How will Sony fuck things over for themselves?

The PS4 has momentum up the ass. However the PS3’s reveal and launch stopped Sony dead. What would Sony have to do to fuck up the PS5

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releasing it while the current console is still selling

Price tag is pretty much the only thing now.

I am also suspecting they’re going to make ps5 backward compatible with ps4 as it will most likely have the same architecture.

I don't think players would accept a console lacking backwards compatibility and access to their digital library again.

Other than that, maybe some kind of weird controller or an obscene price point?

I think we'll probably just get a new "PlayStation " without a number, and they'll just release incremental power increases every 3-5 years after

PS5 is going to be a Ryzen/Vega powered APU that might actually be able to hit 1080p 60fps without looking like a PS3 game.

Not even price would be an issue by the time it comes out. I don't see how they can fuck it up other than pissing off all their developers.

PlayStation Now.

>The PS4 has momentum up the ass

yeah the PS4 Pro is such a fucking hit it set world on fire. devs are raving about it. most supported console ever made

Don't worry, they don't need to fuck up.
Switch already killed sony, no matter what.

Switch is definitely going to fuck up any future solely home console momentum.

Apparently switch just hit 10million sales. Is that faster than the ps4 did?


Backwards compatibility would be the ideal move for them, that would secure a fuck ton of sales and momentum

Neogaf shilled the PS4 into success and we will do the same for the PS5.

the PS4 Pro sold 9 million units. That's more than the Switch, kek.
But let me guess, the Switch is doing terrific with its 7.6 million sold.

About the same.

Just announced today Switch has sold 10 million units and it's not even through it's first holiday. Of course, PS4 Pro sales will rise over this holiday too, though.

>Blunder of the century! How stupid can they be! Disaster!

$399 + $50 a year
>Oh yes Sony! This is incredible! Let me link my bank account to yours so that I can let all my money flow directly into your coffers as easily as possible! Praised be Sony!

you're gullible or stupid if you think they are doing backwards compatibility instead of using this as an opportunity to re sell you the same games

>$50 a year
it's 60 now

PS3 lost them billions and everyone involved has long since been fired. They will never do anything that retarded again, especially given their other 3 consoles have been runaway successes

sales for $40 almost every year. But you'll still cry about it not being free when they give cloud saves and free games every month.

Well personally i don't pay for it
>when they give cloud saves and free games every month
I don't care about cloud saving and those games are not free if i have to pay in the frst place.
Multiplayer should be free period.


Sony pretty much has a monopoly now. Nintendo gave up keeping up with the industry after the 6th generation, and the Xbox brand is fucked, there is no reason to buy one anymore when you can play Xbox games on PC.

>Pull an Xbone and underpower the machine
>Force digital as the only way to buy games
>Push the dumpster fire of PS Now as backwards compatibility/digital service
>Make a PS4 Super Pro alongside the PS5
>PS5 becomes the PS4 Super Pro and original PS4 will be quietly phased out, PS4 Pro becomes new standard model
>Costing more than $399

Promising games/tech demos that won't happen for years/generations has been a given since the PS3.

>t. Nintendo

Sony just needs to fuck off and die. They bring nothing to the table that you can’t get on pc for far cheaper and better performance. The switch is the new King of consoles and actually does unique thins with the console platform


the nintendo strategy

I will never buy a Sony system out of principle. They ruined the medium with the PlayStation while Nintendo has tried to persevere it.

You win a console race by selling it before the others while still being competent for the current generation.

Being first usually atracts more devs to make a new game for the brand new console of the generation. Unless you're called wii u or dreamcast.

>The switch is the new King of consoles and actually does unique thins with the console platform
True playing ps2 games in 2017 while using toys to unlock content is quite a novel concept

will you fuck off you falseflagging retard

Nothing, because even if Sony manages to fuck up the brand is too beloved to fail. Sony will fumble bit unlike Nintendo and the Wii U, PS5 will sell regardless.

Nice bait

Who’s false flagging? There’s only one actual game platform as far as I’m concerned. Look at all the devs now scrambling to be on the switch they backed the wrong horse by supporting Sony.

They will continue to support PlayStation nonetheless.

They won’t the PlayStation is bombing in japan due to not being a portable. There’s no games on the horizon that can salvage it in Japan. And with that Japanese support all goes to the switch

>Look at all the devs now scrambling to be on the switch

Besides nintendo IPs, what other games are those devs doing in the thing?

Holy shit, i never thought people like you truly existed but holy shit it's true, absolute corporate cocksucker do you happen to have a nintendo didldo too ? do they pay you too ?

Western sales are relevant enough to Japanese third-parties that they'll continue to support PS4. Switch support's going to grow in a big way, but PS4 support isn't going to die off.

Ah... But you forget friend, Japanese developers don't just make their games for the Japanese. Despite Nintendo having a much stronger grip on Japan, Sony always gets the weeb games.

Dark souls trilogy, bauonetya 3, no more heroes Travis strikes back, xenoblade x, smt5, dragon quest 11,xenosaga collection, just to name a few

>Dark souls trilogy
Holy shit you fags rely believe that ? HAHAHAHAHAHA

PS4 costs 200 now
You can find one even cheaper if you go to places like ebay Amazon OfferUp Craigslist

It's not getting DS, but i guess you already have a PC for that, right?
I'm sure bayonetta is nintendo's IP since 2
NMH will be multiplat, there's no fighting back.
Xenoblade is nintendo IP
SMT5 is fine
DQXI is coming to PS4
Xenosaga is already in PS4

I mean, that doesn't looks like devs "fighting" to get on the switch, unless you like playing inferior portable versions of games

Here in Sonyland the $599 PS3 still outsold the Xbox360 at launch. Lots of second jobs I guess.

Microsoft didn't even win last gen and they had

>1 year headstart
>better 3rd party support
>better first party games for the first few years

Unless Sony is caught trafficking child sex slaves the PS5 will win next gen.

That's why Sony still owns the Japanese video game scene, despite their console never being a powerhouse over on Japan? There's still weeb PS3 and Vita games coming out in 2017. You're a fucking idiot if you think Japs will ever ditch PlayStation completely in favor of Switch. devs/

I guarantee this is you.

Potable gaming is a game changer it entirely alters how games are designed whole games are given new life because of it. They’re essentially whole new experiences

No, but Switch had bigger supply constraints. The PS4 was in stock everywhere after the first few months.

>PS3 sold more when both consoles are irrelevant = PS3 won

>$599 US Dollars

>what is the Dreamcast
>what is the wii u

Wii won 7th gen
But ps3 got second place

>supply constraints
you still believe this?

The PS3 sold more then Xbox but it doesn’t mean success. I hate to say it but Xbox Live helped Microsoft a lot. Don’t count out a scandal either. Hollywood is getting killed by scandals and the tech industry could be next

Should've bought a PS4 and a vita to impulse the idea motherfucker.

>What is reading the whole post before replying

Get a load of this guy. Sony just ascertained both Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest on PlayStation 4. Two of the biggest Japanese properties guaranteed to sell. Even if they don't sell Japanese developers aren't close-minded like you, and understand that Westerners play their games as well. Look at Dark Souls, look at Persona, Digimon, etc. Call of Duty, Destiny, and other AAA games sell in Japan. It's an open market, everything goes.

With the rate the PSVR is being pushed, I expect the PS5 to be $600 and include PSVR in it, as a majority of their games end up going into VR. They are pushing VR too hard, and its going to bite them in the ass.

Just like the ds 3ds Wii and wiiu am I right
they couldn't steal PlayStations japanese games then they can't do it now

They're building up arrogance and complacence again, so they'll likely repeat the same mistakes again.

PS3s also went down in price heavily. Didn't stop people going apeshit over the $599 price tag.

Having no BC and having a console still inferior to the Xbox One X which means the Next Xbox will also be superior to it. If they only feminist movie games coming to the system I don't think they'll win out against Microsoft this time. The only reason Sony beat Microsoft and Nintendo last time was because both messed up hard, that's not the case now with both of them getting their shit together and are making great consoles with great marketing and have first and second party games in development for their systems. Sony is pretty much screwed next gen.

Honestly? Release a PS5. It's still selling well. Just keep supporting it with games. bone's a joke and switch is doing its own thing going to eating up all the old vita devs who just want to make games for the cheapest shit out there. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Nah. They learned just like Microsoft (hopefully) learned with the Xbone. Everyone who contributed in the failure of PlayStation 3 have been fired.

>they are the biggest game company in the entire industry still


Oh god yeah I keep forgetting the Wii. I just never took it seriously.

Keep doing exactly what they're doing

>>they are the biggest game company in the entire industry still
Did Nintendo stop existing?

Keep on ballin'.

Paid online service and no backwards compatibility

Look at what Microsoft is doing wrong, don't do what they are doing and shit all over them.
That is why the PS4 did better than xbox, xbox one shit the bed the moment it was announced and it shitty practices spread like wildfire, they tried to go back on what they announced but it was too late.
The Xbox one was a complete stillborn.

Also price seems to be a major factor, half the people I know bought a PS4 over an xbox because it was a 100 euros cheaper, the other half was out of brand loyalty.

To be fair, BC is only feasible if the consoles share the architecture (unless you wanna charge $600 again for fitting 2 consoles in 1 as was the case on the launch ps3).
Now consider how the whole SUPERCHARGED PEESAY business is blowing on their faces now, It would be a smart strategy to distance themselves from x86.