Or not, rip.
Or not, rip
I blame Colosseum for Espeon and Umbreon
reposting from last thread
Marowak and Gliscor are tied for my number 1 favorite. When it comes to pokemon designs, I'm pretty apathetic, I have favorites obviously, but I dont hate anyone, I like them all.
Good ghost choice
Good taste.
All the good taste in this thread and the last gives me some hope for Sup Forums.
Duskull's cooler
Duskull, Mawhile, Ninjask and Chanadalure are cool.
Cradily, Yanmega, Noivern, Escavalier, Elactross, Staraptor, Marowak and Arcanine are great
Ninetales, Rampardos, Galvantula, Drapion, Dusclops and Kabutops are great.
Empoleon, Sableye, Archeops. Marowak, Gliscor, Elektross, Crobat, and Scolipede are great.
Rampardos, Cubone, Scolipede, Galvantula, Sceptile, Honchrow, Crobat, and Aggron are great
>all that gen 4
i have my priorities in order
Good picks for
>grass, fighting, flying, dragon
>electric, psychic, steel
>electric, ground, bug, dark, steel, dragon, fightan
>electric, rock, flying, ghost
>elec, bug, rock, ghost, dragon
>fire, ground, bug, rock, ghost
>normal, fighting, ghost, steel
If I could choose Greninja for every slot I would.
Good stuff here
pls no bully
>mein negers
i was trying to indicate approval but i have few pics for that
Tell me if it's shit
pls no bully
Thanks dude. Huge fan of Meganium, Umbreon and Gliscor btw not to mention Lucario has grown on me since gen 5.
I like kaiju movies.
If only Ivysaur was in the new Smash with the PM moveset : (
?? Pic didn't load
Ended up being a lot harder than I thought it would.
Gengar is the best pokemon
i really can't be bothered to do it again with the new template but here
Apparently, I really like waifumons.
Latent furry
A lot of care went into designs for Gardevoir Frosslass and Salazzle, they're just really cool and simply designed
Name my team
I like your taste user.
I can't choose anything for dragon.
pokemon is gay
pls r8
The Pointy Bois and Seismitoad
chinchou is a cute!
you're nuts if you even considered putting an ultra beast in your list
Or a child
so all of this board? your point, smart guy?
Point out an ultra beast in this thread.
How bout one of these?
Reuniclus is my eternal favorite with Mawile taking close second
>if you even considered putting an Ultra Beast
you never explicitly said that somebody had to put an ultra beast on their list, just "considered"
You might be too daft to judge others if you can't proof-read
why so many brelooms
Cause my other favorite grass types are starters
also it's a simple design
How's mine?
right here
dont really favor any of the ice pokemon, had to settle for glalie
despite my taste i'm unironically a gentwoer
I wish I had someplace to put Malamar, but I feel so strongly about Pangoro and Victini that I can't.
tsareena is probably the coolest new mon this gen
>volcarona, galvantula and tyrantrum
my bro
I know a person who has the exact same taste as you minus Roserade. Must be good.
Be gentle, Sup Forums sama
gen 1-2 fag here
found some pretty cool favorites in recent generations
>Not a single Gen 1
kill yourself you bandwagoning fuck
Tentacruel and Dratini are right there you stupid fuck
please remove yourself from the gene pool
Can you guess what gen I stopped playing at
Gen 2?
Why do I hate Ultra Beasts so much
You guys are cool
idk tell me
there's nothing inherently bad about the designs
the one you posted is the worst though
As you can see I tend to like ghost types.
minus breloom best taste
If you can't tell me why then don't reply
I don't need any reason other than that he looks awful
rate my shit taste
A few of my favorites were mixed types so I had to pick my second favorite on some of these
Then why'd you reply? You asked why, I asked you to try and explain. Don't be a facebook memester and just "lol I just don't" if you ask.
OH SHIT. I forgot about eelektross
it feels like a few got left out, but I can't think of anything I'd want to change either
I'll do what I want faggot
I don't really understand my own tastes, but if you don't like it fuck you
I love you
Ok good for you then bud, I guess you'll never get an answer if you didn't want one to begin with.
definitely one of the coolest pokemon, it swims despite not being a water type
Also, No weaknessess
If only Ledian didn’t suck ass
Rate please nobody rated me last thread
rate me
blease rate me
Disregard this post based Dragonair bros made me see the light.
R8 H8 whatever
Good choices with Nidoking, Scyther, Electivire and Feraligatr. Otherwise pretty awful. Oh Houndoom is a pretty good choice too but the Dark slot should go to Sableye since the Ghost slot has to be Gengar.
Disregard this post based Dragonair bros made me see the light.
R8 H8 whatever.
>not reguar golem
>not regular gengar
Okay picks, absurdly long neck Exeggutor is a plus
Really solid picks, definitely love Alolan Dugtrio, sucks that USUM didn’t have more Alolan forms
10/10 Azelf is such a great legendary, everything else checks out too