
There's things that you might know about yourself, and then there's things that there's no chance in hell that you'd admit to being true in the presence of a bunch of strangers including Chad from out of town and the hottest Stacey in the year.
Probably something about being slothful
What wouldn't it say?
ur a faget
Kanji, is that you?
Let's have sex
You're a cool person that will succeed in life
now neither of us will be virgins
I have absolutely no idea. It's supposed to be the shitty parts of you you hide deep down, but I'm shitty all around, even on the surface. There's absolutely nothing it could say to me that I don't already know.
You let her go along with everyone else! You push people away and blame life for being shitty!
It's your own fault for not living up to that wasted potential, admit it!
Admit it's too late now and it's only going to get worse!
I don't think i'd really have a shadow, I don't believe there's really anything i don't know about myself. I think i can accept how shitty i am
Who knows, that's the point.
How would you even know what your shadow would say? It should be a truth about yourself that you refuse to face or acknowledge right?
I don't know probably something like
>You pretend to be aloof and uncaring but inside you are afraid. You feel like a child, lost someplace where you aren't supposed to be. You look around you and you see people; capable, in control, happy. But there you are. Inept, confused, scared. Like you were absent from school the day they taught you how to be an adult. So you hide and wait for some kind of epiphany or sudden transformation to turn you into the man you're supposed to be. But it never comes, because you won't lift a single finger to find it. Not because you can't, but because, to your very core, you are terrified of having to grow up.
Nothing. i'm basically perfect
What the fuck? What do you mean you figured out how to cope with PTSD? What a load of shit.
We both know you're lying, so what's the point? Probably because of that addictive personality, I mean it's why you limit your drinks, right?
Face it! You want to become a bonafide girl not for love but because you're a coward who isn't man enough to score his own woman! Go on! Try to deny it!
And because you actually liked Symphonia 2, probably means you have mega shit taste
Yep, that's me alright
God you and your shadow sound like gigantic faggots holy fuck
They all know you're a manipulative sociopath, you'll never win because the unconscious is rooted in moral values, no matter how hard you try you're still the bad guy. Not because of what you do, but what you dont do, you'll never stand for justice thus you're not a real leader.
Get a job you bum.
Probably something about sex.
all shadows are gigantic faggots
>It isn't very smart to be "smart but lazy"
High paranoia, anxiety and self-doubt, with periods of nasty rage or glee.
His was alright, just playing some arcade game then having a chat with you.
>Need a fucking reflection of your inner self to understand common knowledge.
>You're not really in love. You just want hope that they might one day stop wallowing in self pity, so you don't actually have to work towards getting someone worthwhile.
>just get it over with and neck yourself already
>liking traps makes you gay
>"Go on! Tell them how you've lied about everything. How you go about playing the victim all the time and watch as someone else takes the blame!
>Remember how we got away with cheating in School by not specifying which Eye was your bad eye!?
>shadow tells me a bunch of shit
>not enough confidence to even protest
How come betamales make the best purse owners?
Fraudulence, I've built up an aura of a smug all knowing guy but really I've just consumed so much film, video game, and other forms of media that I've become very adapt at parroting the ideas of other people in order to trick those around me into thinking I'm smart.
>There is no such thing as justified killing. You're a murderer and you'll be judged in a higher court.
You military?
Eh don't worry user, god doesn't care that much about what we actually do down here, we're either all getting into heave or all going to hell so it doesn't really matter.
It would call me a coward and mock me for not being man enough to admit that I'm gay, afraid of failure if I actually try my hardest, and for the crimes I've gotten away with.
So why was this guy's shadow some grinning maniac?
probably lots of compliments, because I'm more accepting of my faults than my accomplishments
t. Emiya Shirou
you're shadow's a fucking idiot,sociopaths and ruthless mofos like you always succeed and live happy lives.
You'll be judged pretty harshly considering you volunteered for a job that involves killing people for no reason.
get a job nigger.
Isn't the whole point that you can't know?
You wouldn't admit all these flaws on a imageboard if you would reject your Shadow for accusing you with the same flaws.
>getting triggered so easily
>>Remember how we got away with cheating in School by not specifying which Eye was your bad eye!?
you absolute fucking madman
But Emiya is all about that justified killing.
we are not gonna make it bruh
Probably involve all the lies I've made up about me and my depression. I used to tell people that I lived an incredibly sad life where I'd spend all my time when I wasn't at school or working, drinking and breaking stuff. I'd lie about going home each day downing a bottle of beer then fall asleep throwing shit against a wall instead of the truth which I'd just play video games until falling asleep at 7 pm every day. I think it was a mix of me trying to make myself feel better by pretending to be an edgy deep alcoholic when in reality I'm just a sad loser. Or it was me attempting to cry for help by exaggerating the life I live but people just didn't take me seriously. I've started to actually buy into my own fucking lies which is most likely really bad, I've even had conversations where I talk to myself about how bad my drinking is getting even though I haven't had a drop to drink in about six months.
you're not me! I'm not anything like you!!
Scaling back your expectations and convincing yourself you don't need to be rich and famous doesn't mean you're actually succeeding at your life or make you a saint. Your friends don't need you, you can't even know for sure if they truly like you or if they just tolerate your presence because you're inoffensive and 'part of the crew'. But you need them, because you're clingy and desperate for positive feedback.
Seriously seek a psychiatrist. You need help user.
Me, but more successful and happy
>Traps are gay
Could smt and persona be made without his influence?
But anons WE are the shadows.
We get this thread nearly every other week. By Jungs standards nearly every one of us faggots would already be overrun by our shadows, that's why we already know our problems. We'd be the villains nigga.
YOU THINK YOU CAN HONESTLY ACCEPT EVERYTHING THAT'S WRONG ABOUT YOURSELF AS IF IT'S FACT? THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING YOU KEEP HIDDEN FROM YOUR OWN PSYCHE THAT YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO ACCEPT BECAUSE YOU'RE A COWARD.THE TRUTH IS you have a higher opinion of yourself than you share with others and you want to put yourself down to get the inevitable pity in response.
So are shadows pure evil versions of yourself, opposite versions or just ones with no morality, just doing whatever you'd do without thinking if its right or wrong?
I've never played persona.
Your waifu is shit.
Think of it as repressed desires and emotions that even you won't be able to identify with on the fly. In the case of shadows, they are a physical manifestation of all of that.
None of that.
In P4, they are our true feeling but without being kept in check, either by common sense or self restraint.
You could say, they are ourself without sanity, which is why they call themselves "the true self" and why the whole point is to accept them, as in, accepting yourself and acknowledging your true feeling, they are no black or white in this situation.
I can see why they'd be dangerous then. Thanks for explaining.
"You like fat chicks."
Fuck man, I'm already on this path to liking bigger and bigger girls and like all my other fetishes, it will develop and get worse.
>You risked your friends' lives just to get a Persona of your very own.
Quit pretending to be a good person.
dont worry, there is no shame in liking big girls
I wonder
That traps are gay.
>I'm not having sex with you just because we're the same person, dude
If shadows are supposed to say things to you that you refuse to acknowledge about yourself, then isn't it fundamentally impossible to know what they would say? If you can think of it for this thread, it means it isn't something you're in denial about so the shadow wouldn't say that.
It would tell me I'll never be anything like the men I admire because I'm too lazy to clean up my act & do anything.
Actually it'd tell you that you won't ever accomplish anything even if you did try because you just suck, and hide behind the excuse of "I'm just too lazy to try" to protect yourself from the reality of inevitable failure.
Sup dude?
Whoa, I guess you're right; better not bother thinking about it at all.
Not joking when I say this but, I am my own shadow. My brain constantly reminds me of my fuck ups throughout the day so that I don't forget. Every. Single. One.
Haha well if I believed that there'd be no point would there?
Still alive, buddy?
>announces my buried sadistic tendencies to whoever I'm fighting the shadow with
I hate my fetishes.
You are weak. Your inability to cope with rejection and failure has made you a shell of your former self. Every important decision you've ever made has been the wrong one because you didn't have the courage to stay true to yourself. You've spent your years wasting away alone, growing fat, ugly, and lazy. You are a pitiful waste of life, and the only thing you can do to redeem yourself is to end it all, but you'll never do it because you're a coward.
You're gay.
>I thought that shadows are supposed to say things that you wouldn't admit to yourself during everyday life.
I don't think it's that simple, at least not in Persona 4. The shadows say a lot of stuff that either isn't true or is exaggerated, e.g. Yosuke hates Inaba and Junes, Chie thinks she's better than Yukiko, Kanji hates girls, etc.
Just being honest
"I ought to kill all the damn spics in this city, they better fucking get deported soon"