How does Sup Forums feel about developers marketing their games here?

How does Sup Forums feel about developers marketing their games here?

You cannot handle my video games.

nice thumbnail faggot.

Thanks Hiroshimoot

What the fuck happened in 9 years?

My thumbnails are too strong for you, traveler.

reddit meme

it shows we're not completely irrelevant yet

9 years of spaghetti code for a yandere game that's shit

>1k user board like v
>vpol is so completly paranoid that they do think that every bait attempt by 13 years old is a shill

Just go outside and/or see a doctor.

How would you know this?

This is what the lack of soylent does.


Your facial skeleton is still forming upwards to like 26. My head and face was much smaller at 16, then it filled out more at 22 and got a little bigger at 26. I thought it was fat or something, but I was less weight than I was at 19.


neo/v/ is real

The fuck happened to him

>i am trying to make money by advertising it here
>lets relabel the ads as "bait" so we can get a free pass
Its like saying fucking your woman is not cucking is just ''sharing love''.

How is this game still not finished? Didn't he get help from professional coders?

This isn't neo/v/ anymore. This is nu/v/.

So is that second picture a shoop or what? I haven't seen Eva's face since he used to stream and Sup Forums was full of streamers. Surely he didn't get that fat and old.

It looks like he became fatter, but his big nose doesn't make his face really creepy now, like it does in 2008. He just looks creepy altogether now. I don't know anything about his personal life at all, but I wouldn't be surprised if he never had sex while in high school or college... or still never had it without paying for it, such as myself.

>this game is never coming out

Yep, i wonder bad can it get.

>take a picture with a different lens at a different distance in different lighting
>anonymous people on a board about video games rev up them criticisms

Holy fuck.

sup eva


literally who

he gained more weight in his face because he's now older. why is this so hard to understand? everyone gains more weight as they age, this is natural.

unpopular opinion: he looks better on the right. he's no longer some skinnyfaggot with a weird chin.

What are we going for after nu/v/?
Nova/v/ sounds too cool.

For indie devs? Fine when kept to AGDG threads, otherwise the board would be flooded with "guys pls play/kickstart my blatantly amateur pixelshit/fauxpoly game that's already been made a million times and I'll never finish anyway." Not saying that all AGDG games are like that, but if indie advertising was allowed, that's what it would be.

For more mainstream devs, it sucks, but they're gonna do it anyway. It would be nice, though, if they could 1) at least not treat us like retards by pretending we don't know what a blatant shill looks like, 2) not creating controversy, especially political, to drum up "hype" and 3) not flooding the board with posts about a game that would normally maybe get two or three threads a day (again, blatantlt obvious shilling)

The worst effect of the "lol I'm not a shill" practice is that it creates a boy-who-cried-wolf scenario so when someone legitimately wants to talk about or defend a game, they are falsely dismissed as a planted advertiser.

I don't think they exist. No company is retarded enough to pay someone to promote their shit on a niche website with a questionable reputation and a culture of being openly hostile to promotion attempts.

And no, someone liking a game you don't like is not shilling

This is this moot guy you guys keep mentioning, right?

The boy is now a man.

>mfw that Skyrim post is slowly starting to happen here

If the time around Far Cry 5's announcement, as well as the lead-up to Wolf2 and AC:O's release didn't convince you, I don't know what well.

>someone took the time to make this
holy wew

When did Sup Forums stop being neo-Sup Forums and become nu-Sup Forums.

eva is based morons

>devlet resorts to marketing his game on this shithole

There's a couple thousand posters here at most, who are an infamously hard to please crowd. Who the fuck would spend money on ninja marketing on Sup Forums instead of using the same resources on just dumping some direct advertisements on Reddit to much better reception?

I'm sorry, it's just tinfoil tier. One exception I'll allow is indie shit

To be fair, Skyrim came out over 6 years ago. It's now possible to have been 11 when it came out, and now be allowed to post here.

I don't think theres a lower level than nu-Sup Forums at least nothing that my tiny mind can fathom, the name often reflects the current bath of tard influx.

We had neo- because neogaf, we had nu- because numales, based on how bad the browser/mobile cancer is growing i can predict mo-Sup Forums

though perhaps a new form of cancer is developing under our eyes and it will be so beyond worse our predictions that we shall miss even these days when nu-fags and neofags were the only cancer we had to deal with.

>someone actually made oc
what a shocker right?

Aged almost a decade. Is it a surprise that people start looking older as they age?

whomst's mans this is

>it's supposed to be bad because it's their echo chamber instead of our echo chamber
Haha, that's a nice image, mind if I save it?

>A developer from Sup Forums

>People aren’t sucking his dick enough so he leaves


Fuck you Yandere dev

The bit about moot transitioning is kind of amusing. If only because I can imagine him having some sort of life crisis like that.

The Obama Communist dictator thing comes across as pretty retarded in hindsight, though. I never understood the people who hated him so much.

Especially when they act fearful that Obama was corrupt, and then they celebrate having Trump like he hasn't been a minefield of conflicted interests and questionably legal bullshit.

Sup Forums was never an echo chamber, Sup Forums overall is not an echo chamber, the fact that you can talk and your post even if you disagree with whatever is popular locally will get even more attention than posts that agree really shows how different it is from sites where you either sound progressive or your post gets deleted or gets hidden under a pille of downvotes.

You overestimate the time it takes to copy+paste an image and a pre-written message and solve a captcha a few times a day. I'm not saying Sup Forums is legion or worth more than reddit, but there are two things to mention there. Sup Forums does have an influence, and who are you going to market harder to? People that are already going to buy your shit, or people that need convincing? Both of course, but with different tactics.

I'll agree that it's probably not as prevalent as others make it out to be, but I also don't understand how you can say it's tinfoil, especially around announcements and releases like I mentioned. It's very blatant.

Yanderedev isn't a developer. In so many years, he hasn't even really left the concept phase for his game. It's just an empty sandbox with no real AI or substance. I think the majority of people could do that much, starting with zero experience, if they cared to.

I'm honestly surprised someone hasn't taken this concept and, you know, actually put out a game, instead of fucking around for almost a decade and making feature creep: the experience

The way you talk really highlights how outsider you sound as and when you use "they" it cements it.

I bet you get called reddit a lot but you never know why.

Not a problem as long as they're honest about it, like "hi I work on this game and I would like to draw a little attention so fire away anons" but instead we get Jews and their lackeys, lying and deceiving through there teeth.

I'm sure people market here to some degree but at the same time you'll have someone make a thread about a game that just came out and people will go "SHILL REEEEEEEEEEEE" like it's completely impossible someone would want to discuss a game that just came out.

People totally have. It just turns out that in practice it's not very fun. I think it could be possible, but you'd have to make it heavily story-based so that it feels like you're interacting with an anime instead of playing GTA 3 in the confines of a single building.

I think people are still excited for Yandere Sim because it's not a real product. They like the idea of playing the role of a crazy school girl who kills her classmates for a boy. They understand the trope and how it would work, so it's easy for them to imagine a lot of cool scenarios. Actually programming that shit and building structure around it is the hard part and the part that Yandere Sim has not even started doing.

That’s what I’m implying

He’s a fucking hack pretending he’s doing anything and got a hugbox who will defend him

"They", as in "those fags", fag.

It's hilarious how outdated this is.

>Obama turning into a dictator when America is turning into a dictatorship for different reasons entirely
>XBox One being the most succesful console when literally everyone bought a PS4 instead.
>Kotaku still mattering
>Moot still being in charge of Sup Forums

It was a more innocent time. At least they got Sup Forums - interracial relationships right.

I do not like to have games being advertised here under the excuse of devs pretending to be users because thats like a zombie nightmare for me, imagine living around people who might not be person but advertisement platforms.
I have adblock for a reason, and the day ads walk the earth will be the day i finally drop the anti-gun act and buy a ton.

Its a though industry to get attention and if you allow one they will all start coming.

How’s That game coming Yanderedev
Oh wait, you gotta twitch another stream
Oh and you need to complain that you take no breaks

Sup Forums is the biggest echo chamber on the internet. There is no downvotes but you have to follow singular board culture slavishly or get ostracized and shitposted into oblivion.

Reddit has thousands of subreddits with different cultures. Tumblr has SJW blogs, neonazi blogs and blogs that just post porn. Sup Forums is a right-wing circlejerk where anyone left of Evola is a tiny minority and posting a dissenting opinion triggers dozens of feel-hurt social conservatism warriors to spam /qa/ begging mods to stop the "/leftypol/ invasion"

Sup Forums is the fucking anti echo chamber, you can come and say whatever you like here

it was a different time, but the whole point was to have this "everything that is bad is now ok" so the microsoft console being priased is spot on.
Also obama was indeed corrupt and did a lot of bombings (in pakistan at the time) that didn't made it to the news at the time so everyone who only listen and believe kept locked away from it.

>There is no downvotes but you have to follow singular board culture slavishly or get ostracized and shitposted into oblivion.

still leagues better than any alternative

>Sup Forums is the biggest echo chamber on the internet.

>people shoudn't be able to vocally disagree.

Yeah its like you prefer that they stay on their respective subreddit regurgitating their version of the truth without ever conflicting ideas to find out who is right or wrong.

god you are such a faggot.

I'm still convinced that when Overwatch was coming out, a lot of threads were initiated by paid marketers. I understand that some people got swept up by the marketing, which is the whole point, but by now even some of the more diehard defenders of the game admit that there isn't really much there.

Most complaints people made about the game at its inception are still present and valid. I know Blizzard's name carries a lot of weight on its own, but I'd like to believe that not everyone was so stupid as to believe Blizzard is the leader of any creative pack since Activision bought them. Their writing is embarrassing, their balancing is all over the place, and they'd developed a reputation for the cash auction house and other bullshit. There was just no reason for skeptics to get drowned out in a sea of excitement.

>mfw Sup Forums is now so full of lefty newfags they dont even remember seeing this at the time and cant just take it as a fucking joke but immediately have to start arguing against it

>Sup Forums is the biggest echo chamber on the internet.

Right, that's exactly the original point I was trying to make. That didn't just come from nowhere. It came from advertisers "stealthily" marketing their games here, and people catching on. And like anything and everything, Sup Forums blows it out of proportion. That's why I said it probably doesn't happen as much as people make it out to, but it certainly happens.

Remember when he was shilling his crappy game about an edgy girl with a scythe?

>I'm still convinced that when Overwatch was coming out, a lot of threads were initiated by paid marketers.

I believe that too, because the beta was out and the only few features that added something interesting to the tf2 formula was the ''play of the game'' because everything else felt dumb to me and the 'kill everything button' should have raised a few eyebrows but there was an strange influx of people praising it.

It felt really suspicious.

There is no game. Evaxephon has no skills in game development. He doesn't know what he's doing and the "progress" is nothing more than essentially fanart commissions. Much like Zoe Quinn or Brianna Wu, he gets money off Patreon for doing nothing.

When it started defending censorship and getting offended by tits.

Holy shit. How do you let yourself go like this?

right around gamergate, when Sup Forumss contrarianism and moot's cuckshame forced the exodus

kek he got that shit right, inclusive writing is a huge thing in france

>Sup Forums is the biggest echo chamber on the internet.

He looks better on the right and honestly if you looked like that why would you give a shit?

First it was Sup Forums a bastardization of Sup Forums when they started hopping on political campaigns right after the anitta debacle, although they were getting political they were Sup Forumsirgins after all and had almost the same taste, just a growing resistance to politics being inserted into games by sarkesian, then neo-Sup Forums started when a bunch of litteral underaged faggots started posting, everything new was better to them even when it was not, and they were shamed and bashed daily, but now nu-Sup Forums happened because neo-Sup Forums grown up to be numales who just accepts opnion based articles as fact and mistakes agreeying with it as 'being informed'.

People complain about it being a problem waaay more than it really is. I have only once seen what has to be actual professional corporate shilling of a AAA game. Anytime someone wants to state how they respect a game or dev or how they actually enjoy something, they are called a a shill. That is the nature of the beast.
That said for indie devs I have no problems with them asking the community for opinions or advice, they usually receive some form of harsh criticism anyway. As states there are times and place for that though, so its difficult to just outright up and ask without being properly ostracized.
I like how this bait thread has been taken seriously.


>but muh Sup Forums

t. fatass covered in cheetos dust

>dozens of feel-hurt social conservatism warriors to spam /qa/ begging mods to stop the "/leftypol/ invasion"

I almost believed this post.

i wanna slurp his tiny cock desu

You mean RWBY?

Prime example of retarded bait

>I like how this bait thread has been taken seriously.
Things have meaning when we give them meaning, its like money if you think about it, its nothing but dirty paper with specific scribings to differenciate it and being unable to get copied, but it holds no actual physical value, just psychological.

If you get lost in the desert while holding a bag of money, you cannot pay the sun to go away, you cannot pay the rain to show up and even if you find people they must also have to believe the paper you hold have the value you claim or else you are just fucked.

Paper money was created back in the days when carrying gold was dangerous because there were too many thieves around, so you would take your gold to the bank, and get enough coupons for the amount of gold you deposited, then you would just trade it with other users of the same bank, too bad bankers started printing more coupons than there were actual gold in the bank and thats how the original bankers got executed.

It kinda feels like they still do this nowdays.

Sup Forums is far from an echo chamber, or Sup Forums is at least. I can actually say shit like New Vegas is a trash game, and people will agree with me. Even though it does seem like a majority of Sup Forums is fucking retarded and somehow likes that game.

I still remember that the guy saying he is from 2014 was meant to be something everyone could relate to, since this image was made in 2013 or so.

But now we've got people who joined in 2015, shitpost on Sup Forums and then return to reddit.

bruh... look at this dude

>But now we've got people who joined in 2015, shitpost on Sup Forums and then return to reddit.
What if someone shitposts on reddit and returns to Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is an echo chamber, but Sup Forums isn't.

oh shit i love these

He looks way better on the right.

>but Sup Forums isn't

>11 when it came out, and now be allowed to post here.
Fucking kill me. I don't want to live in a world with fags who grew up on Bethesda trash.

Sup Forums is not an echo chamber you fucking retard.
You can go there and talk whatever you want, your post will not be deleted.

Just because people CAN disagree with you doesn't make it an echochamber, jesus christ, this is like a new breed of retards who keeps using words without respecting nor understanding its meaning, i bet you like saying ''litterally'' a lot.

>/pel/ is an echochomper

You tried.