I just bought pic related. What games with AAA graphics should I play ?

I just bought pic related. What games with AAA graphics should I play ?

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return it and get a 1080

The 1070Ti is an underclocked 1080.

You fucked up OP.

Those tunnel cooler cards are the worst cooled ones. Return it and get an open fan/heatsink model. They run least 10% hotter than other ones.

Return that jet engine and get a proper model.

You can play GPU TWEAK II in real-time.

Whatever interests you?

Why the fuck would you buy a 1070ti instead of a 1080, you pleb.

Because it's like 200 bucks more and there is no point in wasting that money unless you wanna go higher than full hd resolution

>Gaming at 1080p resolution
Absolutely disgusting

>buying last gen GPUs when Nvidia just released their first Volta card and are currently working on more


There is ALWAYS something new in the works so according to retards like you should never buy a new gpu

And the 1080 can be overclocked, whats your point

Indeed, but you tardo can buy the same gear for much less money when new gen is out. You just couldn't wait a few more months, cant you?


Thank for the instructing videos Nvidia salesman.

but why wouldn't you wait for the gen after that to get the same gear at a cheaper price? you can't wait a few more months?

Seems like a mental midget like you need more explanation. Okay.
Consider only the price value ratio now.
Say new shit is out. It costs 10 dollars. We know that, about 2 and a half years and next gen shit is out, and pre-gen gets a big discount.
Now say you bought the product at release. You can enjoy it for 2 and a half years knowing the price isnt going to change.
I hope you can figure out the rest alone

No, Nvidia usually develops a new more powerful GPU microarchitecture every 2-1.5 years or so. And Nvidia only supports 2 generations of GPUs generations at one time, before they stop optimizing newer games for their old architecture.

For example when Nvidia first released their pascal cards almost 2 years ago, they stopped optimising games for their kepler GPUs.


Sup Forums
what would you recommend. remind you i have a first gen i7 2.8 Ghz and a 560 ti. with a stock (i assume) mobo. was a prebuilt "acer predator" pic related.

can i put shit on this or do i buy all new stuff.
i just wanna be able to play games like pubg.

You bought the cheapo model.

So if i need a new card right now, I guess i'm fucked.

xbox one x