What level/gear should I have to beat Ludwig Holy Fuck without to much problem?
What level/gear should I have to beat Ludwig Holy Fuck without to much problem?
Level 30. If you can't try to summon Valtr since he distracts Ludwig and can hold his own.
>Level 30
Fuck off.
Level 4 if you're not a dorkmo fagmotron
>Not doing the dlc soon as you can
in normal? about 1300 health and 400 damage.
NG+ probably close to 50vit 1800+ health (with runes) and 600ish damage.
He's literally impossible to kill on lvl 30 tho. Almost every of his attacks will kill you straight away.
Im not gonna lie i was level 104 with a 10+ trick axe, pistol and Gascoines garb. Because idgaf
I'd say about 70 or so.
how do you gain so much hp?
I'm lv120 with only 1400hp 45 vig
>What level/gear should I have to beat Ludwig
You should have heart.
>not “soul”
Just summon the Butcher and Valtr
>literally rape horse from Berserk
>Almost every of his attacks will kill you straight away.
yeah well... don't get hit then?
>He's literally impossible to kill on lvl 30 tho.
Strange, considering the people that have done BL4 100% runs of the game.
The key, as always, is to not get hit, and to hit it until it dies.
Yeah so easy dude, just dodge every his attack dude
you could also try to get fuk'd kid
I think I was around 70-80 when I beat the entire DLC. Honestly, there's no magic trick. Just use a weapon that does good damage and dodge his attacks.
>Strange, considering the people that have done BL4 100% runs of the game.
You're not one of them, lol
>Everyone says his second form is way easier than his first one
>I can beat his first form without taking damage
>Die in twenty seconds against his second form
at least level 60 with a +10 weapon
I do the DLC after Micolash, but before Mergo's Wet Nurse
bloodborne was the first game i played in 12 years. nice try though kiddo.
>+10 weapon
That's my problem. I'm using +6 pizza cutter
I have serious question.
By the scale 1-10 how will you rate that “successfull parry” sound in BB?
pizza cutter is like super easy mode man
I guess at least upgrade to +8 or +9
Your mom was the first I played after 12 years of celibacy lol
1/10 .
Hate parrying
8/10. Reminds me of sneakers squeaking on a gym floor.
I like it more than the DS parry sound, which is a 7 for me. So probably bb's is a 9
It's my favorite one
Slam dunk followed by a toilet flush
6/10 sound. The first part is p'okay then it has that sharp bit that is unpleasant. Should make it softer; maybe more fluid sounding.
I beat ludwig in 6 tries man its not that hard now Kos on the other hand, fuck that shit
Laurence is the real villain of the dlc, he took me the most tries out of all