What are some games with some really satisfying shotguns to use

What are some games with some really satisfying shotguns to use

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Killing Floor.

>pumping a mag onto a flesh pound

Torchlight 2 , metro 2033, godmode, left 4 dead 1

what was the name of that game that had a double barrel spas 12 again?

>mfw KF2 made all the shotguns sound like dookie
What the fuck happened to the way they recorded it? I want my boomsticks to actually go boom, not go pbbt

Despite the lack of weapons variety, EYE's shotguns are kind of fun.

>EYE's shotguns are kind of fun.

Except for the fact that you're playing fucking EYE.

New vegas, specifically against ghouls and/or civilians

Does IRL count?

Doom 2

bad company 2

Thought it was Ian for a second.

Soldier of Fortune 1,2, R6 Siege, Blood 1, Doom, Painkiller

Half life.

this, with slugs you can snipe people

That’s a sniper rifle tho (slugs)

Not a shotgun faggort

>trivializes Deatchclaws and super mutants

What where they thinking? Anyways Dinner Bell is the superior choice.


Wouldn't blame you.

Damn, Ian looks like THAT

Alien Vs. Predator 2

All the guns in that game sound so.... beefy, so wonderful.

Sorry, grab what look good, not what was relevant. Actually buts are always relevant.

Red Orchestra 2 has the PPSh, heck of a shotgun
Rising Storm has a great shotty that is still good at 75m

By the time you come into the Hunting Shotgun you'd already be around level 25 and gotten your primary combat stat maxed out.

Stop posting pictures of my wife.

Resident Evil 4, you run away from the first chainsaw guy in the village then you run up some stairs and find the shotgun, go from precise aiming to just knocking down the whole crowd.

Rainbow Six Siege purely for wall redecoration purposes

EYE isn't that bad. It's got flaws, but I have fun with it.

Fallout 3 with the combat shotgun, Bloody Mess perk and some enhanced blood textures.

It really was satisfying, can't deny that.

Go ahead, Todd Howard me.

Not as OP as Doom 2 SSG but it does up to 120damage and is fun to use online.

That's still a shotgun.

>t. Todd

/k/ had to do mental gymnastics to figure how it would work practically, so there's that.

The double barreled shotgun in Quake 2

>he doesn't run straight for the Hunting Shotgun at the beginning of the game

Doom 2's Super Shotgun


powerhouse ig
piece of shit irl

But wait there's more.

God bless Tom Knapp

>ctrl f
>no eft

That thing with shotgun surgeon is a boner inducing combination

Seconding this.

Despite the illogical design, it’s the best small gun in the game.


>tfw own a Remington 870
>got mine for only $200 bucks
>Fallout NV it costs over 2000 caps for a new one

I know the hunting shotgun in game is awesome, but I doubt that's the pinnacle of technology right there.

>actually bought a rustington 870

What would you recommend? No tacti cool garbage.

Jagged Alliance 2

fucking Gun Runners and their monopoly I tell you what

Well, for what? Standard ol pump shotgun the Mossberg 500 is king but you can't go wrong with a 590, Ithaca 37, maverick88 or pardner pump, benellis... basically, anything that isn't a Remington. They went to shit around 2007 or so when they were bought out by Chinese interests and quality control tanked in favor of profit margins.

Yeah but you're paying for it in the post apocalypse where there's a high demand for guns, no shit it's expensive.

>not going into the GRA building and pillaging their shit

a Winchester 1897

the last of us

Fuck you Alice, I've seen your e-mails

Fucking FEAR
>tfw no webm on hand the show off that marvelous SPAS12

savage arms

I prefer the 870 desu. That shit is dope.

They admitted it was bad and it's fixed later on.
Still not satisfying though.

What games have pic related?

>unironically recommending a Maverick 88 over a Remington 870

Nigger this is how everyone knows you don't know shit about guns.

Titanfall 2


nibba you literally find one for free if you play the Honest Hearts addon

Right back at you, sunshine. Mav88s are demonstrably superior to the 870 despite being the budget option.

BF1's shotguns are really good.

7.62 High Caliber with some mods.

Metro's shotguns are pretty fun

fuck mastiff niggas

theyre probably the same guys who play northstar

Killing Floor 1. Shotguns are OP as fuck, soloing rounds almost all the time.

Yeah okay mah dood.

You had it right with Benelli, you should have led with that.

But Mossberg 500 is king? In what world? Look it up on YouTube, you can drop one of those things on its side from a distance of one foot and it knocks one of the pins loose, making it incapable of racking the slide. Good luck with that in a high stress situation.

Mossberg is low-tier. Maverick 88 goes for $200,you can get an 18" 870 tactical with magazine tube extension for 6+1 for $300, with a MILLION more customization options to boot. 870 is literally the best bang for your buck and, if you're not a mallninja, you don't have to worry about it rusting with proper maintenance.

Metro 2033 in some ways.

Hotline Miami

Is this one better?

Eat your heart out, Annie Oakley.

>anything made by remington after 1999

please go to /k/ and educate yourself, retard

Nope. Scorch or Legion for me.

So this thing automatically does the MD for you.

c-call of duty ghosts...

What game

It may not look like a shotgun, but it feels like one and is insanely satisfying.


Why, because you know exactly jack shit and you're hoping someone there can argue it better than you?

You're parroting things you read on the internet about quality control, instead of actually going to the range and putting a couple hundred shells through it. I have beaten the everloving shit out of my 870 and it keeps on going.

If you unironically think that the 500 is the king of shotguns and that Mossberg is superior to Remington you should stick to airsoft rifles, you don't have to be 18 and they don't cost as many neetbucks.

looks like 80's furniture

twitch clip related


You are so laughably misinformed that I actually pity you. Seriously my dude do some more research before shitposting and trying to rationalize your poor purchasing decisions next time.

>I bought an 870 therefore its the best ever
I have an 870. Like yourself, it was one of the first guns I ever bought. They're shit, objective shit, and I much prefer the several 500 variants I own.

STALKER series.

No they're pretty shit in those games. Wear out too quickly and rifles outdo them in every range.

>Hi, welcome to ForgottenWeapons.com
>My name is Ian
>Today we're at the Rock Island Auction company taking a look at some of the guns for the December 2017 premiere auction
>And here is my ass

with grip, of course

Battlefield 1

dont fucking remind me of that shitshow user

PUBG. Shotguns feel really good and have some very good range which most video games ignore, I hate how most video games make shotguns shitty weapons by pretending that if you don't shoot someone point blank then you somehow miss, when we know it isn't like that irl. So I like PUBG for keeping it real with the shotguns.


>sandy ravage babby

Also grip doesn't do shit on it. Just go ext. mags on it.

Imagine a cannon but it has a second fire mod that is a shotgun and you can add multi shot

I bought an 870 express new about 8 years ago before I got really into guns and learned of the quality decline of Remington after being bought out by Freedom Group. That said I have had no issues with rust and function, though I do keep up with my gun maintenance after use.

Unironically Pubg's s686 with full mods