My girlfriend is having problems with Breath of the Wild
What do?
My girlfriend is having problems with Breath of the Wild
What do?
that image is not real.
Rape her.
Kill yourself
you talking to yourself and pretending its a gf for user points....
Your girlfriend is smarter than 95% of Sup Forums. BotW is trash.
what game?
>I don't have hours to waste
>On a time intensive hobby
I'd just stick to linear experiences then, BotW and other open world games with lots of collectables don't really fit her lifestyle if that's the case
Although judging by that second image she might just be really bad at games and blaming the game for it because that's what it sounds like
Tell her to watch a let's play if she wants the easy life.
Why would you want to play a game the quickest way possible (Not including the challenge of speed running)? Isn't the point to savour the experience?
Rape her.
>I dont have hours to waste
Then why are you playing videogames you dumb bitch
desu I hate when games just leave you there with no hints about what to do, I always end up spending like 3-4 hours talking to everyone and trying absolutely everything until I give up and stop playing the game or check a guide.
OP is a faggot and this thread is shit
It sounds like she just doesn't like video games
seriously. Whenever I hear someone say
>I don't have hours to waste
I guarantee you do.
well she's right about it being disappointing, but she also sounds like a real cunt to be around.
>who wants to play a game just to run around and collect apples and sticks anyway
BotW got blown the fuck out, lmao
your gf is so dumb she can't figure out how a game rated for 10 year olds work
Change your phone number
Op here,
She just got the switch and I bought splatoon 2 for her since she liked the first one so much. I even had BOTW on Wii u and tried to let her play but she didn't want to because she wanted the full experience for herself.
>My Girlfriend
Break up with her. If she's this dumb it's not worth marrying her or risking her becoming the mother of your children.
How do I get a gamer gf?
Well, she seems to feel like it is a chore, so she should stop playing it.
i seriously hope she's just a thot you're bangnig and not seriously dating op
Her fault for buying the Dark Souls of Zelda
>I'm a fucking retard and can't do something because of it but I'm just going to say it's because I'm a """"""""""""""""""""casual""""""""""""""""""""""
>Waaah I don't have hours to waste
Stop fucking partaking in bread and circus "hobbies" then you stupid cunt. What kind of an adult plays video games to begin with?
Your girlfriend is a fucking idiot. I refuse to believe that this is real.
Never forget that 3D is PD
Sucks to be you OP. My qt 8/10 gf finished BotW before I did. And that was on top of dealing with my cock in her mouth and in her ass between game sessions.
> apples and sticks
See how she likes animal crossing and then call her a hypocrite
imagine being so unimaginative you need to be told how to have fun
get a new gf, that's what you do
this is why dudes are better
Remember when games were designed in a way where if you just kept running around you'd still end up where you needed to go without having to spend hours of time, making exploration quickly rewarding and integral to the game's flow instead of a big timewaster and a filler?
Open world is the death of game design.
Even my dad isn't that bad. He even managed to kill a Lynel.
Hahahah what the fuck how is she so bad at a baby game? It puts markers on your map or otherwise tells you where to go lol
Get aids and die
>the game should play itself!
she can't focus on botw because jamal is banging her
Hello, newfriend
>is either a dumb soyboy or a mad gamur grill
shiggydiggy, you never proved me wrong tho
Welp, as first zelda is not the best thing in the world to start with. Just tell her to do the main quest, go to point A to B; also that she can tp to shrines, and see what happens.
Intrested into the blog for once, so keep us informed.
Anyway, if she likes games in super shortburst buy mario to her.
>faggot calls someone else a soyboy
Women fucking suck user.
I'm just as disappointed Sup Forumsros
I new she wasn't the most extreme "gamer girl" meme gf but I got frustrated today by this. She ranks S+ in splatoon
she sounds like a dumbass. don't breed with her.
This, we must never stop fighting for men's rights
I am the "Jamal", user...
Also, who cares if someone isn't enjoying something, just let them stop playing instead of forcing them to enjoy something.
>15 minutes of back tracking or getting stuck in maze corridors with the same texture on every wall
>All for extra health or an ammo trap
>Integral to game flow
I loved Doom but i see no difference. You can even "beat" the game whenever you want. Exploring just makes the game easier and more fulfilling with weapons and tools obtained by side quests.
That's ironic coming from open world babby. Playing the game for you is exactly what quest markers already do for you in every open world game, but not in games that are designed well enough to be actually fun without them.
Actually playing open world games by finding stuff is trivially boring to a point even the dev of every one of them admits it and just points you in the right direction every step of the way instead of making more game out of the adventure itself.
>as an adult
Is there anything more pretentious than starting a phrase with these words?
she texts like a annoying kid
>Getting lost in the only part of the game that is somewhat linear
Ok, what's your point? That doesn't change what I said.
What a fucking dumb cunt.
>Can deal with a fast paced shooter
>Can't deal with figuring out where to go
She might honestly just have a problem intuiting directions. Nothing to do with gaming casual or hardcore, just actually has difficulty with open ended situations.
>thinks being a faggot is requirement for being a soyboy
Don't worry user, nobody knows your secret
>sits down to waste time
when did Sup Forums become /incel/?
unfortunately it involves leaving the house
my gf did the same shit and she hates botw now
shes a huge sony slut, until dawn, persona 5 are her current favorites, buys everything on vita and ps4, defends sonys practices savagely even supported the ps+ increase
i fucked up in life. cant do better
Well, no, but mentally ill faggots are soyboys, inherently.
>who wants to play a game just to run around and collect apples and sticks anyway
Sounds to me like your GF has better taste in games than you, m80.
why do men fall for the pussy and dating scam when they could just fap
What you don't realize is that you don't actually take 15 minutes for something like that. Playing a single level of doom for that long would mean it's one of the longest levels in the game. It takes typically 5-10 minutes to beat a whole level.
The amount of content is condensed so tightly that it doesn't become a timewaster and stays fun and engaging all the way through. Nothing feels better than to stop playing because it feels like you've already played so much only to realize that no more than an hour or two has passed at most. Pacing and brevity are integral to design of game's flow and the way you don't even seem to consider this just speaks volumes of the issue at large.
I never forcer her to play. I even told her this game might not be fore you then and she said I want to keep trying and maybe things will get better.
Who the fuck talks to their girlfriend over Kik?
>As a content creator....
This. Idiots who think that anything that requires high time investments by design are the cancer of modern gaming.
just break up with her already
I know woman who are good at games, my ex roomie beat my copy of botw before I did.
That being said I will think of this picture everytime I see console warring cunts hating botw on principle. This is how I would expect them to sound if you forced them to play.
because if you don't have a gf there's something wrong with you in the eyes of society
also you can't beat the feeling of a real girl pressed against you while you're deep inside and she moans in your ear and all that good stuff. goddammit I need to get laid again it's been two years
whoa, massive casual
sick sentence structure bro, totally made sense!
>as an adult
I bet she's 20
you can do better, user.
you can dump her.
little did she know it only gets worse after great plateau
she sounds like such a cunt holy shit
post her feet
if you couldn't understand that you are a mong
Are you aware of which board youre on?
Shit, I broke up with my ex-gf that way.
It was pretty awkward because we lived in the same dorm
>plays an open world rpg
>''as an adult, i dont have hours to waste on walking around trying to figure out what to do''
Fuck you dude, just rape the stupid cunt. She's no adult, she's a stuck up dumb retard with a teenager mentality.
>she sounds like a cunt
Not really you just hate women.
She is giving the game a chance and even forcing herself to play in case it gets better.
>I don't have hours to waste on walking around trying to figure out what to do.
I don't get this meme. The game clearly holds your hands when it comes to objectives as it tells you exactly where they are or what to do highlighted on the map.
You could probably tie a Jhonen Vasquez comic to a fishing line and pull up a whale in a few hours.
stop lying to her, the game doesn't get harder lmao
can she be my gf instead
>What you don't realize is that you don't actually take 15 minutes for something like that. Playing a single level of doom for that long would mean it's one of the longest levels in the game. It takes typically 5-10 minutes to beat a whole level.
5 minutes backtracking is still a "waste of time" for exploration sake.
>The amount of content is condensed so tightly that it doesn't become a timewaster and stays fun and engaging all the way through. Nothing feels better than to stop playing because it feels like you've already played so much only to realize that no more than an hour or two has passed at most. Pacing and brevity are integral to design of game's flow and the way you don't even seem to consider this just speaks volumes of the issue at large
How is it any different? Sounds to me that it's a time waster if it gameplay you don't enjoy. The pacing of Doom is slowed when I need to walk through the hallways again with no enemies. Just because it took several hours means it was a waste? Do you only play fucking demos?