Now that it's complete, how do you personally rank RE7 in the Resident Evil series overall?

Now that it's complete, how do you personally rank RE7 in the Resident Evil series overall?

I almost feel like saying a 9/10 after the DLC but that still feels a bit too much. A strong 8 I think.

I thought Not A Hero was a much better finale to the game than what vanilla had, and I wish it had been in the main game.


I didn't care for it, maybe if it had some more enemies besides black goo monster #361. It's so fucking lazy. The original Resident Evil had 8 different enemies excluding bosses, 9 if you count the little spiders.

>4 better than 2

otherwise fair enough

I havent even finished the game or played any of the DLC's.

I actually feel better about it without the DLC. The banned footage volume 1 was the only good DLC, and while I enjoyed Not A Hero, I expected more after waiting 11 months.

I love RE2, but I feel its a bit overrated, which is funny since RE4 is just as overrated if not worse, but was disappointed about it being set in Raccon City, you don''t actually explore it. That's why I like RE3 more.

i want re7 to be retconned more than re6
it is that bad

A solid game and I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't call it a resident evil game. This isn't even talking about the first person experience, mind you.

No, the lack of zombies and mutant enemies, the lack of umbrella being a threat and just kind of in the background, the lack of stereotypical resident evil stuff in general made it feel like it just didn't belong in the franchise and was originally slated to be something else entirely with the property kind of forced upon it.

I don't think it would have been anywhere near as popular or sold as much if it was a new IP though, so I can't blame Capcom for tying it into the universe like they did.

That said, if you didn't play it in VR, you kind of fucked yourself out of a much better experience compared to playing it vanilla.

Why didn't people like 6? It was better than 5 in every regard. Is it just because you're not shooting black zombies any more but white zombies?

Strong First Act and a Half. Once you get to Lucas I lost my interest and i didnt take it as a horror game anymore.

>best RE since 4 is THAT bad
The DLC was shit but fucking hell user.

I haven't played it but if goo monsters are the only enemies how the fuck is it "good"?

RE6 was an action game with zero horror elements where everyone was head stomping 'No Way Fag' badass all the time.

REmake > RE2 > RE3 > RE4 > RE:CV > Rev2 > dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else

RE3>RE1>REmake>GS4>RE2>GS1>0>CV>Outbreak1&2>GS2>REv2>5>VII>>>>the rest

Second best game behind 4 by virtue of it being okay. I don't understand how anyone can say it's "not a Resident Evil game" in a pejorative sense.

>any of the Gun Survivor titles
>lower than dogshit
Confirmed for not having played most of the games you listed

There are two parts to Resident Evil by which i judge a title. 1. How good is the puzzle based level progression? 2. How is the game continuing the story of the remaining STARS members?

That is all. Literally the only parts of Resident Evil i give the slightest of a fuck about. Anything else can go straight out the window.

6 was barely less horror focused than 4. Im not saying everyone loved 4, but a lot of people do. Minus Chris' campaign I think 6 is a solid campy horror, I laughted a lot.

I see End of Zoe on the steam store, but where the hell is the Chris DLC?

Hello Yahtzee
Go back to somewhere where people might actually care about your shit opinions

it's mediocre, just like 5, 6 and Revelations 1/2

Ok I have the game on Steam with the season pass, I downloaded End of Zoe and completed it but it's not giving me the option to download Not a hero. I don't see it anywmere on the store page or in my dlc
Am I an idiot?

4>3>CV>5>Remake>2>7>Revelations 2> all the other crap

This is the only acceptable order. Just look at it and accept it brainlets. i dont have time to school you right now.


Here we have it folks. The stupidest opinion ever posted on Sup Forums. I can't imagine how much alcohol your mother must have drank while she was pregnant with you to make you this stupid. REmake fixed everything that wrong with RE1, and added in great new shit like crimson heads and Lisa Trevor. It was in improvement in every single aspect. Why in the fuck do you think the original is better?

>How is the game continuing the story of the remaining STARS members
You should tack on a 'And the RE2 characters', as they're important
But, Degeneration and 4 don't tell us jack shit about anything and have no puzzle based level progression, so your choice to omit them was probably deliberate

Best RE since RE4.

Level design is much more streamlined than the classics.

The lack of real enemy encounters hurts the game a lot. There's the basement, the ship and the rambo ending and that's it really.

The intro is also by far the worst in the series. Intros to Resident Evil games are god-tier at getting you right into the meat of the game, but walking forward for 30 mins while the game plays itself is bullshit. Typical of this era of games though.

Inventory system is great, as well as the chem system.
Madhouse difficulty should have been the "normal" difficulty, as normal is far too comfortable to play.

RE2 > Remake > RE3 > RE4 > RE > RE7 > CV > RE0 > RE5 > RE6

Give me REmake 2 please Capcom.

>REmake fixed everything wrong with RE1
Except it didn't. Got rid of puzzles to replace them with shitty ones that don't even have a consequence and can be guessed through (the portrait room comes to mind), got rid of some of the good tracks from the original, caused a whole bunch of shitters like you to say 'REmake is the best game evar' and then follow up with 4 as your second favourite.
It also ditched a few good camera angles, like the view of the heliport from the mansion, made the guardhouse worse and completely unmemorable in comparison to the original.
The only good thing it did was bringing back cut content. Can't even say the character redesigns were good as that caused a sect of dumbasses obsessed with some ugly cosplayer who doesn't give a shit about the games and only wants your money.
>great new shit like crimson heads
Boring and waste time. The first time a zamble gets back up is kind of scary, but after the fourth one (if you're that much of a fuck up), it's just another zamble. All they do is cause more busywork and backtracking, something which people slammed CV and 0 for.
Go back to whatever shithole you came from, that I bet praises Twin Snakes and hopes for Silent Hill Shattered Memories 2

Look up not a hero in the search bar.

>Leon, Claire and Ada
Stopped caring about them since RE4 and Rev2. Leon and Ada became literal super humans which killed any tension a game could build save for just non-stop throwing Tyrants at them. Claire was ok in Rev2 but since that game forced the totally-not-coop at you and paired you with a super annoying one, combined with the episodic story telling and complete lack of puzzles(to get keys, to open rooms, to find more puzzles etc.) killed that game for me. The shooting was good tho.

Below 4, over 5, about the same level as 6 but in a different category.

ITT: nostalgiafags throwing their shitty and biased opinions around

RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4, RE5, REmake, RE0

Code Veronica, RE7, Revelations 1, Revelations 2

Not Good:

I don't really have any particular order for the great ones but RE3 is my favourite.

People will just call me a contrarian for disliking RE4 so much but honestly It's only saving grace is Jack Krauser and Ada.

It was intresting to see how quickly his Idenity was confirmed. Like the redesign but it's strange that this is supposed to be the same Hulk who punched his way through Africa two games ago. That Soylent diet must be really fucking with his gains.


It's a Free Update it should already be in the game.

Game has zero charisma after one playthrough
Generic first person VR jumpscare simulator

My personal GOTY.
I love horror so much and this was such a breath of fresh air for the franchise.

>Leon, Claire and Ada
You're forgetting Sherry, who is now a main character.
>hating REv2
I guess it really was an 'in the moment' game. I enjoyed the episodic release because of the discussion that went on between the smart people who remained unspoiled by the Alex Wesker reveal. Also, I thought Moira was okay. I certainly enjoyed her more than majority of the female cast. The only ones who I'd say are better are Jill and Claire.
Also, what about the other classic RE games? The Gun Survivor titles, with the exception of 2, are great and add a lot to the lore (GS2 only has 2 canon files) and Outbreak was fun. Now it's loading times: the game.

That's a good order. RE7 feels like it needed more money and time. It's a good foundation for whatever they make next.

It's just my opinion mate. I'd accept any resident as great really except 6.

RE1 started the series man is great.
And RE0 is a lot of fun and gets a bad rap for no reason.


>Besides blurting my impossibly retarded opinion about REmake, I'll start namedropping Twin Snakes and Shattered Memories 2 for absolutely no reason

I can understand you liking the original over the remake but you an argument that boils down to IT'S NOT THE SAME and claiming that Crimson Heads is busy work and create "backtracking" is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.


>People will just call me a contrarian for disliking RE4
You're about a year late to the party
About to start up NaH and EoZ, so let's hope those improve VII.

RE1 is a really flawed game. Its good, but nowhere near great
RE0 is hands down the worse mainline RE game. It gets a bad rep for being trash

>I can understand you liking the original over the remake but you an argument that boils down to IT'S NOT THE SAME
RE1 has issues. REmake got rid of the shit that wasn't issues though. That's what I was pointing out.
It's a remake that was made to add in shit and get rid of shit that didn't work. The camera angles worked. The music (at least in the original versions) worked.
>claiming that Crimson Heads is busy work and create "backtracking" is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
It is. If you accidentally don't break the kneecaps or shoot off the head of a zombie, you have to go back to refill your lighter fluid (if you don't have any), but, to be fair, that's if you kill a zamble. They're an unecessary obstacle that never shows up in any games before or after. It also ditches good shit in the earlier games, like dodging, and replaces it with something that requires no skill at all, defense items, which make the game a breeze.

>Gun Survivor
Can't stand it. When i finished the REDC all i cared about was finding out what the STARS are going to do about Umbrella. At the end of RE2 all i cared about was finding out how the STARS are going to get together with Leon and take down Umbrella. At the end of RE3 all i cared about was see how Umbrella would go down after the outbreak in Raccoon City. I never got to see any of that. RE4 starts with Umbrella going down in 2 sentences during a court scene that isn't even animated and suddenly Leon is a fucking super human special agent killing spaniards and throwing around "witty" one-liners. That was when series died for me.

you do realize that soylent is a meal replacement drink right? it has nothing to do with soy products.

Gun Survivor 1 and 4 depict the slow end of Umbrella, and the true end of Umbrella gets shafted to Umbrella Chronicles, a 5 hour Wii exclusive (for a bit) RE5 commercial

>Game has zero charisma

RE7 has the most charm the series has seen since fucking RE4. RE7's Main Menu has more fucking personality than the entirety of RE6.

>meme image likely from Sup Forums or ed
>hasn't played every mainline game
>4 cocksucker

>It is. If you accidentally don't break the kneecaps or shoot off the head of a zombie, you have to go back to refill your lighter fluid (if you don't have any), but, to be fair, that's if you kill a zamble. They're an unecessary obstacle that never shows up in any games before or after. It also ditches good shit in the earlier games, like dodging, and replaces it with something that requires no skill at all, defense items, which make the game a breeze.
There are like 3 CH in the game that scripted, everything else is on you. You can run past almost every zombie in the game and if that's too hard for you, blast their head's off since head shots are easy to pull once you get the shotgun, and ammo is so abundant that you never really have to worry about running out.

You didn't counter my point. You just said 'Well, you can do X'

That's rich coming from a person who's first Resident Evil was RE5.

I agree.
I hated 5 and 6 because they had zero charm.
Only Wesker gave 5 charm and 6 had almost nothing.

The Bakers in 7 are the best villains this year I loved every moment with them.
Jack is one of the best RE character and his chainsaw fight is god damn legendary.

You ARE a contrarian for disliking 4. Yeah, yeah, muh camera angles, bloo bloo bloo it's action now but 4 is a master class of game design

games like Code Veronica and Zero were fundamentally tedious or broken games.

>first Resident Evil was RE5
What gave you that idea? The fact that I used a picture of RE5 Chris? Are you actually autistic?

>games like Code Veronica and Zero were fundamentally tedious or broken games.
How? They aren't broken, unless you can't beat an RE game without a magnum, and CV is only tedious if you fuck up as Claire. 0 is only tedious when you get to the chapel and don't have the hookshot, and in the final section.
And 4 isn't a master class of game design. The castle and island are dogshit, and the game ditches the 'giant puzzlebox' feel of the rest of the series and becomes a linear shooter that is pisseasy and does nothing good for the series

If jumping to conclusions makes one autistic then you're clearly high on the spectrum.

>moving the end of the central conflict of the series to the spin-off titles

Those charts are misleading, because the games are not in the order you played them. The first game you play in a series always leave a strong impression. So it's not weird for someone to dislike RE4, back when it came out and now.

I don't agree with it either, but that's what happened. I'm just telling you where to go to play it.
I played 5 first. First game I beat was 1. I'm this guy

Zero has several moments where you can make the game unwinnable if you don't know what's coming (if Rebecca is carrying your power weapons when the centipede grabs her, you are FUCKED). The partner system adds absolutely nothing to the game and all it does is make you run through every room twice as each individual character because the partner AI is fucking dumb. In a series that's all about specific frame dodging to save ammo that shit should NEVER have made it past playtesting. general backtracking due to lack of item boxes; even on real survival REmake never feels tedious because of smart map design, which zero lacks.

Bosses are uninspired and unmemorable. Billy is a do-nothing character. Fuck Zero. Rebecca being your waifu doesn't make it good.

Not him but I just want to say i played RE in order of release from when RE2 came out. Only one I played later was the first game. RE3 and RE5 are my favourites.

>opinions on 4, 7, Outbreak1&2
>preffering Rev2 over Rev1
Absolute shit taste, my man

>0 is only tedious when you get to the chapel and don't have the hookshot, and in the final section.
0 is tedious AND broken all the way through.
>Having to drop everything instead of having a box is retarded
>Items taking up two slots, mainly the shitty fucking hookshot
>Billy can't even mix herbs
>Respawning enemies
>awful enemy types
>awful boss fights
>Hit detection is off
>Ai is bad
>Awful mini-game
>story is terrible even by RE standards
>Switch mechanics gets really fucking boring an hour in
The two positive things I can say about 0 is the train section and the music, other than that it's fucking trash

>opinions on 4, 7, Outbreak1&2
4 lacked the feel of the classics and was completely linear in addition to feeling completely pointless in the grand scheme of things
VII was short and had no extra content unless you paid for it, until today. And before you use the 'B-but RE1!' shit, RE1 was an experimental game in 96
Outbreak has long load times and shit AI
REv1 is a shit game with a godawful story. At least REv2 had a reason to exist

Thanks nigga.


Being 'different' does not equal 'bad'. In fact, 4 has the absolute tightest gameplay of any RE game thus far.
Short doesn't equal bad either. It was a genuinely spooky game with an interesting plot and a new direction for the series that actually works.
Long load times is correct, to be fair. But what Outbreak is is an excercise in how the original games' gameplay could work in a cooprative setting, and it worked flawlessly. It gave us diverse settings to play around in and a genuine reliance in your teammates.
The first is better than the second, this does not need to be explained. The second shoves a bunch of shit in that honestly felt like more of a drag to play through than anything. The extra episodes bored me to tears desu. These games are also a more streamlined version of 4 5 and 6's gameplay with all the bullshit cut out (except for the second game, that one added bullshit).

>outbreak 1 &2 still not ported to PC with online functionality

>Capcom made a movie worse than the live action one

Reminder that he still manages to take on that gigantic molded, while being powerful enough to sending it flying and fucking flip it with a punch

I liked the game up until
They should've brought Wesker back instead of this shit. It was so anticlimactic

They probably will bring Albert back eventually. RE8 is already being worked on right now and based on hints in recent games both he and Alex are still out there.

They weren't perfect but c'mon user, live-action is pure garbage

I liked it way more than 4-6, that's for sure. Though at times it hardly felt like a RE. As soon as you leave the mansion it changes and is inconsistent with tone.
It's decent but honestly this felt more like an Evil Dead game with a few little RE plot points dabbed in it

>4 has the absolute tightest gameplay of any RE game thus far.
Good for you, but it's not used in a way I had expected from the RE series and I don't find TPS shit enjoyable.
>Short doesn't equal bad either. It was a genuinely spooky game with an interesting plot and a new direction for the series that actually works.
It's not interesting. Generic ghost girl who is bullshitted into being scientific isn't spooky.
Also, the 'new direction that actually works'. How the fuck does Red and Blue Umbrella work? That's an idea ripped from a mistranslation in RE1 and bullshit from the movies but they changed White to Blue.
>But what Outbreak is is an excercise in how the original games' gameplay could work in a cooprative setting, and it worked flawlessly. It gave us diverse settings to play around in and a genuine reliance in your teammates.
Except I played offline. So that didn't work. I can't give it a few points up because some other dipshit played it online. It's like when people complain about VII being low and use VR as a point.
>that entire last part
REv1 was shit. It had no reason to exist and told us nothing. The gameplay was a sloppy version of the action games and placed in a linear setting, then touted as 'classic'. At least REv2 had a forest section.

>both he and Alex are still out there.
We already knew Alex was still out there. She's living in Barry's house. I head they were going to visit Ark Thomphson and Bruce to reminisce about when they were relevant

Pretty good game and Jack was literally Nemesis 2.0

>end of zoe dlc
pay extra money just to bionic punch some mold.

The first 2 weren't that bad, but Vendetta was fucking awful, and the live action ones are so bad and stupid that its hard not to love it.

>Jack was literally Nemesis 2.0
He literally wasn't. He only stalked one half of the house, a quarter counting the basement and was only in 1/5th of the game.

>I can't give it a few points because some toher dipshit played it online
>Good for you, but it's not used in a way I had expected
>I had expected
>And I don't enjoy TPS shit in general
>I don't enjoy
And Before
>had a forest section
user, you look at the games subjectively instead of objectively. Your ranking are based on preference instead of how the games are designed and played overall.

Oh please, 4 has no horror atmosphere and Leon is a complete insufferable cunt in any game after 2. The level design is also rather bland but that can be said for 4, 5 and 6. I honestly don't understand why everyone has such an hard on for that game.

>but it's not used in a way I had expected from the RE series
The controls are almost exact match with the classic RE games but with the added bonus to be able to aim

I thought it was fucking awesome.
>Read Joe's journal
>Talks about how he punched some molded's teeth in
>"Yeah okay buddy"
>Go out
>Weapon of choice is his bare hands
>Punching the fuck out of molded
>Final boss is a molded who also punches
>"Man it'd be cool if Joe got to fight Jack"
>My face when he unmasked the molded
It was 10/10, anyone saying otherwise is just a fun hating faggot, I'm sorry.

RE6 should not be above any games

TEW2 was better

Outbreak is played like shit. Long loading time and bad AI make for a not so good game. The only reason I don't hate it is because of the lore it adds.
You can't look at anything objectively without completely deattaching any actual thought. If I looked at all this shit objectively, everybody else would have to as well and there wouldn't be a little thing called opinions.
Fucking retard.
The controls are the same but the game is a straight line with no challenge and QTEs. There's also no puzzles or slow moments, everything is fast paced action trash

>Your ranking are based on preference instead of how the games are designed and played overall.
Unless you're getting paid as a game reviewer that isn't a problem. If you're going to go on about how the mechanies make the game then RE6 should be rated higher because it's combat and movement are miles ahead of 4. Even 5 improves over 4s combat.

Kind of like Mr X I think is the better description for him.
After him Large Marge stalks you for a while.

good for you, user. good for you.

Is any of the DLC playable in VR?