So Xbots, was it worth the weight?

So Xbots, was it worth the weight?

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Whats the point of this game on console
It runs like shit
You can't aim with a controller
All of the playerbase is on pc
Xbots should have just played fortnite

I'm glad to see xbox users can get the authentic PC experience.

Everyone should've just played fortnite.

Here's to hopin any performance fixes on Xbone get rolled into the PC client also so you don't need a machine capable of a modern game on ultra settings to play PUBG at 60fps on medium.

No, I'll wait for Halo 6, Crackdown 3, State of Decay 2, Sea of Thieves, Ori 2, Forza Horizon 4 and the other first party and second party games in the works.


Hi newfriend!
Reddit is that way -->
Thank you :)

So does PC. : )

Impression I'm getting is the X1 port of the game is well behind the 1.0 test server version on PC, since it's struggling in the same places PC used to struggle (albeit at a much more playable framerate on PC), but not since the 1.0 test update.


It's just an alpha!

>X1X rendering the game at native 4K
Found the problem!

>frog-posting redditor
checks out

Once again consoles prioritize things they can't do at awful performance. Might as well render at 8k at 10 fps. It's just as stupid a decision.

Most people either don't care about frame rate or they don't notice it. What they do notice on their new 4K TV is how crisp the game is.

Silky smooth 13 fps. That's close to double as cinematic at 24 fps.

They notice it if it's bad enough. They just don't know what to call it. My brother all the time complains about "lag" in his games. 13 fps is ridiculous and is worse than games towards the end of last gen.

good job OP, you faggot.



10fps driving

heh heh heh stupid goy

It is kind of (he could have picked a part where it was 11 fps) but you still don't want 16 fps if you land in an area with a lot of people. That framerate persisted for like a minute after landing. 20 fps wasn't uncommon with stuff happening later in the video either. I'm sure people are glad to be getting a rock solid 30 fps while looking at scenery but you need that performance when you actually need to react to things more.

woah it's the exact same experience steam users have

The game's problem is CPU bottlenecking, just as it is on PC. 4K has nothing to do with it.

If that was the case the framerate would always be that low. The framerate gets really low when looking over open parts of the map, which seems to me like a GPU issue, and one thing causing GPU strain is rendering at 4k. Depending on how the game does draw distance too, rendering at higher resolutions could require rendering objects that wouldn't be rendered at lower resolutions. I know MGSV was like this.

The framerate goes to shit when there's 30+ players all landing and the CPU is trying to deal with processing them as well as streaming in the environment. The framerate improves as it catches up and people thin-out (even ones not being rendered on camera), therefore it's a CPU issue.

The game still has to keep track of the people when they're not on screen. The framerate drops when looking at open portions of the map. The poor framerate at the beginning might be a CPU issue but there are definitely GPU-based drops in there too.

But it's not.
I'd take 1440p50-60 over 4k10-30 any day of the week.

PUBG does not belong on consoles. I still dont understand how a company like microsoft still doesnt understand this.

x1 version is 0.53 so far


fpbp, console shooters are a joke.

>The game still has to keep track of the people when they're not on screen.
Which is why I said it's a CPU issue. If it was a GPU issue it'd only run 10fps when all the players were on screen, but it still runs 10fps even if you stare at an empty building wall during that initial period.

I'll trade my mouse aiming for much less Chinese and much less cheaters. Unfortunately it runs like shit in its current state, will have to see how the 1.0 release is on Xbone in 5-6 months.

Haven't run into any cheaters on NA in the test server or any chinks (just a few spics).
The chink issue is vastly overstated by people who haven't played the game in months.

Every game belongs on consoles. They might have to gut some of them to work but they will work and you're going to like it.

>If it was a GPU issue it'd only run 10fps when all the players were on screen
The players aren't the only things that need rendering. The map has to be rendered too. Rending far out things and foliage takes a toll on your GPU, especially in a game that doesn't have finishing optimization. The framerate obviously drops when getting to the top of a hill and looking out over the map or while driving when the game has to keep up with rendering because of the character moving quickly. CPU issues also happen and are probably what causes the 11 fps when you're first dropped though.

Meaning you'll trade your mouse aiming for a lower player count.

thats the wrong wojack

>Rending far out things and foliage takes a toll on your GPU

Generally speaking its not the grass that murders your framerate - its the shadows they cast as that is calculated on the cpu. The most well known game to highlight this is Dying Light - the shadow setting brought even the mightiest gpus of the time to their knees just as much as they killed the weaker cards because universally it was the cpu pulling them down.

Because you're playing on the test server. Go play on retail NA and watch the amount of Chinese player names in the kill feed.

Oh no, I'll only be playing with a playerbase of 1million folks instead of 10million for a 100-man game!

PUBG environment shadows have been prebaked ever since the update that normalized the minimum shadow/foliage distance about three months ago. Hardly any CPU draw, is all just RAM consuming.

It's also why there's no dynamic time of day.

fortnite is much better than this shit game

>Go play on retail NA and watch the amount of Chinese player names in the kill feed.
Played on retail NA regularly until this week, rarely ran into any chinks.
I don't think you've ever played the PC version frankly.
Roughly 2 million of the daily players are still in the US alone.

Fortnite shills are in full force

97% GPU usage at 1440p. Now imagine at 4k. Shame his overlay doesn't have his CPU usage too.

>Shame his overlay doesn't have his CPU usage too.
Look again.
43% on an i7 4790.

Oh, okay, cool. Didn't see that. Shows that his CPU isn't being overloaded and the GPU usage can get pretty high. Console CPUs aren't that powerful though but it still looks to me like a lot of the drops are GPU related later in the video.


10 fps...

Don't pay attention to that. Pay attention to the 4k meme.

You'll get maybe 4 or 5 more frames :^)

but it's in 2K?

It's apparently rendering at native 4k. 3840x2160.
>PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds on Xbox One X renders at a native resolution of 3840x2160.
Pretty good since it just hit the gamepreview with the version 0.53. It will only get better until the 1.0 hit Xbox.

why would you render at some retardedly high resolution when the game itself is unplayable due to shit framerate

Can't wait for that silky smooth 4k24 as opposed to 4k20.

yeah nope ps4(80p) bro

Because someone started the movement to 4k way too early. Consoles almost completely skipped 1080p. I remember when 1080p TVs were introduced but console games didn't start even attempting it for the longest time and they've basically jumped straight to being (or at least promising) 4k while barely being able to do it.

The people playing this game are well aware of that: same as the people who bought on steam when it didn't release yet.

I can't wait for someone to take the Battle Royale idea and actually make a good game out of it. PUBG and Fortnite both fucking suck.

It works good on my 1x but the controls suck. Didn't even try to make a new UI for console either.

I know that feeling as a PC person that has to deal with shitty console UIs 90% of the time. At least you're not required to used a m+kb like some console ports on PC require a gamepad.

i mean, it's 16 fps more than my ps4 so yeah it was worth it. i get to actually play this game without having to shell out £600 on a pc

just like survival games like dayz amirite

That's real good considering the game will constantly get patched and updated.

>Pay $500 to play at 16 FPS
Delicious Microcock.

or pay triple the price of my $100 xbox one to play this on 0 fps on the pro? i'll take the xbox thanks.

>Pay $500 to play at 16 FPS with less people and miss out on actual decent exclusives

Not even surprised seeing how badly it runs on PC. On a 1070/6700k with shadows turned down and everything else maxed. Still can't hold a locked 60 at 1080p.

>pay $100 and $20 for xbox one and the biggest game of the last 20 years
>pay $350 and $200 for weebshit i don't even care about

yeah nah i'll take the xbox thanks.

>"Play" the biggest game of the last 20 years at 10 FPS

what fps is it on the ps4 again? i'd like to know

>update to stability on Fallout 4
>pubg released today

Even Master Chief is laughing at this piece of shit game because he knows he has the better game. Microsoft now knows the lesson of having something worth getting for a year instead of getting shitty unfinished garbage. Can they announce Halo 6 now, I'm tired of waiting.

Just ignore the Steam shills. They've been out in full force ever since the Xbox released.


>steam shills

nah steam shill are different. why would a steam shill talk about ps4 exclusives instead of saying buy a pc? it's easy to see who you're replying to with simple comments like this a steam shill would go on about how much better a pc is. a sony nigger would go on about how apparently irrelevant this game is and "Muh exclusives".

t. ps4 owner
the ps4 exclusives are all trash. i've literally spent more time playing pubg on my xbox just today than i've played my ps4 in the last 2 months

What is your image supposed to show? That people play at sane resolutions rather than 11 fps?

Console gamers are used to shit performance.

>rehash of dead franchise
>Looks nothing like tech demo from 3 years ago
>Literally what
>Yet another Forza game

Lol nice list

>there are people right now playing this at 12fps just for the sake of fighting a console war

>hurr durr why do you have a platform which can play this game and are saying you are playing this game on that said platform
>it's illegal to own a platform because of a game you and everyone else wants to play

And now for a report that isn't garbage

We should all be thanking MS for exposing who is truly petty and who doesn't care and just wants to play games. I've never seen so many people get upset over a console before.

>praising some shitty early access game that only chinks play
The games I mentioned are all better than this piece of shit. Microsoft got this garbage because they got nothing worth getting this year except Cuphead and two original Xbox remasters.

>People still think play anywhere games hurt Microsoft
What's it like to be this stupid?
>Has never heard of Ori
Never mind, I don't want to know.

>getting this upset over my post
Really you should be mad at microsoft for releasing this game at 12fps not me.


But this was supposed to save xbox and help us win the november npd. wtf...

12 fps more than ps4 at least. xbox it is. thanks for confirming my purchase. how do i get the red x1x does anyone know? i saw some pics around which had a red version

so you xbox fanboys would be celebrating a win even if it was at 1fps because ps4 runs at 0???LMAO you guys are dumb as fuck.

You know what makes this even more funny, is hearing the pubg devs and microsoft and the xbox shills on Sup Forums talk about how the xbonex version runs at 60 and is only 30 for parity.

>having a game vs not having a game
>implying a game always stays at one performance level and patches don't exist

tell me again how i can play this on ps4?
t. ps4 owner

Jesus Christ, it looks like shit on the Xbox One, when are they going to kill off the Xbox One and focus primarily on the Xbox One X? these shit graphics for the original Xbone are going to be a norm.

Overall utilisation =/= showing a single thread being massacred. If you ran the same sequence with (to keep a close comparison) a 5960x you'd see even lower utilisation but basically no performance increase (we are ignoring the extra cache haswell-e has over the mainstream version for this). The game cannot into threads for many reasons which can - and does - create a cpu bottleneck on the mightiest of cpus today.

This is what I don't get. The game isn't even finished yet and I'm sure ms just wanted to get this game on their platform for obvious reasons.

Pretty good

So this is the power of consoles...?