>"hurr it's the power of a high end PC but for a cheaper price"
>can't even run PUBG
"hurr it's the power of a high end PC but for a cheaper price"
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That is pretty bad
>yfw you didn't fall for the Xbox One X meme
can't wait for the Xbone defense force saying it's the game's fault
pubg runs like shit on anything tho
So this is the power......of the SDF.....Woah
I know the xbox one (don't know about the x) has fucking weird hardware and the games already so buggy theres no way they're going to even try to optimize it.
>Implying the version 0.524 ran well on PC
its absolutely the games fault though, its optimized like shit
This. Like, a 1080ti will run it well most of the time, but it's pathetic that at some times it will still shit the bed for a bit.
That being said, at least on PC, the latest test servers have been quite an improvement to FPS for the most part, but like I said, there are still "shit the bed" moments, when the game just does not want to run well.
They should just disable SSAO on the console versions, it would help so much. I disable it on PC and get way better framerates as a result. It's like they use some SSAO from ten years ago when it was still resource heavy. It drops like 15 fucking FPS in PUBG but most games only see a few frames hit from it.
Yeah, it's definitely the game. It has issues even on a higher end PC.
This is the fault of PUBG, not of the XB1XXX_720noscope_xxx.
Have you played PUBG on PC? It looks like utter shit for the amount of hardware you need to run it.
Been playing for months, never had it drop into the low teens like that.
Granted, I don't have a literal garbage bin tier CPU.
Shoulda concentrated on a silky smooth, cinematic 30fps like Naughty Gods do, xfags
So what's the big deal about this game? Why is everyone playing it? What makes it so good?
>build PC for a thousands dollars
>rapes every console and never have to pay for any game
feels good to not have been dropped in my head by mommy
battle royale is fun I guess
the ssao doesn't even look good either
It's Dayz without all the tedium.
Why the fuck did microsoft decide to have 4k games on xbonex??? Even PCs cant handle 4k right now, they could have made all games run at 60fps 1080p instead of 22fps 4k.
>mfw they actually fucking said this would run at 60fps on xbonex
It's up to the developer to make sure their game meets the console's requirements, but it's still Microsoft's fault for allowing the game to be released in this state.
Don't even own an Xbone and I know it's the game's fault. It runs like shit on good computers, what made anyone think it was console ready?
>can't wait for the Xbone defense force saying it's the game's fault
It absolutely is. Any PC gamer worth a shit knows this. We've played thousands of terrible fucking ports from Sony/Xbox where they don't bother optimizing it for the PC. This is the flip side of that. PUBG is a PC game that they didn't correctly optimize for consoles (they will, it's just not done yet).
t. PC gamer, only console in house is my 13 year old's Wii U.
pubg runs like ass on pc too
Get a Gtx 1050 ti ultra settings 30fps
Lets be real, the game runs like ass even on PC.
As a 1080ti owner, it runs about 47fps average with med-high settings and 4K.
Doesn't matter to me though, garbage game.
Yea i have that card and get 40fps. But super heavy shit like witcher 3 runs at 60fps ultra on my pc, so pubg should run at 40.
>its optimized like shit
There is nothing to optimize there retards, that's just how UE4 works on a gigantic map with 100 players.
It will never run on toasters, get a 1060 and intel 6 core cpu and stop bitching
>they will, it's just not done yet
No, they won't.
Just like Ark didn't, and Lichdom didn't, and Conan didn't.
At best the drops will only be 20 FPS instead of 15.
>Tfw it only gets to about 20 fps in the Xbone version
>tfw that's still 20 more it gets on my ps4 pro
Xbro here. Can any actual PC players post how the game runs on their rigs at 4k, high settings and their specs please? Genuinely curious.Something tells me this thread is 80% sony nigs and very few PC players.
The XBOX port is being done by some arab settlers from Spain
you've been memed my friend
The Xbox One X version runs at 3840x2160 and at high settings
>high settings
Kek, no, looking at the shadows it's most definitely not high.
>buy only hackable consoles
>pay less and never pay for games
dumb nerd
>xbox x
>real 4k
Well the game's a fucking mess on PC too so it's no surprise.
Compared to "dynamic" 4K on the Pro, absolutely. The X came out with a load of games already enhanced with more games coming. You just can't say the same for what Sony is doing with the Pro.
This goes above and beyond the mess this is on PC.
The Xbone version of this is a fucking abomination.
You'd have to TRY to make a port that shit.
It's not as bad as shit like Ark, but still pretty bad.
>high settings
>xbros forcing themselves to care more about 4k than fps
oh nononononono
>Pubg doesn't get updates on PC for months because they're prioritizing releasing the console version instead
>Despite all that effort and time it still runs on sub 20 FPS average
At least Fortnite gets patches.
I should of said
>real 4k
While true, Xbox Guy shouldn't have walked out onto a stage in front of dozens of people with a straight face telling us 4.K.60.FPS. Plenty of people knew that was bullshit from the get but even if just one person believed that, then Xbox should apologize
But user, this is tots high settings.
No way does it look awful.
woah..how did this game not win goty or at least best art direction?
It's a mystery, but look at those grafix.
Who needs high settings when you can just crank up the resolution?
b-but it's EARLY ACCESS!
Jesus fucking Christ
Fuck the shit off, namefag, and take your shitty reddit newfag meme images with you.
holy shit they really didn't add any aim assist at all?
They did not. They very specifically said that it would run at 30fps on both xbox consoles.
Of course, it isn't running anywhere near 30fps even on a one x, so they're still liars.
Early access is probably the biggest scam in vidya industry right after loot boxes, people pay to beta/alpha test your game and you are under no obligation to release it, if anyone even dares to complain about shit fanboys will yell that it's early access and will get fixed before release.
On top of that sweet micro transaction money to support the developer :^)
>Those textures
Kek, should have opted for 1440p, could have pulled off a more stable 30 FPS and visuals that aren't awful.
This games actually looks pretty damn good on Xbone X in 4K...
... but it runs at like 15fps and takes literally over 10 minutes for textures to pop in, meaning that it looks and runs like ass when you are actually playing.
I would like to demonstrate this android/ios PUBG clone.
As you can see, it has the same player count and all essential features and systems. It runs silky smooth on an old iThing. The graphics feel consistent and are as high quality as its chosen platform reasonably allows. (dat pbr helmet)
This is a free/iap mobile game produced by a generic hong kong game-cloning sweatshop.
There is NO excuse for pubg to be as shittily optimised as it is, either on PC or XB1.
There's literally a fucking namefag in this thread and nobody cares because we're all too busy bashing the Xbawks. That's how bad this console sucks.
sorry m8, I went for 1440/165. I mean, it is a shooter.
How do u turn off ssao in pubg
>Sup Forums has gotten to the point where people actually believe consoles can compete with high end PC's
>It's not as bad as shit like Ark, but still pretty bad.
You ever play that shit first week on xbox?
There were server crashes every 5 minutes, and flying over a base could crash your console.
>mobile version runs better than the worlds most powerful console ever made
This industry is a joke.
The only thing here that is high is you.
>poorly optomized even on PC
Try harder
Obviously being sarcastic stupid.
So I'm to take it most of the members of the master race can't run this game at actual native 4k?
I know, but I wanted (you)s
so thank(you)
Motherfuck, there's a gun I haven't seen in a vidya in a long fucking time
Lowering resolution probably didn't help because the smart phone tier CPU in the Xbox.
PUBG has shit optimization even on PC, it's not surprising the doubleXbox can't even run it. Which is all the funnier how these fucking devs are outsourcing creating skins to shittily-paid amateur modders and using all their money to hire Chinese marketing shills instead of actually working on their Early Access game. I bet they'll be selling a fucking season pass or DLC just like the ARK scam devs soon.
You make it sound like you once considered getting an Xbox One X and could have fell for it. Was PUBG your system seller or something? Did it just take till this thread to make you realize you're glad you didnt get one? I've never even remotely considered getting one ever.
That and the Sony shitters who are upset. Makes you wonder who the true "master race" members are.
Didn't Killing Floor 2 had one?
The ARK dlc was because studio tardcard got sued because the head dev violated a non-compete
Character model on XboneX also lacks the self-shadowing seen in that shot.
XboneX looks like it's running on medium-low settings.
What the fuck is the point? Why not go for medium-high at 1440p or something?
but user, it's early release! You can't expect an early release game to run perfectly, it's still in development!
they can ran it at 60 fps tough
>What the fuck is the point? Why not go for medium-high at 1440p or something?
Because that would further increase the CPU load which is already the reason the game runs at 12fps when parachuting in. Better assets means more draw calls which means more CPU cycles needed to render each frame.
hello Asscreed samefag
i was wondering when you where your shilling went