Find a flaw

Find a flaw

She's not real

Belongs in one of the weakest games.

Also Heroes or regular FE thread?

Eirika's less attractive friend in FE8. Got lucky that Cuboon drew her for Heroes.

farts too much

No penis

She's a spoiler, stuck up, entitled brat.
But to be fair, when she's cheerful, caring and gorgeous looking, that's not that much of a drawback.

on a related note; how to build our king? Brave Bow?

What is Sup Forums's top ten favourite FE girls?

every girl that makes me cum hard

Who's the artist? That lighting on her chest makes her look really soft and me really hard.

arms aren't up for me to lick her sweaty pits clean


Ugliest pegasus knight in her game. She come when you already have a good one ready to go.

She's not even best girl in her game

Thanks, user.

Def Ploy


How the fuck do I survive the Entombed in Thabes? Genny's Expel isn't doing shit.

Jesus, ryo's map is a monster.

>ryo: The Iron Wall
All have Fury, DC, Renweal, WoG, Armor MArch, or Ward Armor

Is it finally Tobin's time to shine?

FE8 isn't the most difficult entry in the series by a long shot, but that doesn't make it bad.

Can't. Literally perfect.

>Park Michalis/Ayra/Alfonse on Def tiles and let them Bonfire people to death

Tiki, Fae, Nowi and a healer shine in this one.

>Once Renais was stable again, Ephraim and Tana were wed. Innes protested vocally, but when he saw how happy Tana was, he gave the marriage his blessings. Renais and Frelia are now bound by blood as well as friendship.

Daily reminder than Tana won Ephraim and Eirika was forever alone

I didn't try to imply that. Just there's lots of elements that put it low on my list.

>not putting Ephraim and Myrrh in a secret, undocumented forbidden love

Your Dole Dippers Madam.!

Explain this shitty twitter meme to me in no more than 2 sentences, with citations.

>HUGE with DC, WoM, Slaying+, Armor March and QP+Galeforce for 3CD Galeforce memes
>WHO2CRUSH with DC, Renewal, Silver+, Ward Armor and Panic Ploy. Also has Galeforce for whatever reason.
>Sheena with Fury, Renewal, Killer+, Armor March and Panic Ploy. Has Aether because ???
>Draug with DC, WoM, Armorslayer+, Ward Armor and Distant Defense, Also has Aether
>All of the above are running Rally Def/Res
Looks like it's time for my dragons to shine.

Wow, I expected these maps to be easy, but some of them are a pain in the ass on Lunatic.

Fire Emblem is a very progressive series when it comes to canon lesbian couples

just git gud

>pick Eirika's route
>screw around in the mountains
>meet up with Ephraim
>o btw while you were doing nothing we took the capital with 3 dudes
Split routes were a mistake

Sayaka get back in your grave

1. Nephenee
2. Cherche
3. Eirika
4. Lilina
5. Mia
6. Elincia
7. Lissa
8. Cordelia
9. Jill
10. Lyn, I guess

>No characters from FE1-5

Should have done a better job localizing them.

Just remembered Echoes exists, fuck need to pick that up. And Fates too maybe despite all the shit I heard about it.

Echoes is bad apart from the music and voice acting. Fates is a start button simulator, but Conquest has good maps.

1. Mitama
2. Ninian
3. Olivia
4. Neph
5. Linde
6. Astrid
7. Tharja
8. Lyn
9. nuTiki
10. Hinoka

Echoes is good and fates, well Conquest is generally agreed to be good?

1. Nephenee
2. Jill
3. Lilina
4. Astrid
5. Nah
6. Lyn
7. Elincia
8. Priscilla
9. Vanessa
10. Lethe

1. Tanith
2. Caeda
3. Tiki
4. Charlotte
5. Feena
6. Lalum
7. Lissa
8. Briggid
9. Midori
10. Clarisse

Fates has awful writing but good gameplay, great gameplay if you only count Conquest.

Echoes has awful gameplay but decent writing.

Realistically a Sup Forums list would be

1. Nephenee
2. Lucina
2. Lyn
4. Tharja
4. Eirika
4. Micaiah
4. Genny
4. Doot
9. Tiki / Nowi
10. Sanaki

There really needs to be more Neph.


Don't blame me, blame Sup Forums.


neph was legit one of my fave characters in the entire series

Sup Forums doesn't talk about Sanaki much. She's great but wouldn't hit top 10. Lady Lel is also missing from that list.


I uh.. I didn't really play too many of the games.

>favorite Mercenary is Saber
>keeps getting shitty level ups
>second worst Mercenary currently in my army
>even Kamui is better

I know Mercs can loop and become villagers but goddamn, that sounds like a real fucking slog.

Don't worry, thanks to how promotion stat gains work in Echoes 80% of your level up stats are irrelevant anyway

1.- Est

That's it.

Soleil is here~!

Best death quote

Why do all of the kids say their name?


“I love milking cows! It’s good practice, heh heh!”
What did she mean by this?

Please delete this slander, my wife isn't a slut.

>playing Fire Emblem 7 for the first time
>see Florina for the first time
>bandits are trying to catch her
>they start talking about the price she would fetch

W-What are they planning to do with her, Sup Forums?

1. Cordelia
2. Tiki
3. Nephenee
4. Mia
5. Ilyana
6. Tana
7. Eirika
8. L'arachel
9. Severa
10. Morgan

I'm kinda limited in terms of games played compared to others. Wish I could find a copy of Radiant Dawn for a decent price, and I haven't even opened my copy of Echoes yet.nished even one Fates route yet, either.

Pegasi are expensive, the sluts that ride them, not so much.

1 Tanith
2 Jill
3 Ishtar
4 Sigrun
5 Vika
6 Aversa
7 Minerva
8 Silque
9 Lucia
10 Emmeryn


Wasn't that bad. This team did every single dev map and all related quests. Didn't even have to adjust seals.

3/10. You scored with Jill, Vika and Lucia.

>he's a sub-5000 shitter
Don't even talk to me

>roll for Summer Elise
>get Xander
>roll for Spring Lucina
>get Xander
>roll for Soleil
>get mini Xander
This is hell.

Hi there Sup Forums
Oh, pay me no mind, I'll just be here in the corner summoning a million Terrors.

just keep them out of the cupboard

Not on my dick

1) Shanna
2) Shanna
3) Shanna
4) Shanna
5) Shanna
6) Shanna
7) Shanna
8) Shanna
9) Shanna
10) Jill

>Shadows nerfed a bunch of player related goods
>These guys went untouched
Really should had put a limit on how much they summoned.

okay taste

Heroes when

Why it is always dragon lolis?

just kill 'em :^)

It does get a little retarded sometimes.
I'm not even that far into the game but some reviewers said there are maps with 3 of them?
That's gonna be fun.

>tfw no dragon shotas besides shitty Kana

I'm very lucky that Heroes didn't do my girl dirty like some. Good art and a voice that isn't gratingly unbearable, not COMPLETE trash.

Why does the FE wiki have such a horrible design? White text on a dark blue background just burns the eyes.



Their summons never scale until the postgame, so eventually they're irrelevant other than blocking your movement. There's also summoners that summon Witches for some reason, but they're a lot easier to deal with because they don't have 46 hp

I did forget about Nils but he's even weaker than Kana, dude's barely on the edge of shota.

>final essay due in 20 hours
>can't stop playing Fire Emblem

>realized I forgot to run AA at all last week
Shit. They should really give you an indicator if you haven't done at least one run for the week.

I'm certain the artist who draws him in Heroes will have him look like a shota.

When's my wife's fuckbudd- friend coming to Heroes?

Brave Bow or Slaying Bow are best. Support give him Draw Back or Reposition. Keep the special. A skillI would do distant def 3 if you have a Celica to spare, second being swift sparrow 2, or fury if you can't get any of the two. CA is perfect for him, so keep it. Def ploy 3 as user mentioned before. Sacred Seal try to get dis def 3 as well, giving you +12 res for 40 res. That is +20 att when you activate your special if you have 2 stacking DDs. He is a monster against mages and shuts down all the raven tome users. I personally think he's the best mage counter.

Make that 2 as knoll isn't even found until after the last map of Ephraim rout.

Considering his luck, surprised he wasn't the one who died in a snowstorm.

FE loves repeating their archetypes. Why is it always two knight buddies with contrasting personalities and color scheme? Why is it always 3 pegasus knight sisters? Why is it always a rugged mercenary who joins because it beats his current job, and later recruits his buddy too?

>Marth ignored this

Kiran sure didn't

But Kiran got with Katarina.

Shit, mixed up Kiran and Kris
Works either way I guess.