You better wash that old gayman station on a regular basis

You better wash that old gayman station on a regular basis.

Just a bit of water and soap once every 3-4 month is enough to get peak gaming experiences.

I do the same thing to your mum.

>haven't cleaned mine since early summer
>fps drops and slowdown all over the place
>unbearable armpit stench coming from heat sink

Some sour cream in there will clean that up.

I usually do this monthly with gaming soap

Not cool, my brother died that way.

>take computer to car wash and leave it on the roof of my car as I drive through
>car wash attendant tells me if I want my computer washed I need to pay a separate gaming maitenance fee
fuck my life

>Not putting your GPU upside down in your oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees celsius to make sure the solderings are kept nice and cone-shaped
Enjoy your faulty GPU in a few months

>He doesn't use the line technique


What about the cross technique?

I have done this MANY times with my old consoles and computers, I should string together a few webms

be sure to use gaming water too bro

>not using the old swastika

Enjoy your burned home.

>the tube of thermal paste is actually mayonnaise
Holy shit just noticed that

All Reddit. You fags need to off yourselves. NOW.


Now I realize this is a stupid question, but arent water tank desktops a thing?

wouldnt the water not damage the mobo?

wait, you're supposed to put it on the holes?

Go back to /vg/, cunt. I don't see a rule that states "no fun allowed"


eyebrows and foreheads are +5
getting it on the nose +10
lips and cheeks + 8
chin shots + 2

bonus points for getting it in the nostrils

The water stays in the tubes. There's metal conducting heat from the processor to the tube, but that isn't also carrying a charge

literally nothing would happen if you did this assuming you let it dry before plugging in

IIRC there's mineral oil bath desktops for eccentric people with too much money on their bank account

Every time

Do you often take some load upon to your face?

You can literally do this and cause no damage. t. machine electrician

i wish

I take it in my ass

This. I would guess the real problem isn't getting it wet, but making sure the board is absolutely dry before using again, right? Kind of hard to judge if every water molecule has completely evaporated.

Water, no - even 100% deionised water will eventually become conductive again after leaching metals from the motherboard/gpu/etc
>Pure water isn't conductive but is a powerful solvent.
3M Novec is a clear engineering fluid that can be used though, it's inert, non-conductive and has boiling points as low as 33C.

Get another job then, NEET.
Unless you're doing it with mineral oil, you'll fuck up your hardware.

i just cleaned mine out, but only after it literally started crashing. it looked like the inside of a vacuum cleaner

I tried this, can confirm my machine ran more efficiently afterwards.

Still, disk-based drives relies on mecanical action, which would be altered by any kind of liquid. So it's doable, bu not for drives.

HDDs are typically left out of the liquid, yes.
For oil systems, fans are sometimes used to help move the oil around.
Novec doesn't need it, since it boils at such a low temperature.