A bloo bloo bloo my game is the most popular game on Steam but there might be competition, shut it down!

>a bloo bloo bloo my game is the most popular game on Steam but there might be competition, shut it down!

Other urls found in this thread:


>"Look at movies, Armageddon came out then 20 other comet disaster films came soon after,"
I like how the very first statement in the article shows how dumb he is, Armageddon was successful and remembered, the copycats weren't.

I wasn't aware taking the FFA game mode, selling it as a stand alone and making it boring made it a new and unique idea that should be copyrighted.

Don't worry, that faggot has nothing

>"If it's just copycats down the line, then the genre doesn't grow and people get bored."

But...video game genres are born in exactly that way. Fire Emblem, for example, gave rise to the SRPG genre by taking element of Dragon Quest and making the battles more involved and tactical. And Fortnite isn't just a copycat, it has building and horde modes as well, which is exactly why it's so popular and doing so well.

>my game, which is a blatant copy of existing ideas, and rode in on the coat-tails of DayZ and its copycats, shouldn't be copied by anyone else!

Everything this faggot says makes me hate him more.

>PUBG literally copies everyone else, is the most unoriginal game of 2017
>dev complains about copycats

God, the hypocrisy

>it has building and horde modes as well, which is exactly why it's so popular and doing so well.
Xbro here, it's popular because there was no pubg on consoles. That's literally it. At least half the people who play are switching to pubg now it's been ported.

Nigga, isn't your game a DayZ mod??

It's such a retarded idea, imagine if games that are similar to other games could be sued out of existance. We'd never have got Duke Nukem and other doomclones

Dredd 3D and The Raid are similar films and they are both good, he'd just salty people are making games out of an idea he popularised. Look at how salty he was over Fortnite Battle Royale, he thought Epic shouldn't be allowed to make it because they might make some changes to the engine for their game to work better then not share it with his dev team. A dev team that's so lazy they keep the UE4 example vehicle physics for all their vehicles as if they made new physics to make the things actually fucking derivable they'd need to program their own netcode for them

>make a game literally based on various other games
>its quality is literally if someone made a fallout 3/NV caliber PVP mod
>1 or 2 EPIC devs spend their weekend implementing mode into their already free game and its 100% optimized on the same exact engine

Tell that to fucking china.

>The copycat of H1Z1 king of the hill mode complains about copycat games.

Sounds like he's afraid of a more capable company coming along and doing better, while his cannot keep up.

They whole "genre won't grow" is him speaking of his own inability to grow his game.

Even worse, it's a DayZ clone with LESS GAMEPLAY FEATURES than DayZ

As if I needed any further evidence of this idiotic soyboy being a fucking cucklord faggot.

>It's not enough that I made money, I have to make ALL THE MONEY, WAAHHHHHH

Companies have been ripping each other off for decades, just look at Wolf3D or Super Mario Bros and count how many games copied the same basic formula

if pubg was original i would have thought well its fine if he complains i can imagine his butthurt.

but the faggot stole most of the shit in the first place

Thank fuck we didn't have retards like this back in the 80s and 90s. Imagine if Apogee tried suing iD for making Doom.

What the fuck is this faggot complaining about? He didn't invent "Battle Royale". Entertainment industry is pretty much based on copying each other and doing it slightly better everytime.

This retard just wants to cut off the competition.

Nah dude, my crew is PC and console mulatto race, we all jumped ship to Fortnite because of the building. We still play PubG once in a while, but Fortnite's building is just too cool. The charming aesthetics also help.

stay mad nerds even japan has bended the knee to pubg

He could just improve his game to make it better than the competition. Like, he could literally just start by optimizing his own coding so the game doesn't run like hot ass on anything but a high end system despite being nothing impressive visually.

I guess that's too much work.

It's DayZ with all of the boring shit that no one wants to do removed.

The creator of PUBG made most of the ArmA and H1Z1 battle royale or king of the hill game modes too before he got the opportunity to make his own standalone game, so he didn't really steal that shit from anyone.

Can't he just use the shitloads of money PubG is making him to make it better than the competition? isn't that what capitalism is all about?

He didn't make his own standalone game, he just got hired by a gook company to serve as the spokesman.

That's why he's afraid of competition and calls them copycats.

He says, while stealing from H1Z1.

call the H1Z1 crew, their about to be rich!

PubG is releasd, DayZ not. Legally he`s the winner.

He ain't wrong though

This is pathetic. He can't even handle competition in a genre he didn't start in the first place.

Brendan Greene created that mode for H1Z1

>Pubg is released

No, there should be literally no fucking protection to copycat games. Because then you walk down the dark path of copyrighting game mechanics which is absolute fucking cancer. There's one god damn thing the copyright vermin can't touch and it's the actual fucking gameplay.

Honestly he is correct, I'm sick of companies making clones of shit all the time.

>PubG is releasd

>No Doom
>No Duke Nukem
>No Rise of the Triad
Really would have been fucked

H1Z1 "licensed" the game mode from him as he created the original Battle Royale mod for ArmA 3 he's still a knobhead though

Except you already can copyright gameplay.
Look at Katamari, loading screen minigames, arrows pointing at objectives, etc.

Releasing this month

>somebody copyrights videogame mechanics
>nobody but EA can make FPS games any more

I wonder if there are old enougth people on Sup Forums to remember the worst era in gaming industry ever - The RTS era.

Having IP protection back then would have help to awoid that horror.

Just don't buy them then. Are any of these fucking shitty pubg clones selling well?

The free one does

this man is literally the fine bros of gaming
>durr let me copyright this concept on an open platform that favors competition
this faggot is so retarded

What horror? It's pretty easy to tell a shit game from a glance. I bought WarCraft 3, not War of the Ring, because one looked awesome and the other looked like shit.

That article reada like a guy who is scared of competitors coming along and doing the battle royale thing, but better.

VR Battle Royale soon boys

Fortnite puts it's own spin on it

There is only one pubg clone really, fortnite. Pubg is just a clone of other games.

>its released already
>its actually releasing later
nigger you what

>Warcraft 3
I said oldfags, not newfags.

There are some patents out there but a patent is massively fucking different from copyright in a vast number of ways.
Also, there's been no lawsuits over those sorts of patents and because of that and some other shit they exist in an grey area. There's a reason big companies don't patent every-fucking-thing they can.

>says pubg retard like he did anything original
Fucking hell

>it's released already
>it's releasing later this month

Pubg apologists lack oxygen in their brain. Hence they're entertained by a game that is barebones and repetitive as fuck.

>free one
>selling one


Even if the entire team is a bunch of coding imbeciles, surely the mountains of cash they've made so far could be used to hire some codemonkeys eager to add "programmer on the biggest selling, most continuously played PC videogame of 2017" to their resume. Reinvest that money, man.

Am I the only one unironically wanting a battle royale mode in CoD? It'd actually make me wanna get back into the series.

So is users on Sup Forums gonna stop praising this game from someone trying to pull a fucking Fine Bros

>wahh someone might come out with something better than my overhyped buggy POS
I hate you and your game more every time you open your mouth.

Once these people make money they just don't want to spend it. Happens far, far too often. The patreon game makers making 10k a month but refuse to hire someone to help them out on their project for example. They don't care about anything but money.

there is a sort of battle royale type game mode in the chinese CoD online, but it doesnt really work well due to CoD's gameplay

Are you from the future then? Because if not your point is moot.

>releasing tbis month
>only has one, ONE map
>still poorly optimized and people somehow think it will run well on the xbone
>still one map and it is nearly a fully released game
Wbat have they been doing anyway since it was released? You woukd think it would have more content and better optimization especially eith the fact that it sold like hotcakes

>Korean Jews

But isnt pubg a copy cat of dayz and other battle royal titles that came before it?

Hey user, I heard you were playing some knock-off of my game idea, Battle Royale, Developed and copyright by me. Want to explain yourself?

That's ironic, the Chinese guy complaining about copycats

Good job OP, this being Sup Forums I expected that you'd be blowing some minor thing out of proportion but after reading through this he's actually *that* mentally retarded:

>There's no intellectual property protection in games.
>In movies and music there is IP protection and you can really look after your work. In gaming that doesn't exist yet, and it's something that should be looked into.

Does he seriously believe that video games are somehow exempt of IP? Or does he seriously believe that because Xmen was successful nobody else could make superhero movies?

And how can he claim something as retarded when is game is clearly inspired by existing games, movies and books? It's pretty much "generic survival game" meets Battle Royale/Hunger Games.

It's one thing when internet amateurs do it, but isn't Bluehole some kind of actual company or managed by a bigger one? Reinvesting in your company to maintain and pursue bigger profits is like Business 101.

>nuh uh me and my friends think like this that means everybody in the world must do the same thing!
Go back to bed kid.

I'm guessing porting what is probably an industrial disaster of a codebase to consoles for additional $$$.

Captcha related.


You can't copyright a gaming concept. That's like trying to trademark a word people use

It's releasing with desert map.

>Business 101
Well judging by this article this faggot not only is awful at running his business but also looking for methods/copouts so that he doesn't have to actually do work.

It's Bluehole, the garbage optimization is a trademark for their games like how Square would have pretty aestetics or Nintendo having good composition.

As much as i hate this, scheming people who should know better is just too much fun to watch.

I want an anime battle royale with cute lolis. Only battle royale game I would buy.

Okay now I really hate these guys. They're so far up they're own ass

Yo guys I'm gonna go ahead and make a Mario clone because there's no IP protection in games.

there was a million survival crafting games before this became flavor of the month and no one cared. i swear this unfinished streambait garbage really is the despacito of video games

>>still one map and it is nearly a fully released game
Xbone release isn't until sometime 2018.

and with that we have fun clone games like Super Tux on Linux systems, lol.


Ot for xbone lad
So yeah, still releasing with one map.
Pretty obvious that thr desert map is being rushed so it isn't reported as barebones when xbone get its. They just have to wait and i guarantee that it will super buggy when it is
Ive on pc. Why not release it now while still early access?

Cool. Have fun. There's a great licensed game called Mario Maker where you can do it ezpz.

Go ahead, nobody is stopping you. Mario is protected though so you just can't use him.

Look at Steam, recently a VR clone of it appeared, along with a few other games starting to put in battle royale modes

More like PubChina lol

20th of this month lad

He is basically fleecing investors by rehashing his own idea over and over

PU is the perfect example of a fraud who gets successful, you should watch his Noclip interview to really get a good look at how over inflated his sense of ego and selfworth is.


A Hat in Time already exists, it's trademarked Mario clones already sorry

Was a pre-order bonus back when the game was alpha and available only from their website, and when no one knew about the game.

This guy is seriously one of the most hypocritical pieces of shit.
So how long until we see "Phil Fish"-tier tweets from him?

If he was working for a larger company on the Arma and H1Z1 battle royale modes then they become the company's IP, not his.

It's not unreasonable to assume no one would want to play garbage cartoon simulator with non-existent gunplay. I mean seriously, I can explain why fortnite battle royale is dogshit in less than a paragraph.

The lack of accuracy at ranges means gunplay is entirely close quarters. This creates a balance issue where it is always the better idea to remain in your fort than to assault someone else's fort. Throughout the entirety of fortnite, every person who died was a person who was less patient than the dude who decided to camp. At the highest level of play, no one would attack anyone and it would be a camp fest for 20 minutes. The only deaths would be when people are forced to relocate.

Because he knows his game is shit. It's a good idea that makes for fun gameplay, but PUBG's mechanics and execution is shit. If fortnite doesn't kill it something will come alomg that will.

He must be shitting himself at the mere thought of Fortnite having crossplay.

then be better then the fucking copy cats. I was playing stand out for 3 fucking hours yesterday and it was great. being in vr makes such a huge difference in how a battle royal game feels. way more fun then pubg despite how early access it is