It's over

It's over.

Switch is DONE.

I can't and won't defend it anymore.

>includes full game download
Makes me so so so much happier I own a U

Good enough for a handheld.

Check the catalog first, dumbass.

Let me just go ahead and simulate this thread for you
>I'll be buying this one for my 16th birthday!
Threads over, go home

user, that's a graphics circle jerk, fuck off.

I gave away my WiiU before finishing the third or so chapter, shit was getting good.

>that's a graphics circlejerk
and this isn't?

Nah, second threads always evolve to a different topic.

>user, that's a graphics circle jerk, fuck off.
Then what the fuck is this thread supposed to be?

Sony bois have nothing to do with this since Wii U is superior.

It's a handheld but NEVER EVER sony cuck

i swear Hiro needs to implement the "look but don't touch" policy to faggot OPs like yourself.

Is Bayo actually a woman? She looks like a very passable trap.

>handheld with 720p screen runs a game at 720p

>Full game download

It's gonna be 540p and 40fps handheld
lmao at your shitty console

Switch is totally done guys

Its going to run at 720p docked too.

That's a game from like 2008 can't hit 1080p on switch

Switch needs be thrown away and nintendo should declare bankrupcy. Sony should have lal the game space in retail

I have completed Bayonetta PS3. It can render at 720p or 1080p depending on the XMB video resolution. Only a few hundred PS3 games have 1080p mode if the resolution is set flow the home menu, MGS4 and Katamari Forever being other examples of multiple rendering resolutions reaching 1080p on PS3.

Pray tell how the Switch being a 2017 console that is 11 years newer than ps3, cannot handle 1080p Bayonetta.

Wasn't the game already 720p? Why is this a surprise?

Honestly, I'm just glad it's getting ported to something other than the Wii U. Might actually check it out if I ever get a Switch. I probably won't.

>M-muh graphics
Spotted the Sonyfag.

>wanting a port on the level of ps3 bayonetta
Yeah, I'll take 720p over that garbage

Meanwhile all your games can't even reach 1080p and 60fps. Your tablet is less powerful than the PS3, what a gay nigger

Constant 60+AA?

Bayonetta is your breaking point? This new age of gamers really are of their times.

look at this Nintendicksucker. You must still be playing on your GameBoy since hardware specs and graphics don't matter.

>sacrificing super crisp, Ultra HD graphics and 4-number resolutions for being able to play Bayonetta on the go

A price I pay gladly.

Hopefully they sacrificed the resolution for better performance.

YAHOOO!11! kkkkkkkk

They didn't even really sacrifice anything. The game was already 720p

>I can't and won't defend it anymore.
Something tells me you never did, sonyboy.

What the hell is the benefit of portability if you're playing bayonetta? Visually the animations are one step above senran kagura and if you play it in public you'll immediately be ostracised.

Console Children love to laugh at Nintendo but when PC shows up, graphics suddenly don't matter.

I literally don't give a single shit about graphics and 30-60fps. If that's really all you care about in games then you should stop playing video games.

I just noticed the floor, needs more leds.

People REALLY need to stop viewing the switch as a console.

It's a fucking tablet handheld with HDMI out. It's resolution and performance will reflect this in its games.

Where people are going "hahaha 720p Bayonetta 2 how pathetic" the reality is thats actually impressive as fuck. On a fucking handheld.

>riding bus to work
>pull out switch and start playing bayonetta
>immediately the bus driver slams the brakes and every single person but me gets off
It's a lonely life, but the one I've chosen I suppose

The PS3 couldn't seem to handle it very well either since it was such a shit port. And don't say it wasn't either, because Platinum has publicly apologized for it being so awful.

>simulated thread
>not a single anti-nintendo shitpost in the entire thing

at least pretend you're trying if your going to "simulate the thread"

No it doesn't. You can set the ps3 resolution to 1080p, but the game is always rendered at 720p, at silky smooth 22fps.

I thought the Wii U was more powerful than the Switch?

Silly user, the entire thing is an anti-nintendo shitpost. That's the point.

You'd have to be retarded to think that.

>full game download
Surely they could fit Bayo 1 and 2 on one cart right? Nintendo is publishing it, they'd have access to the largest cart sizes.

>people still being shocked the switch isn't a powerful device
Come in lads it's been out almost a year

The Switch is unironically more powerful than the Wii U, and, surprise, the Wii U ran Bayonetta at 720p.

Nah it's the logical assumption when BotW runs better on the Switch. You don't automatically assume nintendo would purposely gimp the Wii U version.

The board is still convinced the Switch is weak even as far as handhelds go, and some think Sony could throw out of their magic hat a similar device but capable, somehow, to play PS4 games at the same price, if not cheaper

Oh sorry, "the board" sounds a little mean, there are non-retarded people here but we're dealing with dozens of shitposters that think posting anal vore 24/7 is the height of Sup Forums comedy

Sonys PS4 came out 4 years after the PS4. If the switch currently is selling as well currently as a 4 year old console...let's think about that for a second

How is that logical? The game runs better on swiitch because the switch is more powerful.

Nintendo switch* came out 4 years later

Name one PS4 exclusive game that runs at 60fps.

You're right, they should be comparing it to the ps4 pro. Do we have numbers on that?

>Fags post these threads on Sup Forums
Wow, must be a huge downgrade, I wonder why they did that when the Switch is as powerful as the Wii U?
>Google what the Wii U versions ran at
It's literally fucking nothing.

It's probably just to keep things cheap. Apparently there's a special edition that gives both games on two carts but I've been told it's already sold out in pre-orders

No, the Switch is selling right now as much as the PS4 was selling at launch, both reached 10million units in 9 months

Sony had the benefit of being launched in the holidays though. Switch is only now hitting he holidays and is about to get a fucking huge boost

I know it's more powerful, but it's still not going to output 1080p60 or anything. I'm still shocked by people's continued disbelief of that fact.

Switch slipped into last place at the start of the Holiday season. Nintendo is fucked.

Fuck me I'm retarded and just noticed my mistake. I mean't to say the Switch was more powerful than the Wii U. Mixed them up.

Is anyone surprised? Pretty sure Bayo 1, 2 and W101 all ran at 720 60fps on the WiiU and the switch isn't that much stronger than the WiiU. It sucks for sure but I'll trade framerate for graphics in this style of game for sure.

Yeah sure. But consider that now PS4 has the edge of being on sale at a much cheaper price

Honestly, who cares about these comparative details? Both companies are doing healthy business, all this circlejerk over numbers only feeds mouthbreathers like

This. I would like it if they went 1080p or higher but reality dictates they won't put that level of effort for ports which are releasing in 2 months. Now, Bayo 3 that I would expect at least 1080p 60fps docked

The article meant it is on pace with the ps4 compared with when the ps4 first came out.

Gundam versus

you never did, reddditor

wow. It's pretty sad that sonyfags try to make a jab at nintendo fans any chance they get.

Reminding you soybois; Where was DMCV at PSX? And what about Bloodborne 2?

It's the native resolution for the screen. Of course it's 720p.

Nintendo marketing, man. If they say their obvious tablet with HDMI out is a console, everyone will think it's a console

Isn't the largest they have 32 GB don't both bayo 1 and 2 go over that?

That's pretty good for a handheld tbqhwufam

Would just like to point out that this shit of devs porting games to an inferior hardware for a few easy sales has been happening since gameboy.

Only Nintendo keeps this going.
I mean really?
Excitement for skyrim? bayonetta? old games that are already out with no new stuff.

Are you that desparate for games that you praise devs quickly porting old games to it?

is that good or bad?

Why do people care so much about peak resolution? Maybe it's just me, but as soon as we made the move from standard definition televisions to HD I was set. My tv supports 720p max and I'm still really happy with it. I get the appeal don't get me wrong, but I just can't wrap my mind around why it causes so much asspain to the point where people go so far to harass others over it. The switch, or any system for that matter having games that only do 720p is pretty alright to me. Not shitposting I'm being very genuine.

>Defending a corporate product without getting paid for it in the first place
What's your problem kid

Graphics don't matter without games, and PC has none.

>Only Nintendo keeps this going
>Capcom just ported Okami AGAIN
>Megaman Legacy collection 1 and 2
>MMX games being rereleased
>SF 30th Anniversary
>DMC HD collection getting ported
>REmake and RE:Zero ported
>Xbox's biggest draw right now is the backwards compatibility
>PS4 PSN has a section dedicated to PS2 ports

Please think before you post user.

it's likely that they're aiming for improved framerates (which were far from perfect on Wii U)