Is this game any good ?
I personally liked the previous Arkane games.

So what's good about PREY ? What's bad ?
Heard the bestiary was meh but level design was nice. Should I buy it ?

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really fucking good honestly up there with top immersive sims like system shock and deus ex just don't go in expecting a straight up rooty tooty point and shooty game
actually try the demo it's lengthy enough to give you an idea of what it's all about

The optimisation is garbage. If your PC is more than three years outdated don't expect to be able to run it at all.

It's good, no reason not to play it if you enjoyed Arkane's other games and especially if you enjoyed System Shock or Deus Ex

Why is there a death star in the background?
Is this a star wars spinoff game?

Thanks anons, I'll try it then !

Are we talking about modern Deus Ex or the first one ? HR and MD were still good, but the first one was pretty much top tier for me.

Damn, I thought it was the opposite ? My PC is quite recent but I guess it's a shame for my laptop.

must be GPU optimisation problems becaause i've got a recent-ish gpu (1050ti) and an almost 8 year old cpu (x6 1055t) and it runs consistently pretty darn well whilst Dishonoured 2 doesn't even support my CPU architecture...
It goes further than other arkane games and immersive sims with the level design, when you go outside the first time and get a sense of scale and realise you can go anywhere on this big lonely space station rather than level-hub-level-hub, It's very SS1 in that regard

It ran completely fine on my toaster and I've never heard anyone complain about it being unoptimized before, no idea what user is moaning about

I have a 660 Ti and i7 3770 and even on all minimum settings the game wouldn't run at over 5fps unless I was staring directly at the ground.

What? I had a stable 60FPS in most areas while running this on a fucking 960 and before you accuse me of being a fanboy I thought the game was only ok.

Pick one.

Why didn't you get a refund?

It came with my new mouse, so I had no ability or reason to.

If you can get it on sale for 20 bucks, it is well worth that price. The combat is not so great, but the space station is very detailed and fun to explore, and the game is very tightly made, runs good, plays good, looks good. Don't be afraid to pick some typhon abilities. have fun with the game you will have plenty of neuromods.

Fuck the """chef""" killed that fucker once I found that audio log that proved he isn't who he says he is.

It has it's flaws but it's one of the better stabs at immersive sims in recent years out of the few there are

Man that's unfortunate of you. Must be some kind of issue software related on your PC because I just found a video of the game running on a pretty similar config and it doesn't look bad :

That's even worse than my rig, and he's running it on pretty high settings too. It's a mystery.

>It's very SS1 in that regard
I don't remember SS1 giving a full access to the whole station ? Wasn't that SS2 ? My memories might be wrong or mixed though I played these games decades ago...

ss1 gives you full access they just drop you in and expect you to figure everything out and ss2 is a bit more linear and hand holdy

its actually pretty good. i'm loving using only alium powers because inventory is limited, i can't rely on the shotgun since you can only marginally upgrade it, you can't hack and repair everything so you gotta be careful around environmental hazards,and explore more to find other ways around etc. looking back, human only powers made the game incredibly easy, especially combat focus that shit's game breaking.

I totally loved it