Arms not mentioned at all

>Arms not mentioned at all
can we admit the game is dead now? was supposed to be the next..big franchise.




>Bing Bing Wahoo!
>Swing Swing Hiya!
>Fap Fap Splat!

Why is Fox's Hiya mentioned when smash isn't on the console

>two Wii U games over Arms

it never stopped being fun to play, user.

>the colloquial term in-game for a frag
>Nintendo is celebrating dead children

>a lot of wahoos
T-their using our weapons for thier own gain!

There's a lot wrong with your whole reply.

it would've have even worked with that tweet. would they have just said swinging? punching? arming?

They didn't say "Blue Shelling" you dingdong

I fucking unironically want Nintendo dead. They are fucking worse than EA.


Nintendo, you make it too easy sometimes.

This is objectively wrong.

It's true.
With EA it's obvious they are fucking Jews and want your money. They don't even hide it. So every shit they pull off is gamers' fault for buying their games.
Meanwhile Nintendo pretends to be such a great, family-friendly company that cares about players and yet they are even bigger Jews, locking on-disc content behind paid DLC, Amiibos and releasing stuff like fucking DIFFICULTY MODE on paid DLC pack (when it should be free with patch).
Not to mention false scarcity and pretending to be above other platforms.


>So(n)yboys are at this level of delusion

>when Nintendo fanbase has the biggest amount of trannies, SJWs and faggots

How does it feel to have no games, So(n)yboy?


So essentially the Switch will have outsold the Wii U by the end of its first year.

Is it on track to outsell the 3DS' first year?

And Sony has the biggest amount of soyboys.

iirc the first year of the 3DS was pretty shit

That's a bit of a stretch.

It's outsold the 3DS's first year for as far as September. Only snag is shortage in Japan. American sales are way ahead.

>sonybro literally believe his fanbase is made out of strong beautiful manly people just because he bought one, despite himself being a fat homsexual sex slave in heat, or a fucking pinoy 10 year old

What onomatopoeia could they even make for Arms?

they didn't mention xenoblade or fire emblem either. they just put their biggest games on there


Pokemon must be dead as well.

They probably just didn't have a good pre-set graphic that is easily recognizable that isn't just the ARMS logo



Alright bros, I had a theory. Tell me if I'm wrong. Hasn't Nintendo shilling the fuck out of Arms and Pokken DX so that those would sell well, and have intentionally not announced or ported Smash so that it wouldn't take away from those games sales? It seems like they've been extremely strategic with releases. BOTW at launch, Odyssey before holiday season, Spla2oon right before summer, XC2 before Christmas. Are they just waiting to port Smash? Or will there be a Smash 5? I really feel like Sakurai is done with the series.

who cares?

Everyone here is on a board dedicated and based around the discussion of video games. What the fuck are you doing here, and why do you care enough to respond to the post fag?

Stop hoping for Smash anything. It's been literally 3 years. It'll be literally another 3 years before we even hear anything about another smash. Go about your fucking life.

who cares though?



Smash does have a rather disgusting ability to suck all hype away from everything else, so it would be understandable to not show it too soon so the Switch can get any other kind of identity besides "the next Smash machine". Smash prerelease makes people so retarded that they watched the Hyrule Warriors Direct and complained that they revealed how Ganondorf looks in Hyrule Warriors and not Smash Bros.

They kept claiming it was going to be.

Consider the following

Switch is massively outpacing the Wii U and 3DS. It’s pacing just as well as the PS4 without a holiday season under its belt. It makes for some good headlines, but consider:

The Switch is effectively going to replace Nintendo handheld gaming. Whereas Nintendo used to be able to sustain a console and a handheld, now they can only ensure one sells. Will having one console sell extremely well make up for the fact that going forward it’ll only be the one instead of two ok selling platforms? Just something to consider before decrying Nintendo victory.

We went from Console+Portable to Portable+Mobile

for it to outpace the 3ds, it would have to sell 5 million units in the next 3 weeks... i don't see that happening

It's even worst when the Switch actually have a few third party games and now its gonna be "SKYRIM AND MINECRAFT ON SWITCH MEANS SMASH REPS"

Smash would screw over a lot of Nintendo games. Especially when you have other non-Nintendo fighters on there

>Smash will die so Nintendo can live
I accept it
The past two games were shit anyway

underrated post

do they know?

That's their whole fucking point with the Switch.