Heavily considering buying pic related.
Can i get some of Sup Forums's pros and cons?
Also feel free to post anything that will further convince me into buying it, webms and such.
Dragon's Dogma
that's too much effort to convince a random person for whatever reason. The game is pretty good, one of the best action rpg's desu. Can find multiple user reviews wherever you look
I was about to start writing pros and cons but saw your post and deleted everything.You're right
What I can tell you OP: you will either hate the game and call Sup Forums shiteaters for praising this game or beg for sequel after playing this.
The game is very lacking and it has many glaring flaws but the amount if fun I have fighting monsters makes me forget about all of that.
It's worth it in my opinion. I had lots of fun with it.
Great game and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Then you will find yourself increasingly cursing Capcom for not making it multiplayer.
>DDO will never come to the west
despite its content cuts and "simple" world (simply how I've seen people describe it in the past) it is still one of my personal favourite games. That being said is completely right. I have never met a person who just found it okay and nothing more
so I hope you fall into the latter and really enjoy it. just remember that wolves hunt in packs
Word of warning, its probably the most often mentioned game in "Sup Forums told me its good but its shit" threads. Looks like its a hit and miss for people.
I'm confident most of those threads are just trolling.
It was really bad
Really, really bad
DD 2 when?
It was really good
Really, really good
boring as fuck
It is heavily flawed and blatantly unfinished, but I can't help but love it
It's just fun
It definitely has its own niche. You either like it or you don't, just don't go in expecting a riveting story and you'll get a pleasant surprise at the end of the game. It's combat is fun and responsive, climbing monsters and slashing at their weakspots makes it a unique and thrilling experience at first until you've done it hundreds of times, which it starts lacking a little bit. The classes will make you want to play through the game again and again though. Don't worry for it has ng+ so ou can build your character how you want. Ignore all of the minmaxing leveling guides and just play how you want to. Stats don't mean as much as gear in this game, but this doesn't mean the best gear can make you a damage sponge, so you still have to be careful about taking hits. The pawn system is really neat because you always have others by your side, and they're actually pretty good at holding their own in combat so they won't hinder you almost at all(unless they're underleveled).
All I can say is give it a good 2 or 3 hours of play to really see what the game is about, you may like it.
Five years after DDO shuts down
pros: combat is okay
cons: everything else
The begining is boring
really really boring, but it does get fun after
>the dlc
>everything else
It's Dark Soul + Monster Hunter for babbies. It's good fun.
It's ok.Does some things right and some things wrong. Has waifus, pretty good selection of monsters to beat up. The story is god awful, literally all of it, but it's so unimportant it doesn't take away from the gameplay. The character customization is pretty good, both for stats and for appearances, and the different classes are all varied and pretty fun. After beating it I felt like I enjoyed it, and I'll remember it, but I'll likely not bother playing it again. Might pick up the sequel though if one ever happens.
>tfw I loved the story
Con: First 10-20 levels are a dull slog in which you don't have access to the advanced vocations, lack the vast majority of your vocation's skills, your main quests are escort missions, and most fights are battles of attrition as you do shit for damage
Pro: Levels 20-50 are a blast and you go fighting cool shit
Con: You've completed the main game around Level 30 and Bitterblack Isle around level 50. You can kill just about everything effortlessly and there's no real content for levels 50-200 except for grinding in Post-Completion Bitterblack
Pro: Strider/Ranger/Archer/Knight/Assassin are fun, versatile and powerful
Con: Fighter/Warrior are massively crippled to the point of uselessness due to zero ranged ability
Con: Mage/Sorcerer are boring as shit to play for most players, but invaluable to have one or two as Pawns (until you get to endgame and just spam items)
Pro/Con: You can pause the game and spam recovery items and other stuff
Con: The subtractive damage system means that your character stats mean almost nothing, the raw damage number on your weapon is most important
its good for a while, mostly the very first hours then it just boring and repetitive, also its feels unifinished, well it actually was unfinished. Dark Arisen and post-game are pretty good so theres that
Grigori is so fucking cool that I'm willing to excuse any shitty story elements
Dragon's Dogma has shitty quest design and is a little repetitive, but it has a good story (especially Dark Arisen), and neat and fairly unique combat.
it has some many good things, but so many bad things but universally the combat is pretty loved everywhere
give it a try user, you might like it or hate it
Thanks for the replies everyone, im gonna buy it. Ive really got nothing to lose
I bought it a week ago and I love it so far. Combat is fun and satisfying, there's a huge variety of gear, the world and dungeons are big and well designed, exploration is rewarding, and the pawn system is really neat. Definitely worth $30.
everything else, writing, quests, graphics, you name it
I thought it was just ok, definitely unique though
It perfectly matches my vision of what an action rpg is supposed to be.
>Customize your party
>No bullshit reworks of time tested tropes, a warrior is a goddamn warrior
>Mythical creatures and not le edgy cosmic horrors
>Sane progression and all armor designs look good
For the true DARK ARISEN experience unlock Bitterblack Isle as fast as possible then try to beat it from lvl.1
Everyone praises the combat system but it's shit. You spam buttons on damage sponges. It's nothing that you couldn't get anywhere else. I don't understand the praise the game gets honestly.
Dragons Dogma is still one of the most criminally underrated games of the last generation. I felt feels while playing it that I hadn't had since I was a child. Yeah the game isn't perfect and, having played it on PS3, I can testify that the frame rate and graphics sometimes left something to be desired. But ultimately, this game is worth so much more than the sum of its parts. If I could erase one game from my memory to play again, this would be it. I'm not even a fucking school I just think this game is wicked. Also the last boss theme in BB Isle gets me fucking amped.
Dont start as a mage
i rike it
Graphics look great to me in the PS4/PC release.
You can custom build your perfect waifu and the fashion potential is unreal
The combat is great
The story is very slow to pick up but once you get the whole of it it's really interesting.
It's gets repetitive unless you try different vocations from time to time.
BBI is great.
The soundtrack is good.
The voice acting is good.
It feels unfinished and even more the more you explore Gransis, sad for those of us who love the game since it just makes you wonder what could have been if the director didn't fuck up.
Pros: Combat is pretty fun no matter what class, though some are obviously better/worse. I enjoyed assassin most for climbing monsters and the fluid close combat to ranged switching. Music was pretty great, especially the add on BBI music. I miss Into Free. Monsters are actually dangerous at first until you outgear/level them. The general aesthetic style is very medieval and low fantasy (Berserk armor fit in well originally). World is large enough that it makes treks into new areas feel dangerous if you drop your permanent warp stone in storage.
Your pawn actually getting better at knowing what to do was oddly rewarding. Monster designs range from pretty good to great. Dragons are actually a big deal/lore relevant and not just some throw away monster.
Cons: Stats on level up are tied to your current vocation, so you could gimp yourself by trying out all of the classes. Pawns can be awful, and maintaining their behavior can be annoying if you choose their main vocation to be something with a different focus to yours. Story is pretty barebones for the main game and while post game makes it a lot better, it's still lacking (BBI helps here). Griffins are a sin against game design, save for the two different griffin scripted encounters. BBI gear grind. You will need some magic to deal with "ghost" type enemies if you don't want to sit there for 10 minutes chipping away at them. Sequel never.
Just go look at videos - it's been out long enough that you can see if it looks like the sort of gameplay that you'd like. You're playing DD for the gameplay, art design, and RPG flavor, so what you see is pretty much what you get.
I feel like the lack of multiplayer might've given it more lasting power to be honest.
I never understood the bad grafics meme for dragon's dogma, sure the original release with sub par frame rate and letterboxing wasn't great, but stylistically it looked good, especially since it was one of the only games at the time with proper shadows and a day/night system.
Being slightly stylized in models/shaders really helped it
yeah it came out around skyrim and it is better looking than vanilla skyrim for sure, especially ESPECIALLY the distance rendering
Fucking kek, this is like one of the oldest memes from the game.
Great gameplay
Great bantz from pawn
Great memes
Great world building and lore
Great atmosphere
Great OST
Unless you look up a guide, the quest structure/flow is going to fuck you up if you plan to do all sidequests
Story is generic
Expect to do a lot of research and guide reading to get the most out of the game and min/max
Also play with a trainer to avoid grinding for monster drops, but don't edit anything else
only con is my fucking idiot pawn warrior climbing everything all the time and im pretty sure that's my fault/i taught her to do that somehow
I really want to make a shota mage and a big Amazon female pawn that's a strider or something to protect him.
what's stopping you exactly
>hire 2 lolis to complete my harem
>they are actually midgets
What's the point of making a cute little girl if you are gonna give her a ugly voice?
lolis belong to the brine, degenerate
The con is that we're never going to get a fucking sequel, despite Capcom being surprised at how well it sold initially and then releasing the game a total of like three or four times over.
Fuck you.
My loli always bring me the best shit and lots of RC.
>lolis a shit
>loli pawns are proven to be the most frequently hired and used by players
I must be one of the few people who actually enjoys the beginning, but then I have a thing for games that start out in small coastal/fishing villages.
Pro: Fire works well!
Con: It hates fire!
Fuck you, 'hero starts in shitsville and ends up battling gods on mt olympus' is the best thing in RPGs.
>If you manage to romance Mercedes, after the battle with Grigori, she talks about the peculiar kinship between you and him, like you were two old friends fated to come into conflict eventually
Here's to you, Grig old buddy.
This game is only good for memes
Most satisfying sorcerer's skills
Nothing like landing a High Gicel in front of a huge monster and see the hp bar get obliterated
Or Casting High Maelstrom where a bunch of enemies are gathered and watch them fucking fly away
>romancing a she-goat instead of best girl
Good for the first 20 hours.
Then the grapple fighting system gets old.
Quests become MMO-like where you just harvest shit and kill things.
Locations are small and mostly featureless. They become boring when your quests are done and there's nothing but goblins in them.
Inventory system is a clusterfuck, so you'll have to spend a bit of time in it.
Pawn system was really interesting and story is different from most RPGs.
There's was so much potential for this, but leave it to Crapcom to fuck it up. Reading up on all the cut content just makes me angry. The more you play it, the more you see how much better it could've been.
I enjoyed the games story having a more noticeable presence up until you get to gran soren
Afterwards it kinda teeters out onto the backburner I felt while just giving you directions to go fuck shit up in some location
My biggest gripe about the game is how it feels like an alpha version or something where they have the barebones of the game laid out but have yet to put in all the fine detail work
I do like how trying to dick around up high ontop of pillars and roofs actually has a reward with all the treasures placed around. I couldnt play without double jump
>duke catches you about to fuck his wife
>he spergs out
>game never mentions it again
First couple hours are boring first time through
Great gameplay
Great bosses
Good soundtrack
EH story
Shit loot rates
Supreme Fashion
Aught to do
+ character customizations
+ combat
+ classes/vocations
+ gear and weapons
+ genuinely thrilling night time
+ best dragon of all time
+ replayability
- clunky story progression
- would be literally perfect if it was multiplayer
>I put the ape in rape
I nearly pissed myself laughing the first time this scene happened for me. Christ, it hit me off guard hard.
what the fuck is wrong with you
hurrrrrrrrrrr le knightssssss xD
le deus vult xD
how many times do I have to buy this fucking game until you give me a sequel capcom? At least localize DDO in the west, fuckig hell.
I'll give you one major pro and one major con my man
Combat itself feels really fucking good. Whether you're smashing the fuck out of things with a Dragonslayer-tier greatsword or dashing around with two daggers like a mad man it all feels really satisfying to use. Being able to climb on things and stab them in the eye(s) is really awesome as well.
It is literally BRAINDEAD easy unless you heavily gimp yourself. You can pause the game at anytime and heal back to full health with practically infinite healing items.
Pirate it.
If you enjoy the tutorial dungeon, buy the game
I want to fuck a pig
>would be literally perfect if it was multiplayer
I wish you multiplayer fags would stop.
If you like fantasy and medieval shit don't think twice about it, if you don't like dragons, magic and shit like that then this might not be for you
t. friendless virgin