Will Resident Evil ever return to it's Roots?

Will Resident Evil ever return to it's Roots?

Maybe with REmake 2 for a lil bit

expect 2-3 more games in fps.


In capcom's hands? Unlikely, unless it fails so badly they try to roll it back to what was giving them profit.

God dammit, that image is making me wish for a RE otome game.

tank movement with a script and voice acting of a B movie?
nah, i like re5 rer1 and 2 gameplay, they are ok.

boulder punching simulator

What do you mean by "Roots"?

I wish, the game is fucking boring for two thirds.


Is End of Zoe and Not A Hero out yet? I can't find them in the psn store.

Are you from USA? I read they get it later.


Just checked. It's out on Xbox right now, I'm sure PSN will pop up soon if it's not already.

>tank movement with a script and voice acting of a B movie?
that's what makes resident evil fun, though

>Punches molded to death
>imbued with dark magic effigies to make him punch things harder than he already can
>lives off eating bugs
>suplexes swamp-Nemesis
>kicks the shit out of swamp-Nemesis multiple times, going so far as to rip its head off with ease
>takes shit from nobody, beats up people trying to help him
>only cares for protecting family and saving Zoe

Is Joe the new ultimate power level character?

RE has always use tank movement. The newer games only has the camera following characters while the old games don't.

Fuck off to Gears of War then, brainlets like you are why classic franchises end up being dumbed down and casualized. I’ll take a cheese grater to the genitals of ANYONE who says the Revelations games were good again. I’LL KILL YOU ALL!!!

Don't forget he stomped Swamp things punch by just grabbing, that fucker blocked a BOW with his fucking bare hands.

send resident evil cosplay pics we are in dire need


RE7 was pretty close to what made the classics great.
It was only missing the tank controls to be fully classic.

I've never heard anyone call her Roots before. What a shitty fanbase.


why was wesker so mean to Claire?

Why is Chris Redfield such a fucking hunk jesus take me now and leave my asshole gaping

>previously on stranger things

You're late, he's ugly and compact now

oh man there is a shitload of great resident evil cosplay pics you aint joking

i wish i had a family

>Cherry picking images

>the virgin Wesker
>the CHAD Redfield


Well show me a better angle, haven't played it myself yet so don't have any screenshots


please post the hi-res picture of the girl cosplaying as ashley and it is a close up of her sweater so close you can see the individual threads

i'm in love with my cosplay girlfriend. she's a slut and she's better than you.

>return to it is roots

I literally got spooped for a second there.

Good one user


Watch out everyone it's the big cheese and the chainsaw sisters

"im redfeild"



Young people should stop trying to cosplay older characters. You can't do anything to hide that rosy cheeked youth of. 18-21 year old, just cosplay younger character until you're 30. It always looks so off, especially for someone like Wesker who always looked/sounded to be in his 30s even in 1.

I did know a guy who looked exactly like RE5 Chris, boulder biceps and all.

help me Leon!

>walk in
>see this

wat do?

RE7 did exactly that yet waifu fags shit all over it because it didn't have their favorite girls in it.

If RE8 returns to actionshit we'll know who to blame.

i know what your saying. Until you reach a certain age everyone has that little baby face.

rub feet

My face has went through a complete transformation from 18 to my mid 20s. I had so much baby fat on my face back then, I was an ugly fuck when I was 18. I get more attention from women now than I ever did back then. Back then all I got was laughed at.

*blocks your herbs*

Claire is throwing herself into the ground

a little rough don't ya think?


Still better than Walking Sim RE7.

Resident Evil did go back to its roots with 7 but people will make mountains out of molehills to hide the fact that their problem with the game totally isn't first person and the disconnected setting and characters.

>Bad mouthing one of the most iconic moments in the series
Wew. I bet you also don't like "Jill Sandwich" and "YOU ARE SMALLTIME" either.

>Jill Sandwich
thats the best part tho

>tfw you get the Power Gauntlet

I hope blonde Jill eill return someday.

>the virgin Wesker
>the Chad Redfield


Is that Ben Shapiro's sister?

>Not a hero still not on the playstation store
Jesus sony what the fuck.

Give it up man. We're never getting Voth-Jill back. As much as she's clearly willing to do it again, Crapcom doesn't give a shit. Look how they dropped Alyson after 20 years.

RE7 was a return to its roots. 4, 5 and 6 were a wild departure from them. If you're too young to know this, you need to be shot.

bunch of obese, dabbing niggers.

ada wait!

I just want a RE like RE5. That's roots enough for me. But well, RE6 and RE7 didn't do it for me so i guess i could also just give up on the series.