So what the fuck happened to this? There was loads of hope when it was announced, then everyone seemed to forget about it and it's still not out. Does anyone even care about this now? Is it actually coming out or what?
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
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Misspelled hype as hope.
expect a 10 year development cycle
>implying current audience was even born before the release of the original
They're saving it for when they fuck up so bad they gotta have a hail mary to keep them from bankruptcy.
they released cyber connect 2 from development 2 fucking years after they announced the game, so basically its in full versus 13 mode already, with hardly any fucking gameplay to show for it.
Essentially if you thought this would either be good / come out at all before you are 50, you are a naive idiot
in development by the same jackass who has been supposedly making kh3 so don't expect it to release until the ps5
FF7 is one of my favorite games and I'm beyond excited for this but I've come to accept we won't get any substantial info on it till KH3 comes out
Some news has slowly trickled out this year (most of the cutscenes and voices for episode 1 are done reportedly, also switching engines) but Square is keeping anyone in the company from talking about it. Nomura said at one point he'd love to show more but was forced not to. It probably won't take as obnoxiously long to make like XV but it will be a while before any real info about it comes out
The change in developers and trying to fit VII into an ARPG mold and it isn't working out, I'd wager.
It still worked.
It'll probably disappoint a lot of people. I expect it to be FFXV in the gameplay department, I really don't see them nailing the gameplay. Being separated into chapters is a bad idea too, unless it's literally one big game separated into three.
>ywn be nomura
>ywn be given unlimited budgets for being your yakuza boss' fuccboi
>ywn turn an entire generation of kids into soybois who think hitting things with keys is cool while getting away with murder behind a fucking Disney license
>ywn keep your job after bleeding a company dry on shit ideas for literal decades
I just assume they're focusing mainly on KH3 right now.
haha havent you heard user? 2018 is still going to be the year of ff15 with even more dlc
Do you expect it to reboot the FFVII universe? Of course they won't change the story a lot, but there should be some major changes all over in the details. If not, I can't wait to see Cloud jumping from a dolphin, or high speed motorbike chases, or house monsters.
I'm actually really curious how this gameplay is going to work. It's definitely not going to be as mindless as XV but I'm trying to figure out how strategy works here
>implying she's not going to a reduction
What happened is that nobody actually cares about this piece of shit and XV was a laughingstock of a "game" proving square is not worth paying attention to
the game will have awful enemy diversity probably. I wont say its all gonna be shinra soldiers, but square of late has been more about doing less work not more. The only remarkable thing about FFXV was its animations, the rest of the game was a complete joke, and despite some decent throw back enemies, the game was boring as shit outside of the first few hours.
If this shit is anything like XV gameplay wise its going to suck ass, even if it didn't have the open world, the combat system in XV was just ballsacks, you just spam buttons, you hold a button to dodge literally everything, and you couldn't fucking die, it was so bad. The balance of the game suffered because of it, the only way they could challenge you with such a stupid combat system was to give every "hard" enemy massive amounts of HP and have them one shot your allies every time they attacked.
maybe those atb is some classic tiredness mechanic
normal attacks take one
magic take two
summon 3, and so on
You can spend all normal attacks at once, then wait for the atb charges to charge again
Haste and speed fastens this charges time
Seeing how the gameplay has radically changed from IX, to X, to XII, to XIII, to XV, even among spin offs, the only one retaining the predecessors combat being XIII-2, I don't think SE would rehash the system. What I meant exactly was more in the sense that it will just be a pseudo-action game, because I don't see it going full KH. Whether it's going to be mindless or not, we'll have to see. FF has never been a difficult franchise.
That screen is probably very unreliable, as the game will be very different when it finally releases.
this image is probably about right, I imagine its like the new dragon quest game where you can just move around but cant perform an action until your turn(s) are available.
it looks like its going to be worse though with trying to force in some shitty FFXIV garbage like multiple tiers for limit breaks and epic dodge the circle boss attacks
FFXV is still being updated, the development time for their games is too long. I expect it to start with less variety (which depending on where the first game ends shouldn't be such a big problem, especially if they are expanding the part on Midgar), and build up on the past stuff on the next installments.
Bumpa dump
God I really hope 7R doesn't get the XV treatment of finishing your game slowly two years after it comes out
7R was already confirmed for being released in installments. Best case scenario they're releasing installments for a decade. Worst case scenario they end up not finishing the fucking remake at all.
It won't. It will be separated into chapters as different games, they will probably improve on each one over the last one, maybe going back to add the new shit after what we've seen from XV.
What's the actual title for this game so everyone can stop calling it FF7 Remake? If I wanted a remake I would want the same game with better visuals and cutscenes. This is simply a retelling. You might aswell call pic related a remake of RE1, 3 and 0.
whatshisface confirmed that the ATB bar is just a super meter of sorts
episodic doesn't work for JRPGs and the only thing this reminds me of is xenosaga, which while solid titles overall, was mostly hampered by its ambition, as will likely be the case here. Even more so when you consider that the xeno games were made witch actual love, while this shit is likely just a cash grab to make as much fucking money as possible on the FF7 brand
A remake is, like the word indicates, a new version of a game made from the ground up. It can change everything, as long as it's still the same base plot, characters, setting and story.
And it's literally called that (at least for now), sorry.
SE may develop shitty games sometimes, but they put real effort into their games. Even when XIII received rough reviews, they kept going and tried to make it better in XIII-2, and then revamped the entire gameplay for LR. Even when XIV was a failure, they made ARR and brought it from shit to a quite successful MMO. They mostly fail because of their ambition, and maybe a lack of a realistic vision.
XV was kind of rushed, and they are still releasing new content and free updates to the game. While that's shitty for the early adopters, if it was a cashgrab they'd move on as soon as they could, which they didn't. I don't doubt that a lot of effort will go into FF7R, whether it ends up a great game or not is another thing, but saying it's just a cashgrab is just ignorant. A purely graphical overhaul would be a cashgrab.
FFXV's development hell can be explained by the esoteric, bespoke engine, but if l square can't get this game out while developing it on UE4 they are truly pathetic and beyond redemption.
>Nomura didn't even know he was the lead director the day it premiered at E3
It's fucked.
ironically a purely graphical overhaul is all anyone wanted, and if they kept the tried and true gameplay, it would sell assloads of copies. It's square enix inability to see the forest for the trees, that sinks them.
FF7 is an old game, and I'm sure they want to reach new gamers with it that didn't play the original, but the original is fucking timeless and even people who didn't play it when it came out, or were particularly fond of jrpgs to begin with, found it nostalgic upon playing it, which almost puts it in the same class as chrono trigger.
They are going to fucking ruin it with modern game trappings and I will honestly be shocked if they didn't. You say its ignorant yet its pretty par for the course these days with SE, simply changing up your systems now and again does not qualify as ambition. Xenogears was fucking ambition, Xenosaga was ambition, what square does is release new FF games with slightly different mechanics and less freedom than the last iteration, that isn't ambition, though I'll admit they usually have solid production values and presentation in their games regardless of the gameplay quality.
Also, the reason they tried so hard to salvage FFXIV was because FFXI is their most profitable game ever, and it didn't even have a lot of players in its absolute heyday. XIV appeals more to the WoW style MMO player but is largely, LARGELY inferior in every way to XI even to this day. Now FFXI? That is ambition and quality.
They are just putting a lot effort into it. I have no doubt it's going to be as big as the original release.
>ironically a purely graphical overhaul is all anyone wanted
That isn't true at all. That's just what past fans of the game wanted, the thing is modern consumers don't like turn based combat. It's been proven by sales and reviews that real time JRPGs end up being liked a lot more, and that's better for everyone. A purely graphical overhaul wouldn't even work on a big console, which is where the real sales are, as the original game is cartooney as fuck, with a lot of stuff that wouldn't work with realistic sprites, which they'd pretty much have to use.
Whether they'll ruin the gameplay or not is yet to be seen, and it's purely subjetive. FFVII never really had such an interesting combat system, FF as a whole doesn't. Your comments about ambition are seriously making me doubt you've even played most of the recent games. Besides, my point about ambition isn't purely about gameplay, it's about investment into a world on all the spectrum that it encompasses. The games you mentioned pretty much only have this in their story, never in making a breathing world, with cutting edge technology. There's more to ambition than the plot and story, even if those are important.
You are kind of stepping your own toes with complaining about the lack in ambition yet wanting a graphical overhaul only.
>FFXV's development hell can be explained by the esoteric, bespoke engine
It's Nomura, it'll become vaporware after which some intern will replace him to clean up the mess like FFXV
I believe the gameplay would have to be the same too. New gameplay elements and tweaks to the existing one is fine. New sub stories, characters? Sure, why not. For this "remake" however is now a completely different game, making it not "the remake". When fans asked for a remake, I don't think this is what they wanted.
The word "remake" to me is a buzzword people throw around for almost anything. Take Dead Rising, because it's now on current gen some people actually refer to it as a remake. It's not even a remaster, it's a straight up port, and a good one running at a higher resolution and framerate.
Moved to PS5, too ambitious for PS4
Sony are famous for announcing games for a console & then delaying it to their next console without saying anything, they know a ton of people are purchasing a PS4 with FF7R in mind, they don't want that to change
Her tits will be Advent Children size, not super large but not small either. Large for a boxer.
The reason it's taking so long is because the directors been split between 3 projects for the past 4 or 5 years. I think you can tell his priorities by release, first there was Final Fantasy XV, next KH3, and for the PS5 when it launches Final Fantasy VII. The hypes died because nobody really cares about it. There are a few people on Sup Forums who do and a select few eTubers, but Square knows people don't really want it that bad so there putting it on the back burner for now.
this is the issue you get when announcing games way too fucking early before release, and for this specific game, square have just royally fucked themselves by cutting it up
but to directly answer your question, i think people either just forgot since we haven't seen anything for a while, or just don't care anymore
>split into multiple games
I really hadn't thought much about how much of the gameplay had to remain the same to be a "remake", and I realized that I can't name a single one that changes it without changing the story so much it becomes a retelling.
Remasters are really misnamed by most, but I think most people can agree than upscaled ports and HD versions don't really count as remakes. The thing is, when people say retelling, to me at least it sounds like a reboot of a franchise, changing the story and plot for a newer version, maybe retcon stuff. FF7R may fall into that territory, but from what we've seen it's very faithful storywise, at least for the first hour of gameplay.
I'd call it a remake for the lack of a better word. There's not really an official word to label games that would fit, and it's officially called FF7R at least for now.
On another note, fans don't know what they really want a lot of the times. Consumers are really hard to predict, and can't really be trusted to what they say they want.
We have this same thread with the same complaints based on little information and a lot of overreactions almost every day
>trusting virgin Nomura and Kitase
>chad developers
Are you new or something? It's Square: they announce a game when they first get a concept, not when a game is nearly done or even started development. Don't expect anything for a few more years.
I'm looking forward to it though I'm not sure if it'll be as good as Final Fantasy XV.
>nobody actually cares
Really in touch there, user
>so what the fuck happened to this?
whatever is going on with RE2make.
>So what the fuck happened to this?
They're in silent mode. One of the recent interviews with Nomura had some guy asking him about the game and he flat out said that he was not allowed to say anything because the information is tightly controlled.